Its dead tonight on MM


Long Time Member
Is it just me or is it slow tonight?
It's only 7:15 here in Hawaii. Is it lights out on the mainland?

Not here in SLC, its been slow here at the hospital and no one around to talk at. Its killing me.( i guess i'm in the right place)
I'm thinking about going down there...we have one here. just to see if its any more alive than MM. be right back, i'll let you know.
Don't wake anyone up down there, could be very bad.
By the way I went to the beach today, not bad at all.

No BODY down there either. I guess thats a good thing?

I dont wanna hear about going to the beach. ok may be i do. I'm just jealous. Doing any surfing?
Hey tageater....seems private in here....wanna see what overton looks like?? This is back in his drinking days


Nah. I'm pretty crappy at surfing. A little boogie boarding though. I have a kayak and took it out for about 4 hours today. Saw nice beach bunnies but season is closed for me. Saw huge amount of fish. Most tourists gone for the season although I saw a group of 8 Aussies.
Will start fishing about tuesday.

That overton, he's got a twin brother that was in our hospital last week doing the same thing!!!! Blood alc. was .475!!!! thats drunk.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-07 AT 11:49PM (MST)[p]Well still beats the heck out of this grind. but my week will be over tues. then its off for a week chasing elk in idaho.

Good luck on the fishing.

My shift is over in 15, better go get ready to drink a few and with no puter at home i'll say adieux.

Check on ya'll tomorrow

D, your killing me, that just aint right, and you know it!!!!
actually keep some for tomorrow.
Ranson you going to post some of the big racks for us? I dont mind the spikes 2 and 3 points too. There all fun to look at. No nontyp that are ugly tho.
You ever hunt Couesdeer Ranson. Good friend of mine shot a 126 buck the other day what a hog, put my hands on him today
Heck it was the JAZZ game last night...everyone that was not out hunting was at the game watching the JAZZ stomp Goldenstate...

what do you expect when there is a home game???
Actually I have hunted "cows" deer. Shot one small one in Mexico as a bonus on Mule deer trip. Saw a huge one in SW New Mexico about 20 years ago. Didn't realize how good he was till much later. At the time I thought he was a dink compared to Northern Whitetails. My dilemma is that I have 10 bonus points and am holding out for the strip.

Oh ya you gota put in for the strip. Your max too thats great. lets hope for good rain at the right time over the next few years.
Overton & Gilamonster are overthrowing the board....
I've never seen so many posts per day .
You guys have a life?
Do a search.
hehehehe leaveme alone. hehehe one more. no worries tho 7 days 14hrs 33min till i leave. Cant wait to get away from you winers. Speaking of wine i gots me a new shipment of cali reds on fri. Thats one of the best things kali has going for it. F*^% the french.
>Overton & Gilamonster are overthrowing the
>I've never seen so many posts
>per day .
>You guys have a life?
>Do a search.


Not according to the Mrs. Went to the beach and was rained out. Hard rain not anything pleasant. Thenwent shopping..... punishment for pecking away on puter.

>Oh ya you gota put in
>for the strip. Your max
>too thats great. lets hope
>for good rain at the
>right time over the next
>few years.

I'm the Arizona safety course away from max points. Will take this winter.

>Do you have a hunters saftey
>from another state if so
>send them a copy

Does that work? I have a stamped safety card from Kali. I've always needed it to buy Colorado tags.


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