Is it really that easy?

That is messed up, if they are here legally they need to be left alone. You could very easily substitute in early Mormons in Missouri in this story, same kind of treatment.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-10 AT 07:34AM (MST)[p]Really HorseCreek? Do you really realize what you are saying? I I don't think you read this article very carefully. Maybe you want to re-read and think this one over a little bit more and reconsider this whole post.

Whether those people are in this country legally or illegally - what those cops are doing is pure and simple racism. If it is proved that this was a town policy - or even a conspiratorial unspoken policy - then they could and should lose their charter as a city and police force. Institutionalized racism should not exist in this country - PERIOD.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, Sorry I should have laid the sarcasm on a little thicker. It was meant in good fun.

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