Its OVER!!!


Long Time Member
I usually like April fools but I'm so glad it's over ...I had way to many pranks pulled on me, and way to many I had to hear about!!!

Anyone else get over fooled ???
Lil Red!

You know I'd never Fool with Ya!:D

Did 1911 Fool with Ya?

If He did,it might be time for another Trick!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I kind of like April fools day. That's the one day a year that my wife says she loves me.

Eel now that was funny.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Few April 1's ago my wife of 16yrs (at that time) brought home a mid 20's HOT woman. I took my wife straight into the bedroom and asked if my dream had come true???!!! She said "oh yah..."!

My wife asked me to stay as she left the room and to get READY. A few minutes went by, I'm all nervous and excited I decided to go out and see where they both were (in my HOT whitey tighties). In the kitchen, looking through a bunch of papers stood the two beautiful women. I gave my wife "the look" to see WTF was going on! Next thing I know the "HOT" chick is giving me a weird, disturbed look and then she asked if I was ready to sign the application for the "loan".

They both started laughing their butts off while I'm going back to my room with my tail between my legs. Oh and my wife didn't being her home, they both arrived at the same time she told me after.

April fools on me!

The picture that came to my mind, That was a nice one for a april fools joke.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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