It's happened again!!!



Late this evening two Pierce County Officers were shot and are in critcal condition. It happened about 20 miles Southeast of Tacoma. One was flown to Harborview Hospital in Seattle and one was flown to Madigan Hospital near Fort Lewis. It was reported That one was very critical, The douchebag that shot him is dead. No manhunt this time. That is 5 dead and 2 hospitalized since Halloween. WTF is going on?
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A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
One of the douchebag anchors on King 5 said "another example of what happens when criminals are allowed access to guns". What an idiot! I hope the best for the officers. When is this crap going to stop?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>One of the douchebag anchors on
>King 5 said "another example
>of what happens when criminals
>are allowed access to guns".
> What an idiot!
>I hope the best for
>the officers. When is
>this crap going to stop?
When these liberal pieces of sh@@ stop letting these AssH@@es out of prison. Blame our justice system. If there is overcrowding in our prisons then clean up deathrow to make more room don't let them run free. Solution CORPORAL punishment, Lex talionios. Maybe that would make people think twice before committing a crime.

hope no one is offended thats just my thought.
"One of the douchebag anchors on King 5 said "another example of what happens when criminals are allowed access to guns". What an idiot! I hope the best for the officers. When is this crap going to stop?"

I wonder what King 5 is thinking...they made murder ilegal and that doesn't stop people from murdering. Guess they think if guns were outlawed no one will commit murder.....can you say weak, meak, LIBERALS.
If guns were made illegal, what would they do when more stabbings occured? Pull kitchen knives off the shelves in stores everywhere?

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