It's my duty.....on this veterens day.



LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-07 AT 06:11AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-07 AT 05:36?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-07 AT 05:32?AM (MST)

on my first vets. day here on MM, i shall thank my friends, my brothers my compadre's before me and after me - for their service, their dedication. their, GIFT OF LIFE!!! (any questions ask their mothers,wives and kids, about it)WE were lucky to get out of somolia alive! We did it to protectect the freedom that YOU take for GRANTID, a country that has never had the opportunity to take "ROAD TRIPS" because they'd get killed.....please take two more seconds to think not only about the fighters but for what they are fighting for.
If we are selfish and we think only about american lives, and forget about the enslaved lives of the countries we are fighting for, we forget about the lives ,in the future, that shall be free.
Many would say so what if no one had stood up for your rights years ago...

i also would like to thank my friends(very loosely speaking)
here on MM, it helps, having a release.....and thats all i have to say about that.

no thanks needed here, thank your active reservist, or active duty family members! do something nice for them!!!! be involved with their families....thats all i have to say about that as well!

Thanks for your service Tag. Never served myself but my dad was a WWII Vet. 4th Army. Here is their insignia.



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