It's Zucchini Season!

"What to do w/all that dang zucchini?"

Asking that around these parts is a sure fire formula for a nuke job. 3, 2, 1,...
Jenn, that sounds good. We need something different. We've had steamed, boiled, microwaved, fried, and zucchini bread. We only have two plants but it's all we can do to keep up!

Eel, here is on to add to the mix.

My grandparents were first generation Italian. My grandmother fried it in olive oil with onions and garlic. Then when almost done added red wine vinegar and a little brown sugar.

Can grill it.

And hard to beat floured, fried, and dip in ranch.
My Mom use to make those too and every once in awhile the wife makes them when we have too many Zuc's and tired of them in a regular salad.

Had a really good girl friend at work. Took her about a 2 pounder with a face painted on it. Name was Mr. Zucchini Wennie. She slapped me. Kinda felt bad about that one.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-08 AT 11:44PM (MST)[p]Wasn't there a saying in the nuked hillbilly saying thread about a zucchini in a convent?

I actually have a summer squash recipe I will share when I have enough energy to do something worthwhile instead of just be a smartass.
The sight of that gal slicing and grading that zucchini makes my skin crawl!

That being said. I love zucchini cookies and bread - my wife's specialty are zucchini cookies.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I was playing hide the Zucchini all night..
now it feels like it was sliced and diced and graded! I am good for a few weeks!!!
now I want some tempura-ed!
Here's my two zucchini plants. I have the chicken wire around them to keep the quail away. They like to get under them and dust themselves and cover the zucchini with dirt. BOOM!


My wife compares zucchini to antelope (I think). She says "For great eating I like the tender young ones 6-8" long, but if I'm going to stuff one, then I look for length and mass." She has it all in her zucchini patch!:)

Eel that post has all my favorite words in it....
scary huh?
I see the deer chumming tree also's ready beautiful!!
wensday gonna be a change in weather t-storms glore!
OK, my mother's recipe.

Slice the squash (zucchini or yellow crook necks) thin or dice it into 1/2 to 3/4 inch chunks. Saute it in a large frying pan with a little vegetable oil. Add salt & pepper to taste. Add a couple cloves fesh minced garlic. Continue to saute until the squash is getting about to the tenderness you would like to eat. On the side beat enough eggs to completely smother the squash. So at least 5 - 6 eggs for a pan full of squash. When the squash is nearly cooked dump the eggs in and scramble them just like you would for breakfast. It can be a side dish or even the main entree if you wanted.

We always called it "eggy squash". My mother usually used the yellow crook necks but I like it with zucchini too or a mix. They have a little different flavor and it makes a very colorful dish if you are into presentation.

Mmmmm... may have to go whip some up to go with those steaks I have thawed.
Zucchini, is one of the reasons, that helps me cope with living in a place where no vegetables will grow.

Since I moved here (from Cache Valley), I no longer get Zucchini dropped off on my porch. These poor (former) neighbors couldn't get rid of it so they would just drop it off at my house and run.
I like to throw it in a wok with some squash and cook it in a splash of safflower oil.
Used some in home made salsa last week. Really pretty good.

We used carrots also, just sauted them a bit, minced everything really fine and added spice and tomato sauce.

Its been zucchini and potatoes, potatoes and zucchini for a couple weeks now.

good stuff
Made zucchini pizza the other night, mmmmmm... I swore that I would never have more than 2 zucchini hills after I planted 16 one year. It was crazy, we had them damn things coming out of our ears. I pinched off all but two fruits on a couple of plant and grew a couple that were well over 100 lbs. We carved them like pumpkins. The wife makes some killer zucchini fritters and bread.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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