Is Roy a fraud??????


Long Time Member
So............I was talking to TripleK a few weeks ago in the chat room. She said that Roy was all excited about the early season archery turtle hunt in Texas that opened last Sarurday.(Notice that Roy hasn't said a word about it here).

Then, out of the clear blue, I get a call from a friend who lives in Austin. He told me that a few days ago he saw Roy's truck parked in front of this store. They have an outlet store in Austin.

Out of curiosity, my friend went over and checked out Roy's truck. He said there was a bow and a Swarovski spotting scope in the cab. In the back was a tree stand and a lettuce flinger.

A few minutes later Roy came out of the store dressed in camo, carrying a small box.

I just thought some of you might want to know the true Roy.


P.S. I just figured out why Roy has a Swarovski spotting scope. He's probably afraid to get closer than about 500 yards to a wild turtle.
When Roy lived in the Basin,a tortise was just a tortise....
Now all you hear about are all the world record sized B & C 'TEXAS' tortises!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
oh crap are the ethics police patrolling again?!!

Probably just restocking his High Fence Turtle hunt compound...
Baiting as those BC terrapins are cannibals..
Acts like he moved to TX for education reasons now it coming out that he hunted the Basin down to nothing, it will take years of careful turtle management for the herd to grow back, Watch out Texas he got your wild turtles in his sights now.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Thanks for letting us know the truth Eel. I cannot speak for others but I am really disappointed and a little sad, like others here on MM I always looked up to Roy.

I'm pretty sure I know what Roy was doing with the baby turtles. It's a old tactic that the turtle market hunters used to lure the older and larger turtles out of the thick heavy cover.

As most of you know Terrapins have very strong maternal instincts very much like elephants who are known to adopt orphaned calves and bring the orphans in to their family unit. Same thing applies to turtles and unfortunately Roy crossed that ethical line going from trophy hunter extraordinaire to Terrapin trickery.


I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.
Some of you will always defend Roy, and that's fine, but guys like Model70Guy are clear headed enough to see it for what it is.

I take no pleasure in making this report (smirk), as I too once held Roy in high esteem.

Eel.. Thank you for standing up letting the truth be known. I expect you will receive some strongly worded pm's from friends of Roy and being the responsible ethical hunter you are I'm sure you felt it was not only your duty to expose Roy but it is also the right thing to do.

There is another matter I was thinking about regarding Roy and that would be the record book turtles he has taken. One would have to question the methods he used to harvest the trophies.
His name may be removed from the turtle record books if he did in fact take any of the trophies using live decoys.

I don't know if that is the case or not I'm just sayin'..

I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.
Somebody needs to get a hold of B&C to turn him in. It's not fair that we have do it the right way yet cheaters like Roy do as he pleases.

Someone mentioned chute planes and i heard that he's been flying the unit for a month now...

Chute planes???? It just gets worse and worse...

Who knows where this is going to end up. You never know, Roy might end up being stripped of his records, possibly face criminal charges, maybe end up in prison.

You know last year someone mentioned something about Roy and the use of spotlights and of course I quickly dismissed the idea but now.... Quite honestly I'm not so certain about anything anymore.

I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.
I noticed something else that is kind of disturbing...

There have been several posts regarding Roy and his methods and some strong suggestions that his integrity is questionable.

Now I know if it were me that was the subject of discussion I certainly would state my position and make certain my objections were heard...

However not a word from Roy...

What does that mean? Is it possible he has taken flight?

Could there be more to the story than Eel suspects?

So many questions... Wonder if TripleK has heard from Roy..

"I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President."
I saw him when I was out scouting the other day with a big old trailer that smelled like turtles. He was with a dude that had dark mullet. Who do you know that has a mullet? We need to expose him as well! I think they are in cahoots together. No wonder the SFW basin turtle tag went for so much. Who the hell would pay 150,000 grand for a basin turtle is beyond me unless its a for sure deal on a real razor beak.

Im glad the beans have been spilled on the whole operation before it could get ugly.


Nets are for fish!!
swbuckmaster, I'm not positive, but I think the dude in the dark mullet is Kirt Darner's nephew, which would stand to reason.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-10 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]You haven't heard from him because he's not in Texas. That was the decoy truck. Word has it he was spotted at the Grand Canyon in Arizona today. I think he's got his eye on a HUGE desert tortoise. Hunting in the fog (yes, it was foggy there today and he said he was plumb scared out of his pants to hunt the dirty devil terrapin in that kind of conditions!)

