It is not what ya know it is what ya don't know !


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 01:27PM (MST)[p]Post em up guys.
1. Having a winch on your truck has no justification out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake.
2. Hawks will attack if you hide well enough and blow your preditor call.
3. If you pressure cook beans in your camper make sure the blow off is working. They can blow up!!
4. If someone camps in the middle of the road. Don't get pissed it might mean there is a 10 foot gully wash crossing the road don't try and go around them through the Sage Brush. You will end up in ditch.
5. If you steal apples from an old abandoned Apple Orchard and take them to hunting camp. The Sherriff dose know where you are camping. But then again he likes Dutch oven apple pie.
6. Bears can sound like a mouse chewing paper. Never have I repeated never look out the window expecting a mouse or cricket. The little hairy looking beetle critter might not be a beetle it might be a bear claw poking through the window screen between the screen and the window. And that might not be the paw that comes through the window.
7. Always figure that there is a 10' ditch full of water on the shoulder of the road if you plan on pulling off the road at night. It hides right behind the tall weeds.
8. Always figure if you use a snatch block with your winch it will pull your bumper off.
9. Never, Never leave your girl friend on the mountain for more then 3 days with out food or water. While you go get beer.
10. If your waders fill up with water you will sink.
11. Skunks will come in your camper at night if you leave the door open. The damn things wake everybody up.
12. If you leave your camp trailer door open during Turkey Season
Turkeys will hop up in while you're eating.
13. If you don't set your brake on a hill and you hop out to look at the pretty elk. Your truck will run over you.
14. If you throw the ancor over make sure it is attached to the ancor rope.
15 If the wind is blowing and it is colder then heck. when you launch your boat in the lake make sure you buddy has gas for the motor, a coat, or a paddle to get back to shore.
16. One should memorize phone numbers like 911
18. Never hunt buffalo with friend when you are the only one that can pack it out. And he has the tag.

I agree with number 18. I love hunting with my old man but he can barely lift his gun to shoot let alone get an animal off the ground. Maybe someday I will learn to bring others along for the ride.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]Never discharge your shotgun into the bottom of your boat while out on the lake without a life vest on.

If you're hunting in snow and a blizzard hits right at dark, you may not make it out that night.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
Oh yeah Eel reminded me of # 17 If your lost in a storm and have a GPS that don't mean you are smart enough to use it. The way I figure again is if your dumb enough to get lost. Then your not smart enough to work a GPS

If you have a choice between an apple or banana in your hunting daypack pick the apple!
Thanks! Those are some good words to live by!!!

If you camp out in the boonies with a guy who likes his Beer, make sure that he brings plenty enough to not run out!

Always take the extra time to stake your tent to the ground....

Even though it seems heavy and it was calm when you set it up, It will take off like a parachute when a gust of wind comes down the canyon..
Never set one of your mounted deer in the sagebrush as a prank. Your friend might shoot it in the antler with an arrow.
Don't clean out your dads stash of 20,000+ .22 bullets and let him find out when there's a dog in the chickens..... That was bad...

Never say I will tag it if you can hit it, they will...



This is one of my all time favorite posts, I have a lot of them, but can't tell a story like you guys can.

Steve, check the archives for the original turtle hunt post. Over 500 posts and damn that was a good time!!
Tell him Eel, were'nt you one of the board members?
1. Never go to the Henry's without two spare tires.

2. Never set up a ice fishing tent with a slick, hard, plastic bottom, in a slight breeze without first staking it down, at Otter Creek. It will be occupied by strangers by the time you drive around to the dam.

3. Never stack logs too high on a teepee fire, and go to sleep before they burn down, unless you have extra clothes and a spare sleeping bag.

4. Never hike too far from camp without a second powder horn, The big one will present a second shot at point blank range.

5. Never get so drunk you forget to take off your boots and and forget to crawl inside your sleeping when the temp. drops to 28 below and your in a canvas tent.

