Jailer abuses man in wheelchair


LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-08 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]Holy cow - this made me sick! Just wanted you to get sick too.


I've got a cousin who is quadripilegic and this is just freaking outrageous. This jailer needs to find a new career!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Looks bad but what's the rest of the story, he did something to warrant an arrest. if I had to take some of the crap cops do I'd probably get some speed up before I dumped him. I'm sure we'll hear the rest of it soon.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-08 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]OK Dude - now I think you have sunk to a new level. Even for you. WOW. Yes the guy was arrested and being booked. BUT the booking officer asked him to stand up to which he replied he couldn't because he was quadripalegic and then she just dumped him out on the ground out of his chair like a sack of potatoes. Are you freaking kidding me? REGARDLESS OF WHAT HE HAD DONE he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. REGARDLESS OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING TO THE OFFICERS he didn't deserve this. You can't tell me that "there's two sides to this story" becuase regardless of what her side is, you can't justify this! Plus - you can see in the video he was tryig to cooperate as best he could but he couldn't stand because his freaking legs don't work and he told them! He wasn't being combatant or even rude. He just told her he couldn't and so she dumped him right on his face.

Also, she has been suspended without pay (make it permanent!) and the two or three other officers who witnessed it but did not say anything also were suspended because they didn't report it.

I don't care what you say about it - THIS WAS WRONG.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
+1 Roy, This is BS just like that Utah @$$ Hole cop a month ago or whatever. They think because they wear a badge their special and can treat people like sh*t. Its BS and I hope she gets what she deserves. This does make me sick. I got the same feeling with this one as I did wit that Utah guy that got stunned by that d**k head cop in Utah. They think the badge makes them right, and truly it couldnt be more wrong.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Tragic and appauling. I don't know if it's a badge issue, I think it just a part of a Us vs. Them mentality. Like DMV workers vs. those in line or retail workers and the public.

If there is any good from this story, it's that the dude wasn't hurt, and the offender along with her colleagues were suspended.

Sad to think Saddam got better treatment than that
Ok if the guy was cooperating then dumping him was out of line no question, I didn't see that I just heard about it on the radio. Sometimes these things are like the Rodney King deal, it looked real bad but when you found out what he had done and how he had resisted it seemed more understandable.

For the most part the cops do a good job and take a lot of crap so I give them the benifit of the doubt until the whole story is told. it would seem this time they need to be held responsible and I'm sure they will.
Hunting Dude

They ask the guy to stand, knowing he was a quadrapaligic. How is that right? I hope that the guy sues the hell outta em. I wish that Utah cop woulda got suspeneded to. Its BS and it goes on all the time!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
"dude you said "Ok if the guy was cooperating then dumping him was out of line no question"

what part of I can't walk didn't she (bull Dyke) didn't understand!.......
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-08 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]It's pretty hard for a quadrapalagic to stand, regardless of what he did I find it hard to believe he was seen as a threat when booked. This isn't an issue of her/him losing its job, it should be an issue of jail time.
+1 cabin fever.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Fibbing about what?


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Some of you guys are like retarded bull dogs, you just won't listen or let go. I said I heard about it on the radio, I couldn't get the video to work so I gave the cops the benifit of the doubt. later information suggested they didn't deserve the benifit of the doubt but the odds were in my favor that the cops are better people than those they arrest.

People who assume the cops are worse than the crooks probably have had more bad experiences with the law than I have I guess. Dispite my bad poll numbers I don't care about, I'll do the same until the whole story is out next time as well. all the cops I know are great hard working people who don't get paid enough and take a lot of crap, I'm not going to assume the worst as a first reaction. I expect crooked or bad cops like these to recieve severe punishment and they will, if that isn't good enough whine on this is getting boring.
Oh ok. Respect or not, the cop is in the wrong!


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Video doesn't look good for the cop!

Do you think it should be a race crime?

I know if the tables were turned you would see that slug rev Jessie Jackson saying it was if the tables were turned.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
sw, good observation. If it was the other way around, it would be on Larry King Live every night for a week.


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