Is Patagonia anti-hunting?

I have heard both yes and no as an answer to this question. Does anyone have credible sources for the answer?
Listen to the founder of pantagonia on the meat eater podcast. Sure as hell doesn’t sound like an anti hunter when he tells his hunting stories.

Couldn’t agree more with him regarding mountains and grizzly bears.
Patagonia makes the best long underwear I will ever own. A lifetime of hunting and skiing in a set. Outstanding product, plus nobody will know but you.

My kids hate it. Wouldn’t be caught dead in Patagucci.

Doesn't seem to be anti hunting but has some interesting view points.
You have inspired me. I learned if i wear sweat pants like you while horn hunting that i myself can find monster moose sheds in utah also
Don’t be jealous of the micro fleece. You would hate your blue jeans and tighty whiteys up here looking for monster MOOSE sheds ?
Do you like all types of beer? If not does that make you anti alcohol?

What about women? Do you like them all? If not you’re a rope sucker....

I do like all types of beer and if I don't I respect that fact that someone does and I may just be a minority. Gawd forbid!!

SS, i like all women. Curvy to skinny. Tall to short. Fupa to ultra slim, flat butt to voluptuous, more than you know. Add its the attitude that is what differentiates attraction. But ultimately if it comes down to the final puzzy she's gonna look like an angel.
You're with me, or you're against me. There are no shades of gray, and I'll make no apologies for that.
Patagonia makes some great gear, as someone already mentioned, their base layers are some of the best I've ever owned. With that being said, Patagonia supports some pretty questionable "groups" who may have some pretty adverse stances towards hunters and habitat work done in the name of big game enhancement. So while Patagonia themselves may not be anti, they do support those who are.
Patagonia makes some great gear, as someone already mentioned, their base layers are some of the best I've ever owned. With that being said, Patagonia supports some pretty questionable "groups" who may have some pretty adverse stances towards hunters and habitat work done in the name of big game enhancement. So while Patagonia themselves may not be anti, they do support those who are.
To Patagonia hunting is an elective. Make no doubt about it.
If you’re anti any kind of hunting, you aren’t in support of hunting. Everyone should be in favor of legal hunting. If you don’t support everything, you might as well support nothing.
So you are in favor of high fenced hunting?
You're with me, or you're against me. There are no shades of gray, and I'll make no apologies for that.
This is difficult to sustain forever. I’m trying to trim the list of things I need to be emotionally invested in. One or two things is plenty I’m thinking.

It’s hard to be principled without also being angry sometimes, and most of us don’t have enough time here to waste on being angry. :)
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They support hunting but have a "green" approach. I suspect you wont see antlers hanging on Yvon's wall but you would see venison in his freezer; Nothing wrong with that. Great company.
Same could be said about REI. I have purchased gear from both companies. Good gear matters to me. It's always bugged me when those companies show support to causes and organizations that hurt our freedoms and livelihood as sportsmen. Both companies know that hunters buy their products. Has anyone ever seen a enviro-commie buy gear from a cabela's, or sportsman's? I never have. The tolerant left are masters at cancel culture. Are we to do the same?
Yvon was on BHA podcast. Yes I know DW, BHA, colorado bears, yada yada.

Anyway, he's a real "unique" guy to say the least. Having said that, he talks openly about killing deer, eating venison, and all sorts of wild game.

He's vocally anti grizzly hunting. I don't remember his personal stance on wolves, but I assume anti as well.

He discussed the Patagonia buisness model. It's also really unique, but it's not traditional in a top down style. He seems to let his people have large latitude on their causes.

DW stance seems silly. There are several gun manufacturers that openly advertise their guns as "not sporting arms". Should we exclude them from the brotherhood? Do I have to include the high fence, canned ranches like Rulon Jones' as "hunting"? Is the massive whitetail deer breeding buisness, hunting? Are pheasant farms?

If Yvon throws his money into causes that benefit us bad, because he doesn't support grizzly hunting? But somehow guys like Jason Chaffetz are good because he hunts, but wants to sell off the land?

Given the choice between patagonia product or sitka, I'd take Sitka.

But we got more truly anti hunting groups to fight, before we worry about Patagonia, IMO
Absolutely. To some, that is hunting and all they are capable of doing. Lots of high fence ranches in Texas, giant properties.
So you're ok with pen raised deer, fed supplements/hormones to grow big antlers and shot in an high fenced enclosure being called hunting? :unsure: I do like how you justify it even more by saying giant properties. You know why you said that? Because you know its wrong but you're trying to justify it.