>You haven't heard from him because
>he's not in Texas.
>That was the decoy truck.
> Word has it he
>was spotted at the Grand
>Canyon in Arizona today.
>I think he's got his
>eye on a HUGE desert
>tortoise. Hunting in the
>fog (yes, it was foggy
>there today and he said
>he was plumb scared out
>of his pants to hunt
>the dirty devil terrapin in
>that kind of conditions!)

Wow.. that takes a gutsy man to hunt in those foggy conditions. Now mind you I have never hunted giant terrapins in the fog but I have been told that while they are huge these crafty devils can move silently through the fog and be on top of you in a matter of a few hours!! And once they have closed the distance and are poised to attack you only have 5 or 10 minutes to move out of the way or it's hunter soup...

I have to say I'm more than a little concerned about Roy's safety now that TripleK said he was hunting in the fog. I hope he is okay but it's been a couple days now and still no word from Roy...

I know Roy's ethics are being questioned and we all know here at Monster Muleys your guilty until proven innocent.. but I will feel a little bit better when I know Roy is alright and has not become a terrapin dropping in AZ.
TripleK, here is a question for you. How come Roy gets to go on all the coveted turtle hunts, while the rest of us don't?

If I had the money and nothig but free time.....I would kill a lot bigger turtles than Roy does. That's a fact!

I hope his truck breaks down at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and he has to walk out!

>TripleK, here is a question for
>you. How come Roy gets
>to go on all the
>coveted turtle hunts, while the
>rest of us don't?
>If I had the money and
>nothing but free time.....I would
>kill a lot bigger turtles
>than Roy does. That's a
>I hope his truck breaks down
>at the bottom of the
>Grand Canyon, and he has
>to walk out!

Eel... Lets not stray away from the original problem here. Remember it's Roy's integrity that is suspect here. I think maybe TripleK is trying to run a little interference for Roy by trying to get us off track with the Grand Canyon story.. It almost worked for me as I was a little concerned for Roy with the fog and all but I think TripleK is attempting to be a slickster.. Now focus Eel.. and forget about that big turtle story.. I know it's hard but you can do it..

I hate it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-10 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]Me???? Jealous of Roy??????

Not a snowballs chance at the bottom of the Grand Canyon in August!

Not only do I hope his truck breaks down, I hope the fog lifts, his turtle spoils, and Roy is cited for wanton waste of a big game animal!

We'll see how big he acts then!


Edit: You're right Model_70, I need to focus! Sorry! that you mention it...Roy DID ask my mom for all her leftover veggies and for an extra head of lettuce when he was here 3 weeks ago. And, I noticed a couple of bags of my high protein hog feed missing...and a bottle of wormer and some Fast-Gro steroids we had for a science experiment animal. I was thinking Roy was just hankerin' for salad all the his normal feed in the heat...but now that I think about it...all the extra veggies for a dude who really hates them (Roy is totally a carnivore!), and all the missing supplies...I suspect he was feeding something...something he wanted to grow HUGE in a short amount of time.

I'm thinking he smuggled something into the Grand Canyon under cover of the fog and will wait for just the right minute to "hunt" it.

We'll see how this plays out. My mom says he's driving his family back to Texas, but I'm not sure I believe her either. She'd do anything to protect Roy.

That bastard. Just when you think you know a guy.....

I should have left you and 1911 in jail. Not only are you and Eel bad mouthing my friend Roy I'm out the bail money.
Jenn, interesting. Very interesting.

My friend in Austin went through Roy's garbage can this morning. He found a receipt for 1000' roll of barbed wire fencing......purchased from a hardware store in Flagstaff, Arizona.
>Jenn, interesting. Very interesting.
>My friend in Austin went through
>Roy's garbage can this morning.
>He found a receipt for
>1000' roll of barbed wire
>fencing......purchased from a hardware store
>in Flagstaff, Arizona.

that's a dead end eel...his wife eats barbed wire....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Typical Eel backstabbery!!! Wait until he knows a guy is travelling and doesn't have internet access and then pounce on him with outright lies, accusations and other haberdashery!


