Jay Cutler


So - do you think he pussed out or what??

Lots of the NFL vets have been harsh on him on Twitter.

Good article here: http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/gay-jay-cutler-knee-injury-chicago-bears-nfc-championship-012311

I especially like what Mark Schlereth said and I have to admit, I feel the same - it is a championship game, if I can stand and walk, I can play. Until you drag me off the field on bloody stumps I am not leaving, and I sure as hell won't be just sitting there on the sidelines pouting like a little baby.

Just SOOO glad he is not in Denver. I am not sold on Tebow as an NFL QB yet, but at least he has a good attitude and is a leader.

Picking the Steelers 36 - 18.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well I think he wussed out but, he is supposed to have an MRI done today, I'll wait till I hear what the MRI says before I call him complete wuss
He couldn't do anything against the Pack, so he folded up shop and left his teammates out to dry.
Puss, If you are going to lead your
team, you need to learn to play hurt,
did you see the knee to big bens thigh,
he was hurting, but great players,
get back in there and do there job!
Have to wait for the MRI results. If you have ever had your knee torn up you know it would not be possible to play. He calims that is the case and that the condition of his knee made it impossible to plant his foot to make a pass. So lets see what the MRI shows before making any judgment.
This game was for all the NFC apples and injured or not the only thing I saw Cutler do was stand there.

He was completely detached from the game.. WTF??? No knee brace, no crutches, no limping.

Even hurt he could have been involved in the play calling but wasn't, he could have cheered on his team mates but didn't. He just stood there and I read he got a little weepy in the locker room when he heard other players were questioning his toughness. Any way you cut it, it's not good. (no pun intended)

Something just didn't seem right about the whole deal..
If that mri is clean he better have a teammate handy to give him a chop block in the doctors office.

I really disliked him before the game, dislike him more now. Good chance he could not have played, but like everything else...he could have handled it better.
Shutdown, wonder if he had a side bet on the outcome.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
is a quitter.... The great of any game will not leave a game unless pulled or they can't stand up. I have never liked Cutler but actually thought he was turning his career around. I hope for his sake he has a very bad injury. Otherwise he will be a back up from now on.
Rivers of San Diego played all year with a torn ACL!!! Cutler is a primadonna!! He won't be in Chicago next year!!!
>It was NOT his knee that
>was hurt....it was his Uterus!!!!!

LMFAO!!! Nice FLEH - perfect.

>So glad that quitter is out
>of Denver!

I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt and wait until the MRI but at least he could have done something to inspire his team.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That is right Roy. Put the team headphones on (not your own), wipe the smirk off your face, quit pouting like a little ##### and help.

Imagine if that was manning or brees or brady...how they would have handled it.
Well - interesting twist. It appears that even if he had wanted to go back in in the 4th quarter, because the Bears brought in Hanie - who was inactive before the game (the "46th man" rule - great explanation of it here http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/NFL-championship-round-officiating-analysis-012311) he couldn't have - neither could Todd Collins as they both were inactive at that point. But - the Bears coaching staff would have known that! And all they would have had to do was wait for 57 more seconds to bring him in and then BOTH Cutler and Collins would have been active. So that means that the coaches were either convinced that Cutler was either done for the day they were tired of his crap. Either way, he should have had the team headset on, helping Hanie and Collins analyze the defense. Oh and get some crutches too! At least make it believable.

A lot of people got all over Colt McCoy in the wake of the 2010 Natl. Championship game against Alabama. They couldn't see the extent of his injury, he appeared fine, they didn't wrap his shoulder or anything like that - it wouldn't have done any good - but he stayed in there with the team, urging them on, talking with the offense in the huddle and on the sidelines throughout the game. Cutler just sat there pouting. No excuses for that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
he wussed out and so did mccoy. as was noted in the posts phillip rivers played with a similar condition. i worked with a torn acl for weeks before i got it scoped. cutler is a whinny , pouty sorry excuse for a professional qb. shows no emotion . tim tebow may not be a super polished passer but the team plays for him. he gets the guys motivated. i see carson palmer wants a trade i think straight up for cutler would be a good trade. cutler and ochosinco could pout together........
Hey beavis14
How did McCoy wuss out? He had no feeling in his hand from his injury? How the He## was he supposed to throw the ball in that situation. Just because you don't like McCoy, don't lump him in the quitters category. Congrats on the most stupid comment in this thread!
>he wussed out and so did

No - McCoy didn't wuss out. He couldn't lift his arm or grip the football. Mack actually made that call. He was ready to go back in and would have - but Brown wouldn't let him because he knew he would hurt the team more than help them. (Believe me - I have inside info on this one!)