Have fun "hunting" over your feeder in your high fenced area.

Given the chance I'll vote it out of existence. Anti hunting? Not even close.
They support hunting but have a "green" approach. I suspect you wont see antlers hanging on Yvon's wall but you would see venison in his freezer; Nothing wrong with that. Great company.
I bet you're right. In my house I have no mounts hanging up, no antlers even in the garage. My last 3 moose I've cut the antlers off and sold them with my sheds in the spring. Last two caribou I've left the racks in the field (one was knocking on B&C) My last dall sheep I gave away the cape to someone who needed one and then I gave the horns to a non hunter who wanted one for his living room. My reasons are most likely different than Yvon but I've came across a lot more hunters like this that seriously kill a lot of stuff. Also none of us have hunting stickers on our trucks...or coolers ?

I'm against high fence hunting and baiting of bears (especially grizzly bears) Delta bravo would call me anti hunting. But I bet he wished he had the fall I had lined up. Dall sheep, Caribou, Moose, sitka blacktail deer, wyoming antelope/deer/elk. And who knows what else. Not bad for an anti hunter....

As far as Pantagonia's founder and grizzly bears, I have to side on the side of being able to finally hunt them. What a great success they have been brought back from near extinction. Hopefully soon there will be some hunting of them.
But somehow guys like Jason Chaffetz are good because he hunts, but wants to sell off the land?
Hoss, you hit the nail on the head. We (hunters) tend to give public figures/politicians a pass just because they hunt. Meanwhile, their actions are more anti-hunting than the actual anti-hunters.

My final thought.....Patagonia is dedicated to preserving wild places and they're A-Ok in my book. Plus they make great sh1t. I don't have to agree with them on every issue. That's why I love America!
But somehow guys like Jason Chaffetz are good because he hunts, but wants to sell off the land?

This photo doesn't give me a lot of cred for Chaffetz hunting heritage.


I'd bet anybody here that Yvon Chouinard has hunted more animals than Trump.


For some reason I bet this tweet doesn't count with the "you're with me or your against me" crowd. ?
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You knew the whataboutisms would fly in defense of the undefensible. Unprincipled men fall for anything. Even when all those around them are showing them the truth.
You knew the whataboutisms would fly in defense of the undefensible. Unprincipled men fall for anything. Even when all those around them are showing them the truth.
What are you smoking? PM me, I want some.
DW. That tweet by Trump, along with banning imports of animals, makes him anti hunting. So You obviously as a principled man, must oppose Trump, correct?

Despite some good things he did for hunting, you must oppose Trump, because he was anti hunting
I backpack 7 miles into to my MT elk camp, 21.5 horseback miles into my Gila Wilderness spot when I can draw a tag. I could say if you drive the road, use atv, or spend your time within 3 miles of a road you're not a hunter, you're an opportunist, and same with rifle vs archery. We all live within our physical/mental/financial/time priorities and abilities. Bait-no bait, fence-no fence, left-right, public-private....We're all on the same team when it comes to enjoying our wildlife resources, non of us have "moral high ground" or are more "right" than others. Divide and conquer, end justifies the means, shaming those we disagree with, these are all strategy of our enemy. Don't play into their plan. Patagonia? Well a major outlet store is in my hometown. Nice people, good products, and one of the most hypocritical and least tolerant group-think businesses that absolutely support many organizations from ocean to mountain that every hunter would take issue.
This photo doesn't give me a lot of cred for Chaffetz hunting heritage.

View attachment 37500

I'd bet anybody here that Yvon Chouinard has hunted more animals than Trump.

View attachment 37497

For some reason I bet this tweet doesn't count with the "you're with me or your against me" crowd. ?
So because the guy hound hunts, he's automatically a bad guy?

Geezus Christ.... Hunters are our own worst enemy...
So you're ok with pen raised deer, fed supplements/hormones to grow big antlers and shot in an high fenced enclosure being called hunting? :unsure: I do like how you justify it even more by saying giant properties. You know why you said that? Because you know its wrong but you're trying to justify it.

Have fun "hunting" over your feeder in your high fenced area.

