It's a sign


Long Time Member
I have a warped sense of humor (surprised??) but I really get a kick out those situations where you see a sign that is just too funny or ironic in it's wording or placement. Like the other day I happened to be traveling and stopped at a roadside rest. There was a truck parked in the rest area that was from "Overnite Transportation Company". Right near the truck was a sign that read "No Overnight Parking". I wish I could have gotten a picture but it didn't work out.

So, anybody else have one to share or better yet pictures to share?
its a little ironic because i don't like pork
>I have a warped sense of
>humor (surprised??) but I really
>get a kick out those
>situations where you see a
>sign that is just too
>funny or ironic in it's
>wording or placement.

Have fun:

It wasn't a road sign but close. Heading home from work I got stopped on Highway 6 because they were painting the center line. Next to me was a cat that had been flattened by hundreds of tires and they had painted the yellow line over it. Wish I had a camera then.

Seen one on I40 between Alb and clines corners.

Rest Area
Next 2 miles

Dang wish I had a camera - will be going through again soon so will get a picture then.
Don't have a photo but on North Main in Richfield Ut. there is a house with a sign that says "Massage, Rear Entrance" maybe FLEH can verify ... or perhaps not!!

Maybe someone can remember this one. In 1965 in downtown L.A. there was a big neon sign put up by a church that read "JESUS SAVES". A few feet under it was a big billboard that read, "BLUE CHIP STAMPS".
In Roosevelt Utah there is a cemetery with a REST AREA sign posted in front of it. The rest area is next to the cemetery.
On US Highway 6, just over the California border into Nevada, was a popular cathouse called "Janie's Ranch". It was shut down some years back, but the buildings are still there. On the highway, at the driveway into the ranch, there is now a sign that reads....


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