isn't it hard enough?



I mean common, the economy sucks as it is, hardly any work and then you get a deadbeat who sits on his hands for 30 days after you gave ?em an invoice for work performed?

Self employment can be a blessing but some time?s when you have to wait unnecessarily to get paid <*x@# and !@#$0??.

You know what I mean!
You are lucky if all you are waiting is thirty. I have accounts recievable that are in the 120 day range.......yes it sucks. I would be elated with a 30 day turn around.

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
Wow is right, welcome to sub contracting in Arizona.

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
"You know what I mean!"

Manny, I really don't! I'll have 35 years next month with the same company. Just drawing whatever they pay. I'm not sure which is the best way to go but it has worked out ok for me.

I think I'm going to retire & start a little consulting business. We'll see how it feels on the other side of the fence. I thought you was in the "soul saving trade"? Not being mean, just wondering?

Manny, Sorry to hear you're getting jacked around. I've heard horrer stories and they scare the heck out of me so from day one, i treat them all the same.

The Generals i do work for PAY ME A PARTIAL ON A CERTAIN AGREED DAY AND IN FULL WHEN I'M DONE!, or they are welcome to use the other guys. Not that there's that much work, or i don't need the work, but i make "THAT" clear before or on condition of me taking the job. So good...until today.

The man said he had been too busy, i wasn't finished yet, i need to give him 2 weeks... He didn't have my check for materials + "some" labor, today, as agreed when i started the job on Monday. We had us a little talk and i did get my check. The only thing i got going aside from showing when i'm supposed to and being very good on my word, i'm a bit less expensive than the other licensed guys and in a small area, like where i live, word gets around when a guy don't do what's agreed.

Better luck!, joey
I didn't have a retirement plan so I went to work for myself, now I'm thinkin The Boss paid better...
I was a licensed cabinet maker for a few years. I never had any problems getting paid. Building for contractors on new construction was sometimes a pain, but you know that going in. Most don't pay until their last bank draw.

I used to get a bunch of work lined up and then work day and night to get it out so I could take time off to fish or hunt.:7
>I was a licensed cabinet maker
>for a few years. I
>never had any problems getting
>paid. Building for contractors on
>new construction was sometimes a
>pain, but you know that
>going in. Most don't pay
>until their last bank draw.
>I used to get a bunch
>of work lined up and
>then work day and night
>to get it out so
>I could take time off
>to fish or hunt.:7

my dad was a cabinet maker, the rest sounds like a plan.....

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