Jacksons memorial



Just got an e-mail from deepforks, he left Boise today for Los Angeles, he was selected to get 2 tickets for the services tomorrow.
Your just mad he did'nt offer you the other ticket.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
hardway has his own tickets

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I just hope that Janet has another wardrobe malfunction.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I put my name in the drawing for me and RUS since we missed Woodstock, but I didn't get drawn. Sorry RUS.:(

Michael Jacksons death is very important historically. His song writing and singing will continue to influence humanity until the end of time. As an example:

Baby you and me

How profound is that?
just goes to show if you're rich and screw with kids your still admired, we have a sik society!..... there's a good chance he's looking into the face of El?diablo as we speak....
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's probably pretty hot where he's at now.
.....did you guys hear his daughter speak??.....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>.....did you guys hear his daughter
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I did. Heart wrenching.

"his" daughter?? or was it from another guy he paid to empregnate someone? you know, like his 2 sons........ friek, hope he likes the heat!
You are supposedly a man of God Manny yet you are the one judging. Kind of hypocritical don't you think? I'm fairly religious but I can't stand people that judge. Please try to bail yourself out of this one so I can gain an ounce of respect for you.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-09 AT 10:43PM (MST)[p]>You are supposedly a man of
>God Manny yet you are
>the one judging. Kind
>of hypocritical don't you think?
> I'm fairly religious but
>I can't stand people that
>judge. Please try to
>bail yourself out of this
>one so I can gain
>an ounce of respect for

Pretty strong statement Zigga. Isn't Manny allowed to have an opinion???
Who says a religious person cannot make a judgment call based on observations. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it most likely is a duck.

Lets take your your opinion to an extreme. I guess unless you see the guy molesting kids with your own eyes you are unfairly "judging" him.

As always liberals live in a little fantasy world and hate dealing with reality. They cant deal with the tough realities in the world.

By the way I doubt Manny needs your respect. Its not worth having.
That's what is sad about this mortal life... if you believe in the Adversary and Christ like I do... the parts about being "created in his image", "as I have loved you love one another", "we are all God's children" come into mind... the Adversary is fighting for the souls of men. In many ways MJ had a beautiful soul, a gift and talent to uplift and touch many in many ways, but through his choosing, his deeds and actions, he was corrupted, his body and soul corrupted... and God will pass final judgment... it is really not ours to judge that. God have mercy at this time on the Jackson families and MJ as well.
"but through his choosing, his deeds and actions, he was corrupted,"

How so ? Wasn't he found innocent ? Remind me again why we have a judicial system....

I agree the Man was a FREAK SHOW. But, even believing that, I think people went after him for his money as well. I've always liked him but think it's DANG funny also how everyone is on the MJ banwagon now.

Although I'm a fan, good to see people that don't like him still holding to their guns too :) :)


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Farrah Fawcett died at a Los Angeles hospital following a 3-year battle with anal cancer. She was 62 years old.
When she arrived at the pearly gates, St Peter greeted her and asked if she could have just one wish, what would it be? She wished that all the children would be safe. 10 minutes later, Michael Jackson died.
I also heard Magic Johnson spoke. Said Michael Jackson made him a better point guard. What a tard.
If Magic had better point guards why didnt he use them? Might have prevented the whole HIV thing.


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