So to answer the accusations

First - Last week, I may have been spotted coming out of a pet store, but it wasn't the turtle shack (that place is too overpriced and is unethical). Your "sources" may be confused, especially because he mentions that I have a truck! HA!! Sold that thing to buy a mini-van for the wife years ago. Now I drive a sedan - (if your "source" is good he or she will be able to identify make and model to you to legitimize your surveillance - maybe next time you should make sure the PI you hire doesn't have a little MadDog 20/20 problem, BTW, he was one of the easiest tails I have had to lose. Just drove through the liquor store parking lot and I never saw him again) and I did buy a turtle, but it is a small one in an aquarium that my 12 yr. old son is raising in order to complete his Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit Badge - check it out see requirement 8 (you really didn't think I would let him raise a Devil Terapin in my own home now did you??):

As far as the barbed wire is concerned, actually as TripleK pointed out, I was at the Grand Canyon on Saturday and yes, the fog was thick, but I did do some scouting, but not a lot as I wasn't really prepared to do a lot as I had my family with me. So I really don't know what that is about. Maybe your "source" was snooping around my neighbor's garbage. For some reason, she has put barbed wire and a roll of razor wire over the top of her fence. That happened the day after I got the Swarovski's. Not quite sure why. But the Swarovski's are a nice toy, and come in handy when locating new turtle territory. I don't really need them however for the actual turtle hunts as I do most of my scouting up-close and personal. Dangerous?? Yes - but it is definitely a risk-reward situation.

Why do I continue to draw the premium tags?? Easy one Eel - you forget the competency, intelligence, and pain threshold tests required to even apply! So far in the last 6 years there has only been 6 qualifying application scores, and yes, they were all mine, so I drew the tags fair and square! Maybe you should practice your turtle identification and "Shoot/Don't Shoot" skills before you come over here and accuse me of such allegations. Oh yeah though, that's right. That whole "shoot/Don't shoot" deal doesn't really go over too well at yard sales. Mabey next time you could try Craigslist Eel - it is a little quicker.

As for the rest - one word: WHATEVER. Talk to the hand.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
cbeard - you can believe what you want. But in the end, I will be cleared of each and every charge I have been accused of here by Eelgrass and the speculation that is accompanying it as well by the likes of Model70 Guy.

I feel that I am a lot like Lance Armstrong. I have been accused of many things but there is not one shred of evidence that could stand up in the light of day to convict me. I have been the MOST tested turtle hunter ever and there has never been even ONE single positive test result for unethical practices. NOT ONE! EVER! And there never will be either.

My record will stand on its own. I shouldn't even acknowledge this garbage with a response, but as you know Eel is determined to undermine me and make his own accomplishments look better by tearing mine down. Well, sorry Eel - that only works in the 5th grade. Be careful, the jealousy will eat you alive if you are not careful...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Maybe not today Roy but someday soon the DNA testing protocols will catch up to you and those Giant Galapogos Tortoises you've been entering in the B&C book as Tiny Texas Terrapins will be revealed for what they are.

Oh the shame of it all!!!
Yeah, he's a fraud. His vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and sentence composition don't match who he claims to be. Plus he doesn't answer his PM's.
>Yeah, he's a fraud. His
>vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and sentence
>composition don't match who he
>claims to be.

Well sometimes it is difficult for me to write when IT IS NOT IN SPANISH!!

>he doesn't answer his PM's.

DOH!! Actually yes he does - check your inbox! LOL

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I gotta give you credit Roy. You're slick! You should have been a lawyer.

Sleep with one eye open......You may have had all the answers this time, but I'll get you yet.

Eel.. Roy's answers seem to be a little to polished if you ask me.. And now cbeard is on to Roy about those Galapogos Tortoises???? Well Roy can say what he wants but Roy's gonna be talkin' to the hand when the DNA test results come back..

Roy... I is shocked!! No wonder those turtles he harvested are so big.. What some people will do to get in the record books...
>I gotta give you credit Roy.
>You're slick! You should have
>been a lawyer.

Yeah maybe I should have, maybe then I would be done with all this education bull crap!
>Sleep with one eye open..... Oh - I already do! Remember - I am haunted by turtles.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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