Jackson Wy moose info


Active Member
First off, congratulations to those that drew tags for 2010! I read an article in the the JHWeekly about the debate on wolfs and their impact on big game in the Jackson area. The article spoke on the decimation of the cow calf ratios and how G&F bases their tag numbers off of those ratios. " Moose numbers are so bad, diving from an estimated 1,044 in 1985 to 117 last year, that Game and Fish says it will likely close hunting altogether in the Teton Wilderness in 2011."
The Gros Ventre is going to be next the cow calf ratio is down to an estimated 13 per 100 and the article states, "in the upper Gros Ventre game and fish will begin severly limiting hunting in that area.". The elk numbers/ratios are following the same trends just not to the extremes of the moose, that is until all the moose are gone. Bad news for those hoping to draw in the near future, and to those that did draw this year please remember the 3 s's while out in the field. Relax, my last comment was a joke, kind of.
I just put in a few weeks ago here in Montana for sheep, moose, and goat. I noticed that almost every single moose unit that borders the "Park" from Red Lodge to West Yellowstone is closed. I know a wolf activist from Pocatello who keeps telling me how good the wolves are for the moose and it makes me sick. He says that the wolves are keeping the elk in check and that brings back the "willows" along the Lamar river and such so the Moose have more to eat blah..blah....

If that is the case, then why are all the moose units now closed?????? These states who are affected better get there act together and fast before nobody puts in for tags because all the game is gone.
The anti-hunting groups love wolves, because in only a few years, they have been able to do what their groups could not do for centuries! Stop hunting all together!

It is also ironic (being the animal lovers that they profess to be) that they would rather see a wolf pack take down a big bull moose or elk and kill him one bite at a time, than having a sportsman dispatching the animal quickly with a well placed projectile.

If we do not ban together against this wolf problem, we will soon all be tree-huggers because there will be no ungulates left on the continent. IMHO
It's to bad one species has to suffer so bad for another and there is no balance or effort to compromise!!! mainly when one brings $$$ and the other just costs $$$.

SSS may just be a joke, but I know the ranchers are not joking about it!!!

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