6. Never jump off a ledge that is too far down to jump back up.

7. Never shoot an antelope without first making sure you have a blade of some kind.

8. Never assume an antelope can't be gutted with sardine can lid.

9. Always take an extra patch for your muzzleloader or you need to cut a chunk off the tail of your favorite brush-popper shirt.

10. Always cover you ears when your out for a few hours at 20 to 25 below. When they thaw out the skin falls off and don't expect them to ever lay quite as chose to head again.

11. Never, never, never ride an unshod bronc onto the ice without a rope to drag it to shore.

12. Always wear ear protection when you use an open tailgate as a bench rest to sight in your 300 Win. Mag. with a boss.

13. Never put your lunch in his saddle bag and agree to met over at the lookout by the old dead ponderosa about noon.

14. Never use spurs on your buddies horse without mumbling something like, "he okay with spurs?"

15. Never ever cut loose and run down a rocky slope if you've put on a few extra pounds. You face can get ahead of your feet.

16. Never assume you can hurry your pickup through thick sage to head those heifers. It's astounding how far under your dashboard your son can get, and how quick he can get there when that very permeant rock latches on to your oil pan.

17. Never admit your judgement is suspect. There's more but I'll quite now before I reveal my true character.

Wow! I should get to know you guys better. I'm missing out on some great hunting partners!:)

If you're hunting a unit that has rolling hills thick with Junipers, always take extra food and water. A three hour hunt can turn into a three day hunt in a hurry.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
Never assume you are the only one hunting a small sage draw in the middle of nowhere because sure as anything someone will shoot the nontypical buck you have been watching rut a doe for the past 10 minutes at 70 yards.

Never pluck the head off a winged dove with your girlfriend standing within blood spurting distance. (Wives are ok)

Always put in with the guy who has never hunted-- he will always draw.

When the guy driving says he has a jack and a shovel you'd better check for yourself.
Add spare tire with air in it and wrench to take off lug nuts to jack and shovel. Tow rope wouldn't hurt either. Man that was a long cold cold walk from agency draw to ouray in december....


LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-10 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]When you are 15 and get your first walkman radio and are blaring the Scorpions through the headphones don't assume that the hot college chicks that surround you won't hear the loud fart that you ripped just cause you didn't.....

It's not really worth crossing the only snow drift left on the pass 9 miles from a phone..

Don't wear brand new boots if you attempt to cross the only snow drift left on the pass 9 miles from a phone..

Don't drink a whole 5th of tequila by yourself in one night...You will be very very sorry...

If you are dumb enough to drink the whole bottle of tequila it may be a good idea to go to the hospital. The recovery time might be faster than the week and a half of wishing you were dead..

When you decide to pull the truck over and have some fun with the girlfriend Don't bail out of the truck with your pants around your ankles and leave your girlfriend in there with the 5 very angry wasps that flew inside...She will be upset

Don't assume while riding in the back of a truck going 30 mph that you can jump out with your feet running before you hit the ground and run and jump into the cab while your buddy holds the door open for you....It doesn't work and you WILL get ran over..

Water skiing in a canal behind a truck is not a really good idea..

Neither is being pulled on a snow sled through town..

When you cant see the bottom of a muddy river don't assume that it's shallow enough to drive across..

When crossing such rivers don't assume that the hubs are all ready locked.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Don't assume that just because your truck has 6 lugs and your spare has six lugs that they are the same diameter.

And don't assume that your wife isn't going to be pissed off when she has to wait several hours in the middle of nowhere while you hitch a ride with someone to get your tire fixed because the spare doesn't fit.
>Kind of goes without saying but
>NEVER cook bacon naked. Trust

.........I am laughing my azz off! Just exactly would be the inpiration to get you to cook bacon...or anything...naked?
Don't pay any attention to any of these warnings.

.....if your trip goes perfect, there ain't near as much fun talking about the "adventure" you had making some of the above mistakes.

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