It's a start, but only two?

Only one breeding pair in Oregon, REALLY. The rest of them must be wearing CAMO. Just like all the deer they count to make up the tag amounts every year. They drive by a ranchers alfalfa field and count 50 deer in the field that means there must be at least 100 deer every square mile. Everythings ok in the state of Oregon. At least killing a couple wolves will save a few animals but the next pack will kill them..
That was my thought. The ones in the Wenaha, Mt. Emily and the pack in the Cascades must be ghosts. There is ten, you take away two and thats supposed to stop them from killing livestock. What a JOKE! Let alone the female is having more pups, so the rest of the pack can teach them how to kill.
They were killing calves over here in Idaho this spring, the USFWS tried to pull the shoot two crap here too, they killed the two and said the wolves wouldn't be back for awhile......that night they killed another authorized for another two.....killed two more.....wolves killed another calf after the fourth wolf died, finally got the go ahead to kill the remaining four, they kill the collared ones last so they can track the wolves whereabouts. Oh ya, now there is another pack of 9 right back where the 8 were this spring....Just my two cents.
I wonder if ODFStupid rigged the Snake River with wolf alarms so they can keep count of how many wolves are migrating in. Hopefully Idaho has them spayed and neutered or Oregon may have more than 1 breeding pair of wolves! What a bunch of dumbf%@#s. Do these people really think they are intelligent? Or did the doctor fumble the snap when they were born?

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