its a series!!


Long Time Member
Looks like the lakers dont know how to play against a zone.

Go Suns!! my new favorite team.


Nets are for fish!!
Series still over...was over before it started lol glad you Suns fans and Laker haters get to have a little fun though :)

GO KOBE GO!! 135 points in 4 games...

L.A. is full of "african Americans" and phoenix is full of "hispanyards" what city are you reffering to?

( sorry i could have spelled alot of that wrong, i was trying to be "politically correct") and god knows thats not my style:)
The lakers are a great team but they can be beat and this group of guys we have seems to be coming together and have a goal. LA LA LA is goin away by the Suns! It's a tall order but there's finally a chink in the armor and the Suns may actually have enough depth to finally pull it off if the bench keeps producing. It's a long shot I know but the Lakers finally look a little vulnerable.
never_catch, we all know your sweating bullets right now. The suns have a tall order in front of them but there's definitely a big moment swing after the last 2 games. Kobe is gunna need someone else to show up and play if they want to compete. Just curious but why are you such a Kobe lover?

I'm a realist...If the Suns can pull out game 5 in LA, THEY WILL WIN THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP. Take that to the bank.

If not, I think LA wins in 7. I hope not, but that's my prediction.


no I just don't root for the team that is winning at the time. Im a huge fan of the nba. I a huge fan of the jazz. The lakers beat my team so I will root for any team that can beat the lakers.

I am also a realist I know the lakers are going to win so I also like to root for the underdog.

Also what is up with photo signature are you trying to say you like school aged boys or something?


Nets are for fish!!
I shot a big ol' crow last weekend just for never_catch. Hey never_catch how would you like it cooked? Roasted, fried, smoked or boiled? How about just plain raw with the feathers on? HaHaHa!

GO SUNS GO!![/img][/url]
huntmancam, many reasons I'm KB24 fan but mainly becuase the man is the most fierce competitor in the game!! Definitely not sweating bullets though...

Bates, lol I'm honestly glad you're having some fun dude!! Have you been able to go to either of the games down there by chance?? Playoff games sure are fun to attend so hopefully you've been able to go to one. Keep that Crow in the freezer though buddy, you won't be needing to cook it up this year ;-)

Question for you guys...I really don't care as much about it as most but since you guys complained about the refs giving the games away in you think the refs gave the past 2 games away with all the foul calls against LA the past 2?? LA has had 33 free throw attempts the past 2 where Phoenix has had 74 attempts...

Regardless the fouls and free throws, I still think LA should have swept this thing...Kobe's been on fire the entire series so I can't complain or worry about it :)


never_catch I've been to all of the playoff games here in Phoenix.

GO SUNS GO!![/img][/url]
Hell yea dude I'm jealous, playoff games are a blast for sure!! Just for you I'll cross my fingers for a game 7 so you can see Phoenix win another one at home.

I went to the Lakers at Jazz close out game but that was the only playoff game I could make this year. My 6 year old boy had a baseball game in a rain storm an hour before that game so we showed up wet and covered in mud...good times!! :)


Bates. I'll see you at game 6. I'll be the one wearing the Suns Jersey.

Heck of a game last night!! I thought the Suns were going to come all the way back and take it in the end as they all most did. Looked to me that both teams had their chances to win but LA got it done.

Must admit, i didn't think that the Suns would do as well as they have after the first two loses...shows lots of character on their part. Looking forward to Sat's game 6.


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