Is something wrong with this???

whoever shot that moose 20 times with a 243 is not very smart!
Not to mention that sure looks like a Alaskan-Yukon rather than Canadian moose? If it's a Canadian, it's a monster.

.243 for moose, c'mon!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-05 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]Theres ways to take pics of moose to make them look bigger. Alberta definetely has moose this big and bigger! To me, this bull looks like maybe a 160-170", maybe 52" wide. Im sure the guy is just joking about the 20 shots, I hope so anyways!
Up here, in the good ol' days, many many moose were killed with 30-30's. Don't see why a 243 wouldn't get the job done. Especially if you lung punch 'em. Moose are not super tough to kill. They do stand there a while before they fall over though. Many a extra shot has been taken when not needed. Have been guilty of this myself. Chances are the 20 is a typo though as it is not the only one. :)
Predator -

Lots of "Canadian" moose get much much bigger than that bull you see. Lots of bulls get shot that will go between 180 and 210 every year here in BC and tape out over 65 inches.

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