Given the chance I'll vote it out of existence. Anti hunting? Not even close.
There’s more types animals inside a high fence than just a deer and they aren’t all fed hormones and supplements. Lots of fun hunting opportunities for hunters of all types can be had inside a high fence. That’s fine if you don’t agree with it. But you should never slam another legal hunter for getting outside and chasing an animal. I don’t agree with the ethics of some forms of trapping, but you’ll never hear me tell a trapper that what he’s doing is wrong or not a type of hunting. If he’s legal, more power to him
Then what's the issue with Jason?
What I said, you can go read it again, was that that pic doesn't give him cred with me as a hunter. He's a land grabber, and when hunters started coming after him for another land grab bill he was trying to pass he posted that pic on Instagram in an attempt to cast himself as "one of us."
What I said, you can go read it again, was that that pic doesn't give him cred with me as a hunter. He's a land grabber, and when hunters started coming after him for another land grab bill he was trying to pass he posted that pic on Instagram in an attempt to cast himself as "one of us."
Ok, I can understand the issue with him.

Sorry to jump on you like that. I get very defensive when I see hounds and negative comments. Used to run hounds and had that right taken away by the wonderful state of commyfornia
Yep...DW tapped out with post #18.

TFF. Yvon is one of yours Buzz. There's a bunch like you. You hunt, but you look down your nose at those that don't think and hunt like you. Your group looks down on the bear baiters, the deer hunters that run em with dogs, the lion hunters, the trappers, the wolf hunters, the prairiedog shooters, the high fence hunters, the elderly that atv or road hunt. You're worse than the anti hunters because you fuel their cause.You're the same group that claim we're our own worst enemy from your ethical perch, as you judge and divide us, while we lose a little piece everyday. This is what I mean when I say you're either with me or against me. And I've never tapped out in my life, I don't see any reason here to start today.
TFF. Yvon is one of yours Buzz. There's a bunch like you. You hunt, but you look down your nose at those that don't think and hunt like you. Your group looks down on the bear baiters, the deer hunters that run em with dogs, the lion hunters, the trappers, the wolf hunters, the prairiedog shooters, the high fence hunters, the elderly that atv or road hunt. You're worse than the anti hunters because you fuel their cause.You're the same group that claim we're our own worst enemy from your ethical perch, as you judge and divide us, while we lose a little piece everyday. This is what I mean when I say you're either with me or against me. And I've never tapped out in my life, I don't see any reason here to start today.
You’re a hypocrite. You look down at people who oppose your views too. You are what you hate.
They say wisdom with age. But you’re a prime example of an exception to the rule.

The best part is guys like you don’t do anything but complain. Guys like Yvon and Buzz put walk to the talk. You’re the dog that barks when the door bell goes off but run off if the door is open.

Mail man is coming tomorrow, get ready! You’ll show him one day!!!
TFF. Yvon is one of yours Buzz. There's a bunch like you. You hunt, but you look down your nose at those that don't think and hunt like you. Your group looks down on the bear baiters, the deer hunters that run em with dogs, the lion hunters, the trappers, the wolf hunters, the prairiedog shooters, the high fence hunters, the elderly that atv or road hunt. You're worse than the anti hunters because you fuel their cause.You're the same group that claim we're our own worst enemy from your ethical perch, as you judge and divide us, while we lose a little piece everyday. This is what I mean when I say you're either with me or against me. And I've never tapped out in my life, I don't see any reason here to start today.
You're a liar...and speaks to your character, or lack-there-of.
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"you look down your nose at those that don't think and hunt like you."


Do you see the irony or more appropriately, the hypocrisy? Didn't you say we either all agree with you or we're against you? C'mon Man!
"you look down your nose at those that don't think and hunt like you."


Do you see the irony or more appropriately, the hypocrisy? Didn't you say we either all agree with you or we're against you? C'mon Man!

Hypocrisy? I'm not working to eliminate opportunity or method. Why is this so hard to follow?
Hey Buzz, they're fixin to kill 90% of the wolves in Idaho. Looks like they've come to their senses.
It's obvious why you've turned to name calling Buzz, I've buttoned you and it's made you feel uncomfortable. Hopefully you've been given the skill set to work your way out of it. I wish you luck!

Oh look. Another anti hunting group, fighting hunting shutdowns.

Don't tell DW, he's principled, he won't believe it

Was it a piece of ground they had designated for wind farms and solar fields? Rid yourself of them, you made the right decision. I won't judge you. But if you continue to defend them I will......
Hypocrisy? I'm not working to eliminate opportunity or method. Why is this so hard to follow?
hard to follow? why is it hard to understand that not every hunter thinks like you? That doesn't make them on the opposing team. I digress.
Patagonia makes some great gear, as someone already mentioned, their base layers are some of the best I've ever owned. With that being said, Patagonia supports some pretty questionable "groups" who may have some pretty adverse stances towards hunters and habitat work done in the name of big game enhancement. So while Patagonia themselves may not be anti, they do support those who are.