The rest of what you said though was right on. Cinci would be a good place for Cutler.

as was noted in
>the posts phillip rivers played
>with a similar condition. i
>worked with a torn acl
>for weeks before i got
>it scoped. cutler is a
>whinny , pouty sorry excuse
>for a professional qb. shows
>no emotion . tim tebow
>may not be a super
>polished passer but the team
>plays for him. he gets
>the guys motivated. i see
>carson palmer wants a trade
>i think straight up for
>cutler would be a good
>trade. cutler and ochosinco could
>pout together........

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well just a sprain, I agree he will rightly be viewed as a quiter! Slapp on a knee brace during half time and do the best you can, would have been better than Collins! Add in the fact that he totally disengaged, sat there pouting, did not try to rally the team, did not try to help Collins or the thrid string QB when they came off the field, by giving them help reading the defense based on what and how he was seeing it during the first half, like so many injured players do when they remain on the sidelines and are not carted off the filed, looks pretty bad!
Cutler is a baby!

When he played in Denver he missed a game because he stubbed a toe playing with his dog.

He is just out for the paycheck, but he certainly is not earning his pay.

McDaniels did the Broncos a favor getting rid of him!

A sprain is a tear...torn ligaments.

Also, according to Yahoo, he was pulled by the medical staff.

John 14:6
Well I bashed douchler all last week so I guess it won't hurt to take one last shot at him. Not for quitting but for being a piss poor quarterback. He sucked on two good legs so what makes anyone think he would of been good on one. The guy has never won a big game ever and fails to make the big plays when his team needs them. He will never be a winner, just a whiner.
"He is just out for the paycheck, but he certainly is not earning his pay."

LMFAO! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! NM, why do you work your job? Prolly not for the money right?!
Cutler is a wiener and completely blew it on Sunday. The trainers and coaches made the decision to keep him on the sideline. He's also a diabetic, so he can't take cortisone shots. Look up the rule the NFL has about 1st stringers re-entering the game in the 4th. To call him as puss is a joke! Did you notice he was the most sacked qb in the league? Did you see the Giants game?...9 sacks until he was concussed. Bottom line is we should be questioning his preparation not his toughness. He's in the NFL, he's tough.

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Forget about Cutler. What about the hit that Rodgers took and smiled about. Rodgers didn't play great but it just felt like he wanted to be there to lead the Packers. Two concussions this year still going head first for first downs. Definitely had the respect of his teammates after the game. Does anybody remember who the quarterback for the pack was before him.
Your right HC he's not a puss. If your hurt, your hurt. On the other hand I don't think it has anything to do with his preparation. Like I have said, he just don't see the game and don't have that knack for making plays when the sh#t hits the fan. He made two plays in that game. One was a dump to Forte and the other he stared the receiver all the way across the field til the corner let him go. This whole thing would be a non issue but his sparkling personality and how he handled the trade me B.S. has brought it on himself. As you can guess I'm loving seeing him get crucified. I just wish it was for him not being very good. None the less it was a good hard nosed game as I predicted and the best team won.
HorseCreek, I do work for a paycheck, but I give an honest days work for my checks, and I certainly earn them. I just don't show up to work and not perform and collect a check, I show my employer that I exceed at my job and EARN my pay.

Unlike others who just show up to work with a stubbed toe playing with their dog, or stand on the sideline looking at the ground. Cutler is NOT EARNING his paycheck, he's just given one. Otherwise he would be fighting tooth and nail to win for his team and fans.

Obviously, Cutler will never be one of the great's, because the great's know how to win...they work as a TEAM. The great's play through injuries to win and EARN their paychecks, they don't cry about losing or cry that people think their not tough enough, they show fans and haters how to win and work as a team, not I'm injured, oh well, DUH! let them figure it out.

