is it possible


Active Member
is it possible to draw a nonresident limited entry elk tag in utah without many pref points. if i understand correctly a certain number of tags are for max point holders and a certain number for random draw. how does this work. i only have 5 points
With 5 points you'll be in the random pool with 1500 other applicants. Do the math. You have a chance...but a very small chance at that.
There a few guys every year that score like Woods. Then there are a whole boat load of guys like me that's been in for 16 years now without the random draw luck.

For petea's sake, he should know the chance is about 1% in the random draw. Don't go planning out your vacation days yet.
>For petea's sake, he should know
>the chance is about 1%
>in the random draw. Don't
>go planning out your vacation
>days yet.

+1 FW
Lots of guys cry for a straight random draw but IF we went back to the random system a guy would only have about a 1.9% chance of drawing every year anyway.
I'd much rather accrue points, work my way to the top, get a tag and plan my hunt.
The current system rewards those who are dedicated and eventually they rise to the top and take a tag in many units/hunts/species.
With that said, there are hunts which give so few tag that there will never be enough tags to go around. Some guys will do without regardless of their dedication.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-15 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]Actually Zeke, it "might" actually end up being worse than 1.9% if Utah went back to a 100% random draw, because, I'd guess, the minute they went to a 100% draw, a whole lot of non-residents that aren't applying now would put in, thereby lower the odds even more. As it is now, some non-residents pass because they don't like the 50% rule.
Yes Loyd, there's a chance...


>It is definitely possible. I drew
>a limited entry archery tag
>last year with 3 pts.

[font color="red
Well, it's not impossible... But your odds of getting a tag with 5NR points are slim... Like, forever...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-15 AT 05:58AM (MST)[p]How it works took me a long time to grasp.

With 5 points, you get 6 chances in the drawing (this years app + your 5 points). People with 0 have 1 chance, with 1 point have 2 chances, and so on.

If there is only 1 NR tag, then it is totally a random drawing.

If there are 2 or more tags, then 1/2 the tags go to the max point holders (rounded down). If 2 tags, then 1 max point tag, if 3, then still 1, if 4 then 2, etc.

Example: Henry's rifle tag. There was 1 Max point tag and 2 random tags. There were 10 people who had max points (19) for the 1 tag, so you had a 10% chance of drawing if you had 19 points. However, there were 4077 people who applied for this tag, so even people with 18 points only had a 0.1% chance of drawing one of the other 2 random tags!

By contrast, the Henry's muzzleloading hunt only offers 1 NR tag. So there is a random drawing for that. The Max point holder in that drawing last year (18 points) only had a 0.5% chance of drawing because there is no max point tag, only random.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I'm not trying to stalk you but there is a little clarification that begs here.
Technically you do not get your "name in the hat" for each point and the year of application.... you actually get a randomly assigned numbers for each point and your application, then they throw out the highest numbers, keeping only your lowest number. When it's all over, the applicants with the lowest numbers are the ones with the tags.
It's almost the same thing as "X" chances to draw but not really the same thing. It's all pretty random.....unless you're in the max pool where the process is the same but the applicants are much fewer.
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