Sounds like they support anyone who sends money their way.
Was it a piece of ground they had designated for wind farms and solar fields? Rid yourself of them, you made the right decision. I won't judge you. But if you continue to defend them I will......

Can't be an opportunity hunter, if the lands shut down. That's your blind spot in all this. Always has been. Can't bait bears on Bill Gates farm.

That's why Yvon fighting with us on public ground, is PRO HUNTER.

Dude has a ton of money. If he uses it, keeping ground open, great. That's less he has for grizzly fights. More WE have.

Sure, in a perfect world, Yvon isn't a true ally. But I live in the HEART of sell of the ground politics. They haven't stopped. Their PR has.

Our biggest threat ain't grizzly hunting antis. Our threat is jackasses in Congress selling off land to the Bill Gates, Chinese investor, equity firm types.

No land=no hunt

You don't roof a house, until AFTER you pour the foundation.
Yvon is a pure Socialist, figure it out. In ten years hunting and fishing will be reservered for Elitists.
Socialism and the concept of Elitism are totally opposing views. Maybe stop using the word Socialist if you don't know what it actually means.
Here’s my ram from last fall. Sent the picture to pantagonia and they gave me a pro discount voucher on a future order. Sure seems like they are anti hunting. ?

Don’t drink the kool aid. View attachment 69223
Nice ram, but you look completely different than I imagined. The way people here treat you, I thought you would have devil horns, beady eyes & a long tail. :rolleyes:

Smart W
Patagonia makes the best long underwear I will ever own. A lifetime of hunting and skiing in a set. Outstanding product, plus nobody will know but you.

My kids hate it. Wouldn’t be caught dead in Patagucci.
Patagonia makes the best long underwear I will ever own. A lifetime of hunting and skiing in a set. Outstanding product, plus nobody will know but you.

My kids hate it. Wouldn’t be caught dead in Patagucci.
I like Smartwool Merino 250 better. The breathability in Patagonia is slightly better but warmth and durability is better in the Smart Wool.
There isn’t any escape from the truth, Patagonia is a liberal tree hugger brand that hates hunting with a burning passion. Do us all favor and support brands that support hunting and fishing conservation (Kuiu, first lite, simms) and notice how I didn’t mention Sitka or as I like to call it $hitka, their stuff is too expensive and they don’t even help support conversation projects.
There isn’t any escape from the truth, Patagonia is a liberal tree hugger brand that hates hunting with a burning passion. Do us all favor and support brands that support hunting and fishing conservation (Kuiu, first lite, simms) and notice how I didn’t mention Sitka or as I like to call it $hitka, their stuff is too expensive and they don’t even help support conversation projects.
Is that your opinion or what the influencers you follow say? Maybe you should focus on watching videos of YouTubers naming bucks.

Go ahead an post a link where they are anti hunting.

? ? ?
@SS! What brand is your sweatpants? Walmart? You should be proud of me. Just 8 pairs of Ariat Fr pants. They sure are comfortable
@SS! What brand is your sweatpants? Walmart? You should be proud of me. Just 8 pairs of Ariat Fr pants. They sure are comfortable
Ariat? None of Luke’s influencers wear those so they must be anti hunting!

I’ve been going without pants lately…
Is that your opinion or what the influencers you follow say? Maybe you should focus on watching videos of YouTubers naming bucks.

Go ahead an post a link where they are anti hunting.

? ? ?
It’s my opinion, they are just not a good company to support, they support a lot of anti pipeline stuff and liberal things such as BLM. They openly supports Biden, which supporting a company that likes that clown is quite embarrassing in my opinion.

Oh and here’s your link:)
It’s my opinion, they are just not a good company to support, they support a lot of anti pipeline stuff and liberal things such as BLM. They openly supports Biden, which supporting a company that likes that clown is quite embarrassing in my opinion.

Oh and here’s your link:)
Did you even read the article? You post a story about pantagonia saying they an outdoor hunting clothing line, the founder saying he’s a hunter etc and THATS the article you decide to post to prove they are anti hunting?

Good grief I think the Chang Outdoors neck gaiter is cutting off the circulation to your brain.

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