Jackpot coyote calling contest



Got an E-mail from a friend in Beaver saying 50 team contest. 100% of money goes back into prizes. Also backed with prizes from SFW, MDF, Sportsmans Warehouse, Beaver Sport and Pawn, Beaver Chevron, Beaver DQ, Mark Yardley, and numerous other sponsers, all donated prizes for the shoot. Needless to say, it will be worth your while to come and kill a few dogs. Pretty basic rules....check in will be at the Rogers Sinclair (another big sponser), on main in Beaver. You have to check in on Jan 1st at 6:30 pm and there will be final check in on the 2nd at 6:30 pm also. No spotlighting allowed. 2-man teams. Temp probbed dogs. Side bets on big and small dogs, the whole nine yards. It has been a really well run shoot in the past and keeps getting bigger every year. Call Brennon Orton at 435-310-0436 to save your spot, they are thinking of capping it at 50 teams. Go start 2010 off right, by killing some dogs...
Has anyone ever been to the annual coyote hunting banquet, I believe in Nephi? I cant remember who puts it on. A guy I ran into deer hunting this year was telling me about it. I have forgot the details since but it sounded fun.
They have the state calling contest out of Nephi every year. It is usaually the weekend of thanksgiving, I don't know if this is the one you are talking about, but it is a first class shoot. Usually you have to have an invitation, but I know they don't turn anyone down....

The contest in Beaver has around 20 teams signed up already, and has some great prizes from sponsers, like 100$ dollar gift cards from sportsmans warehouse, gas cards from local stations, backpacks from sfw, and much more.....get signed up quick so you can kill some dogs, and maybe make 500$ or more....
Just curious if there are very many teams signed up for the hunt. I am planning on comming from Orem.

May the best team win.
(If anyone has a secrest spot to shot dogs, let me know. I could use it)

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