Japans Nuclear Reactors

It's just Nuclear Fallout type of stuff!

We are the US of A!

We ain't SKEERED!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-11 AT 06:58PM (MST)[p]If there is a large loss of radioactive gases into the atmosphere they could be picked up by air currents and possibly travel far and wide. We should be concerned if this where to happen.


Let's just say something like that does happen?

What'ya gonna do about it?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Lol boz!

Well according to a Guy I know,the reason for all the Big Bucks in TARDville during the 60's was due to all the NUKES tested here during that time!

Maybe it's past time something happens!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I think any hope of building any new nuclear power plants in the US just went out the window.

Dammit Eel! I was just going to say that. That is some crazy shyt over there though. Did anyone see the video of the car that pulled out right in front of the tsunami? It aint funny but that little 4 banger was probably going about 7000 RPM's and I bet it still got wet. Incredible! If I was Japanese, I would soon be a Japanese American.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Naw! Survived the 50's in South Utah. Chernobyl.... 3 Mile etc.

25' of water hitting your house.... now that's scary sh$t.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Fallout?.....sounds like the 50's.

I have to go with BBop on this one...and do what exactly?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-11 AT 00:55AM (MST)[p]breathe deep like taking a big bong...........say "ok" ok?...!!
ever watch MacGrubger? Its freecking funny...
where was I? Oh right "fallout" hell of a game "new vegas" I never finished it some day just never nuff time...I woory more about being shot on opening morning......peace!!

we know you aint worried Rack, fuggin stoner..

Seriously tho, building a nuclear reactor on a land that is destine for earthquakes is tempting Murphy..

You put the BONG down long enough to Chime in?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-11 AT 07:02AM (MST)[p]The only sure way to prevent fallout is put it in deeper and take shorter strokes

and based on Asia's population I don't think fallout has ever been a problem.
The news said they had 8,217 microsieverts. So let's do the math.

Micro = 1 milllionth 0r .0000001 of a sievert.

One sievert causes nausea. Dilution at 12 miles would cause zero harm and even if you were at ground zero 8,217 microsieverts would cause no harm. The news here kills me..
you are an idiot rackmaster! You really have a problem . You need to realize it's not funny. We stopped the war and it was necessary but people who joke about it are not funny.
>you are an idiot rackmaster! You
>really have a problem .
>You need to realize it's
>not funny. We stopped the
>war and it was necessary
>but people who joke about
>it are not funny.

Dude..... Chill-out! This is the campfire section of a deer hunting site! ;)


+1 rackmaster...... its a joke. We come here for comic relief and to get away from the stresses of life and from those morons who take everything way to serious. I'm on my 2nd week of being sick in bed and just got the best laugh in a long time.

Now if we can just drop a nuke on those friggin rag heads in mecca.
RACKMASTER, this fallout stuff is serious stuff not a joke!! I mean seriously can you just imagine if these fell out??


Very true Rack.. They are experianced in such matters.
>RACKMASTER, this fallout stuff is serious
>stuff not a joke!! I
>mean seriously can you just
>imagine if these fell out??

These are the positive results of radiation. Downside......you can't see the matching one on her back!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
>>RACKMASTER, this fallout stuff is serious
>>stuff not a joke!! I
>>mean seriously can you just
>>imagine if these fell out??
>These are the positive results of
>radiation. Downside......you can't see the
>matching one on her back!
LMAO... Hell those might be fun too....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
so will the double d's on wifys are gonna grow?
Oh I am pertty f'up now from my tuken smoke called .."Chernobyl"!! thought what heck!!
what if....this nuke thing made Bucks and Bulls stop producing antlers and BPLOPA...what ever stopped posting...(just razzin ya, wtf does that mean?)and Manny and all the frec.......ok am stopping!
never mind!! bed time after I finish my waffles

What do you guys think now that "SAFE LEVELS" of radiation has made it to our coasts .
Read Post # 3 again!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
What is it exactly that you are after here?

If you are sittin' there, wringin' your hands and hoping to get someone on this site to whine with you, you are chit out of luck.

This is going to be something we can do NOTHING about.....and all the worrying and snivveling in the world won't help.

Get on with your life, I am sure you probably have some REAL problems that need your daily attention.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I think they think that.....well I really don't know what they think (ya am pretty high right now..."medication" lol!) and just started watching the "Son's of Anarchy' season 1 because I waited for the perfect time and thats now!!! and wishing I had chocolte bar......
I they'll (japan) lift the USA Beef ban now that there finding that there a higher level of radation in local cattle!!!


You never forget to take your medication Right?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Nickman ,I am fldrw's nephew ,I am 12,I was going to do my paper on the Disaster in Japan.Part of it was going to be opinions of an older group like my Uncle and you.
Tom said that I should expect someone called DOUCHEBAG to respond pretty quick.
I searched for Douchebag on the search engine of MM.Nobody uses that name .But by the posts you posted ,You have got to be him .Uncle Tom says you have "HERPIGONNASYPHYLAIDS" and it affects youre mind .I am sorry that you are sick .I pray you feel better DOUCHEBAG.
>Nickman ,I am fldrw's nephew ,I
>am 12,I was going to
>do my paper on the
>Disaster in Japan.Part of it
>was going to be opinions
>of an older group like
>my Uncle and you.
>Tom said that I should expect
>someone called DOUCHEBAG to respond
>pretty quick.
>I searched for Douchebag on the
>search engine of MM.Nobody uses
>that name .But by the
>posts you posted ,You have
>got to be him .Uncle
>and it affects youre mind
>.I am sorry that you
>are sick .I pray you
>feel better DOUCHEBAG.

Douchebag is it? How cute! Very intelligent response from a 12 year old. There is hope for our society yet.(?)

I am glad to see that you display all the intellect and training of your obviously retarded uncle.

I am not exactly certain what you are so offended by in my post, but given your age and guidance, I understand your need to revert to name calling.

Go ahead and do your paper, it will be a real comfort for you to look back on it in 10 years, when you are the shift manager at the local McDonalds.

I am certain your uncle will recieve a promotion by then and you can take his place.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

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