It's What I Do


Long Time Member
The other thread which shows animals how they fell has inspired me. I think it brings authenticity back to these forums and the hunting perception in general. We all seemed to have been brainwashed into believing that we must only take posed, blood free pictures, perfectly framed to satisfy the ever present and judging eyes of the non-hunting public. I for one think that has promoted an attitude by the antis that we are ashamed of what we do and who we are. As a result I am wanting to try and start a thread that shows the reality of who we are. Much like the other thread that brought the reality of the beast back to our eyes, I want this thread to bring back the purpose of our drive and the reality of blood under our nails. If you have a picture of the skinning pole or you caping a deer, or guys working to load an elk or whatever helps you remember we work to eat meat then this thread is for you. There is no reason to hide the facts of our lives anymore.


>There's alot of GAWD-DAMNED Blood &
>GUTS in that Pic!

> Go
>Make Me take it down!

And oddly only 1 pair a nuts? :D Couldn't resist tri!
I could probably give u 20 different angles of it :D we all thought it was pretty cool as well and weren't sure when we'd see it again!
>I could probably give u 20
>different angles of it :D
>we all thought it was
>pretty cool as well and
>weren't sure when we'd see
>it again!

That is a sweet pic!
DW, cool photo. I don't see how you guys would miss just one bag. :D

Some day you'll look back and say that was pre wolf.....


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
>Wow DW, that one elk filled
>a lot of game bags!

He wasn't much for horn, but he was big bodied! :D
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-15 AT 03:57PM (MST)[p]Hey Pig, how sporting is shooting stray dogs? Looks like you took great care dressing them out, how'd they taste?

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