Crybaby needs to quit making excuses for himself, and needs to quit feeling sorry for himself, he needs to MAN UP for the job and perform even through injuries.
Sorry you had a bad Sunday Horsecreek, Go Steelers!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-11 AT 06:58AM (MST)[p]agreed bighorn. i read last night this offensive line is to blame for being sacked nearly 60 times. cutler holds the ball too long. mike martz offense is predicated on quick reads and getting rid of the football quickly and decicively with accuracy. none of which cutler does with any degree of skill. look at kurt warner a gamer. he was stocking shelves and a short time later was runing the greatest show on turf, which was a happiless rams squad. cutler felt his arm was stronger than elway's maybe maybe not. but elway was accurate. remember when byron leftwich played for marshall and he had a broken leg, he still drove his team down the field to victory. this is what a pro player is supposed to do. they are doing a job 99 % would trade anything to do and he doesn't live up too the hype at all. and he is a diebetic ect. maybe he should get on ssi disability and stay home and suck his thumb...
Anyone that said they would rather have Orton or Jim Teblow is a idiot and shows they have zero football knowledge. Tebow is a joke and will NEVER be a real NFL QB. Cutler needs time to pass and a solid OL like almost any QB at any level. If he's pressured he will throw it up for grabs but so will alot of other people. All Cutler can do is laugh at all you fools that root for denver because guess what he's won a playoff game somthing denver hasnt done since correct me if Im wrong.... Jake Plumber Pants? What was Denver's record again? Hope you guys draft a real QB with that #2 pick and john fox brings the same success he had in carolina last year.... scoreboard.

Orton had a better year than Cutler. Take the Bear defense and Hester returning punts to Denver and you have a 12-4 team. At least Tebow isn't a crybaby and doesn't wear his football IQ for his jersey number. Face it, Cutler don't have the IT factor to be an ELITE quarterback. Besides the fact he has the personality of a doorknob.
> Orton had a better year
>than Cutler. Take the Bear
>defense and Hester returning punts
>to Denver and you have
>a 12-4 team. At least
>Tebow isn't a crybaby and
>doesn't wear his football IQ
>for his jersey number. Face
>it, Cutler don't have the
>IT factor to be an
>ELITE quarterback. Besides the fact
>he has the personality of
>a doorknob.

The only stat that matters is W's and L's. Did all those passing records win Dan Marino any Superbowls? Ill take Cutler at QB over Tebow anyday.

Its kind of funny that until they took the ball out of douchlers hands and ran the ball more than any team in football in the second half of the season they were headed for the same result as last year. Name one BIG game Cutler has ever won. HMMMMMMMMMMMM
Team UNC, your in the wrong line of work! You can tell after 3 games that Tebow won't make it in the NFL and who did Cuntler beat in the playoffs...... The SEAHAWKS!! Please!

Kyle Orton came to Denver and plugged into the team Cuntler had around him WITHOUT the best coach Denver has ever had and broke passing records.

The only thing Cuntler is laughing about is the idea that he can play half a$$ and **** out and people like you still have his back! How many picks to how many TD"s did he have year one in Chicago? How many wins?

Your an expert on EVERYTHING you post about just ask YOU!

I'm still wondering why we gave up so much for Cutler?...Orton worked his ASS of and did everything the Bears asked of him. If they needed him to throw he cold do it, If they asked him to "manage" the game he was great at that. As stated above, look at the numbers of the the two qbs this year. Orton had GREAT numbers he was just on a horrible team. I'm scared for the long term with Cutler. What happens when he gets this crap for anther year? He's gonna want out and he will make it ugly for everyone!

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You talk about the seahawks like they didnt make the playoffs and beat the Saints who did end the year with 11 wins. QBs that are'nt so good win all the time look at Dilfer and the Ravens. The bottom line is you Bronco homers need to put aside your haste and realize that Cutler was your future and Pat Bowlin screwed it up for you. Orton is a joke, I didnt see all them numbers he put up win you many games. And as far as knowing Tebow isnt going to be a good QB why has John Elway stated that they need a to go in a different direction? I will argue about the broncos with you guys as long as you want. My whole family is bronco fans and my cousin and aunt both have season tickets.

>And I'll take Marino over all
>of them!!!!

he sure knew how to win the big one

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-11 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]He never quit!!! Played his guts out, Won everything but a superbowl...When cuntler get's remotly close to Marino talk to me until then put a sock in it. Cutler a loser and a wimp. Case closed!!!!Anyone that backs cutler is just like him, loser!!!!
Team unc is a gay cutler fan . So to each his own . Tebow will be one of the greatest to ever play Ya predicted right here . Gay cutler is a cookie cutter qb but lacking class and ability little rich kid that has always had eberything handed to him .
Cutler was the future in Denver? 7-9 and 8-8 is pretty rosy there UNC. Wait it should of been 7-9 twice except Ed accidentally blew the whistle when douchler fumbled against the chargers. You still haven't told me what big game he has won. Give you a hint, he never has at any level. Denver will be back with Fox in control. The bears will not repeat this season.
Wow Team there are 32 teams out there who wish they had your VAST knowledge of football. Must be amazing to know all!

