It's a start

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
I got started today on my response to the Fat Boy Challenge. Rode my wife's bike to work for the first time. It's about 8 miles one way. Plan on riding at least three days a week when my schedule allows for daylight riding. Maybe it will help lose some pounds and tone up the legs before fall!

Phantom Hunter
You know my wife and I were just talking about that last night.
It's not a back Idea for all of us to do, expecially with gas prices the way they are. Maybe I will save enough money riding my bike to pay for my gas to go scouting and hunting this year.

Only ploblem is, I dont have a shower at work.

That's one plus, we do have a shower at the shop. Also I don't have to dress-up for work, just jeans and a uniform shirt. Even if I don't draw that big bull tag I'll save some money and be able to go hunt or catch something this fall.

Phantom Hunter
Riding the bike is a great way to stay in shape, especially from an aerobic standpoint.

I've gotten around 1200 miles in so far this year on both Mtn and Road bikes. It's easy on your knee's too.

Not a bad idea! (riding a bike to work). I start work at 5:30 every morning in kind of a bad part of town. I see bicycles riders all the time, at that time of morning. I could carry a car stereo under one arm and fit right in!:)


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