It's a Chupacabra!


Long Time Member
I'm pretty sure we've got a chupacabra around these here parts. First the coon goes missing, then the skunk and now 2 of my chickens get it. Nuttin' but a few feathers left in the yard. Freakin' chupacabra took my best laying hen, Speckle, too (oh, and broke my 6 year old daughter's heart since it was HER pet that SHE caught in the rodeo over a year ago). How does one go about catching a chupacabra???

Believe it or not but they love carrots. You have to hide in a bush and make noise like a carrot. When they get close put salt on their tail...................

Wait until the pond freezes over.

Auger a hole in the ice.

Sprinkle green peas around the hole.

When the Chupacabra comes to take a pea, kick him in the ice hole...
Whoops, I forgot you're not a blonde...

Just put a scorpion in his pants... didn't get the skunk. That sucker has been back twice tonight, right on the back steps next to the glass sliding door. Big ol' skunk. I've scared it off twice, but i need the chupacabra to come and eat it up in a stink-free manner to get rid of it for good. Damn varmits.
I'm gonna do it. I found this advice... "The key to shooting skunks without them spraying is to sever the spinal column near the head. No nerves, no spray." get the skunk far enough away from the house but still stay close enough to make that precise of a shot....

I'm gonna stink aren't I?
>I'm gonna do it. I
>found this advice... "The key
>to shooting skunks without them
>spraying is to sever the
>spinal column near the head.
>No nerves, no spray."
> get the skunk far
>enough away from the house
>but still stay close enough
>to make that precise of
>a shot....
>I'm gonna stink aren't I?

Shoot That Stinky Chicken Killer KKK!!!!!!!!
The stink will go away alot faster if the beast is DEAD!
Racing striped Chicken Killer is what that is.
Dry dog or cat food is usually pretty good bait.
Have a big garbage bag and a Loooong handled shovel ready BEFORE you pull the trigger. Good Luck!!

Thats too Funny!!
The Chupacabra is not something to be taken lightly. You never know, he may get mad and get his friends Sasquatch and The Devil Terrapin to come and gang up on you!.

Kill the skunk, kill the skunk, kill the skunk, kill the skunk!

It will only stink for a little while.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm gonna do it. I found this advice... "The key to shooting skunks without them spraying is to sever the spinal column near the head. No nerves, no spray." get the skunk far enough away from the house but still stay close enough to make that precise of a shot....
I'm gonna stink aren't I?

TTK, I'm somewhat of an expert with that method. Well, maybe not an expert, but I've certainly had a lot of experience. When I was a kid I lived down the road from a chicken ranch that was literally infested with skunks. The owner paid me $2.50 for every skunk I killed. That shot will work if it is executed very precisely. If using a .22 it has to be a direct hit (not that easy when you're not absolutely sure just where the spine is from different angles). The problem comes in to play when you miss, even ever so slightly. You now have a wounded and extremely irritated skunk that will happily spray like you've never seen (or smelled) before. It is really cool when it's executed properly though.

To increase your odds of pulling it off I would suggest a center fire round....say.....well, a .458 Win. Mag. comes to mind. There is a little more margine for error. Even that's no guarrantee. Incidentally, a head shot is no good. It causes all the muscles to contract, which is just the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish.

Good luck! And yes, there is a good chance you're going to stink up the place. But the stink doesn't last forever. (it just seems like it)

Ok...that sounds really, really creepy but if it'll kill a sknuk I don't think I'll mind a visit from it. lol
Shotgun seems to do what you're trying to
pull off.

12 gauge with number 7 1/2 shot at about 15 yards...
LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-07 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p] Hope it is not to much to ask. But would you please make a hat out of the skunk skin and send it to Rimrock for me. I will pay ya a hundred bucks if ya leave the smell on it. please put one of the chicken feathers in the hat. Thanks bunches.

Eelgrass Tk wears army boots I imagine she can handle a .458 win. Ya think? This ought to be good.


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