Since your so knowledgeable can you tell me who will win the Superbowl so I bet on the right team.

I dismissed Seattle (like most with REAL football knowledge) because they were the least likely team to move on from the beginning and I believe (like MOST people with REAL football knowledge) they got lucky to beat NO and if those teams played 100 games NO would win 98 of them. So by your logic because Drew Brees lost to Seattle and Jay Cuntler beat them Cuntler is a better QB?

One of the things Denver was searching for in a new coach was someone to support Tebow and to ensure he was given the best opportunity to show whether or not he was the guy and in the search Elway was the lead guy and showed support for Tebow. I have never seen anything saying Elway wanted to go a different direction.

Now that being said unlike YOU I am not all knowing so he may have and I may have missed it. ONLY YOU know FOR SURE, RIGHT?????

>Since your so knowledgeable can you
>tell me who will win
>the Superbowl so I bet
>on the right team.

Team_UNC - I agree with huntindad4 -

Tell us which team to bet on..
this morning there are pics of cutler frolicking with his hot girlfriend in l.a.. doesn't look to hurt to me. my 2 cents i think pat bolan will regret giving elway power. elway early in his career was like cutler attitude wise. later he was a leader and very gutsy. i think giving up on tebow would be a horredous mistake. the team and fans rally behind the guy. they should build the offense around HIM. not insert him in a offense that doesn't shocase his unique skill set. i am not a denver fan actually hate them as i am a die hard charger fan since the 70's
When are all you tough guys gonna get it? Try taking one hit that cutler takes every Sunday, then come back here and tell us how bad ass you are and how big a puss cutler is. I've had 4 knee surgeries...complete acl tears mcl and cartilage. I could walk around, go up and down stairs. Running, cutting, or jumping were out of the question.

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You know theres not a bigger Cutler hater than me Horse and I won't say he is a #####. I just didn't realize how many dislike the guy. Lets just end it with he played like sh#t in a big game and got hurt. He has a long way to go to be a good player and at this point I don't think he has it from the neck up to ever be a consistent player that wins big games at crunch time. It would be a non issue but when you gave up two 1st,a 3rd and Orton for an average player it could set them back for years. Lets just hope we have football next year.
I agree that by average guy standards ANYONE who makes it to and plays in the NFL has to be tough.

By NFL QB standards I don't think Cutler is TOUGH and agree that what he is missing to become an elite NFL QB is between his ears.

I don't know if he can ever get it and honestly neither does ANYONE ELSE in the world.

TEBOW is not as we speak a better or even equal NFL QB to any of the others mentioned herein but he DOES have what it takes between the ears (IMO which isn't worth much to the NFL). He needs a lot of work on fundamental skills and I don't KNOW if he can ever get it and neither does ANYONE ELSE in the world.

Tebow has been told his whole football life that he can't and he has always responded by showing he can.

Cuntler has been told his whole football life he can and how great he is and unfortunately he believes it and therefore has never done anything to push himself to be GREAT cause in his mind he is already there.

These are MY opinions and I have always believed if you state your opinion as just that, people (even those that disagree) can usually respect that. When you state your OPINION as FACT and act as if you have all the facts when you truly don't then people will NOT respect that and will usually come to the conclusion that you are either YOUNG and DISRESPECTFUL or an IDIOT that is compensating for for some shortfall>

I don't like him...we gave up too much...he's not going to be great but he's all I have so I gotta ride it and HOPE for the best.

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I can totally respect and feel for that Horse, as I have to put my faith in Pete Carrol's idea that Charlie Whitehorse can play in this league. A guys team is kinda like family, you love em unconditionally.

On another subject, do you got any big hunts in the works for next year?
Wyoming mule deer with my father-in-law and brother-in-law. You river fishing or the salt water? I live on the nw coast of WA. so if your big into fishing,let let me know there can still be some pretty good opportunities out here for fresh and salt water. Not Alaska but still decent at times depending on what ya like. Where you at?
I'm in Utardia. I have some good friends in North Bend. We were just there for New Years. If you are near Seattle, they own a bbq joint downtown. Go check it out, its awesome. "Hole in the Wall BBQ"
Tell John you know Nate in utah.
I'll be fishing the rivers with my dad and a couple good friends.
I'll look you up whenever I'm back up that way.

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