It all began with the iPhone


Long Time Member
>>> >>> Tom>>> >>> It all began with an iPhone...>>> >>> >>> May was when my son celebrated his birthday, and I got him an iPhone.>>> He just loved it.>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> I celebrated my birthday in September, and my wife, Barbara, made me >>> very happy when>>> she bought me an iPad.>>> >>> My other son's birthday was in August so I got him an iPod Touch.>>> >>> >>> >>> My wife celebrated her birthday so I got her an iRon.>>> >>> >>> >>> It was around then that the fight started......>>> >>> What she failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into >>> the home network>>> with the iWash, iCook and iClean.>>> >>> This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service.>>> >>> I should be out of the hospital by Monday>>> >>> but Doc says I'll have permanent scars and always walk with a limp!>>> >>> >>>

I just copied and paste from the email sorry the format is messed up.


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