Is it Winter Yet?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-12 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]10 day forecast shows nothing but snow, some rain, more snow.

I just hope the Power doesn't go out or stay out for long periods like it did last year.

let it rain!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
We're about to blow away over here on the coast! But if we don't blow away we will drown so.......


Kill the buck that makes YOU happy!
nocal, nice link! I saved it. All the hatches are buttoned down, let it rain!

Took a drive over to Susanville today. Most of the way over, there was a misty swirling ghost like vapors being blown all over the road tops. I've seen that before but nothing like today...very fine ice crystals i'm thinking but not sure.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yes, alittle weather is just what we need here in north east Kali.The chuckers have been a little wild around here, now its time for some get back! BH1
Guys....down here in Shasta Co (& Tehema) the ground has been so dry & hard, the poor pigs are starving. Got one a couple of weeks ago and not much fat on him. The Blackies are doing good though....seen some real good carryovers with several dropped their horns already.

Would like to see alittle break on Sunday when the 9ers take care of business!
nocal, Great report thanks!! Go Niners!!

We're up to about 10" to a foot of standing snow with it still coming down.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Could one of you guys please describe SNOW ,,,,,,and the actual concept of a SNOWSTORM ?

Thank you.

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
Winter? I checked the local forcast for where I am and it said 80-82 degrees everyday for the next 10 days. Sorry Sage.
"Sorry Sage" Yeah, Right!!! You're over there having a great time laughing your tail off! :)

Now all we need is Overton to pipe in with pic's of his island marlin!

Guys. i signed papers to buy a house today. Nothing new, really large, or all that special in fact it's a bit of a fixer upper. But, it's going to beat the heck out of renting, like i have been these past almost 20 years, there's a shop and a garage, and, i was able to take advantage of the depressed housing market and get a steal of a deal. The good news, i am able to pay all cash so there's no mortgage. The bad news, it's in Westwood 10-12 miles away toward Susanville and they actually get more snow than we get here! What was i thinking?? LOL


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Congrats on the house. If the Dyer mt. ski area ever goes in your place will shoot way up in value. I wonder how many of the people that are against it, wish there were jobs from it right now? Naa who am I kidding. most of those people don't want a job.
Sage, I'm glad you got some snow. Nothing here, absolutely nothing. I'll bet we got less than a 1/4 inch of rain so far.

BUT according to NOAAs weather, my chukar spot I'm hunting tomorrow is to get 2-4 inches overnight and snow again tomorrow. Tracks I see will probably have birds in them.

I love NOAA. You can click on a spot on the map and they'll give you the weather for that exact spot. I'm not sure of the accuracy but lots of times when it forecasts rain at my house and snow in one of my chukar spots, I'll get rain and the huntin spot will get snow.
NECALI, Thanks! Yeah, the price was right. Not so much looking to make any money on the place as i am looking forward to not having to make monthly payments if they be rent or mortgage. I had a ladyfriend, a few years back, over there and spent a good deal of time there. We had great neighbors and i found the place nice enough. There's always going to be exceptions...

Slayer, NOAA's Weather. I did a serch and lots of great stuff there. I saved that site as well, thanks!!

So Far, just Rain today. A good deal of it! Let it Rain!! :)

Go Niners!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-12 AT 01:34PM (MST)[p]Well Sage I'm a piss poor marlin fisherman. I just hope I have better luck with marlin next month.
overton, we all know Kilo is the Marlin fisherman.

Joey, congratulations on the house. I've always liked Westwood.

It's been pouring down rain for a few days now in Eureka. We needed it though. All our rivers were closed to steelhead for low flow but now we're looking at some time before they drop back down into shape.

Stay tuned, it could get ugly the way it's comming down today.

Rains coming down hard and it's windy as all get out here in Janesville. Hopefully this will turn to snow by morning. If it does it will be get-back time on a limit of Chukar!....Just thinking positive!


DJ, good luck in the AM. Glenn tapped out due to the weather. I'm going anyways, regardless. BUT would like it to get colder.

The big flat I have to cross to get to my spot may be a lake tomorrow but "I'm going anyways."

Been pouring here since 4 PM. internet weather says 1/4 to 1/2 inch of percipitation overnight. That's alot for us.
Good luck on them birds Fellas!!

It's been Raining hard all day and night here! Most all the snow that piled up from Thurs, it is Gone!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I got up @ 5:00 AM and there was barely a skiff of snow here so I went back to sleep. Wind more than lack of snow.

BUT I have the next week off. Hoping to get some great photos..maybe some birds too. :)
Up at 0530. Windy...Ankle deep snow, blowing like mad! Birds spooky and jump'n wild! Took two shots, 1 bird. Rick got 2, Mike 0.
Oh well, hit it again Monday!


I wasn't complaining, except for the wind. I hate hot weather! Bring on the cold, and the snow!



i said in my last post, "It's been Raining hard all day and night here! Most all the snow that piled up from Thurs, it is Gone!!"

Well, it's piling up again, 4-5" of snow today and still coming down pretty good! Our higher elevations must have taken a huge dump with all this recent moisture.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
No big dump up high around Susanville. Rained most of the time.
We went up to the top of Diamond Mt. This afternoon on snowmobiles and there was only about 6" . Hopefully tonight they get some.
Joey, I looked at the Chester live cam this morning and it looks like you got hammered with snow last night.
Yeah Larry, We got easy a foot of fresh stuff!!

82 degrees........:)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hey Joey....we just got off the golf course, you were wrong on the weather forecast. A cold front came through today...only 81.
Sorry to hear that ol buddy! I'm sure you and the Wife will be able to make do....

As far as being wrong, i've never so often been as wrong as i have been since i joined MM and i'm finding out more and more how wrong i am almost daily!

Get back soon! I sent you to Hawaii so the Niners would win. Now that they didn't do so...we need to do us some fishin! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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