Is it just me?


Long Time Member
I know or have heard of sooooo many people drawing huge tags with less than 5 points. Moose with 1 & 2 points, Buffalo with 4 points, Henries deer tag with a couple of points, multiple multiple elk tags with less than 5 points. It doesn't make a lot of sense and is upsetting yet gives hope at the same time. Here I sit with 15 buffalo points and somebody with 4 draws that damn tag yet I get to start getting back into the mix for elk next year and I would love to be the one drawing with only 1 point! Anybody else notice the trend or is it just me?

It's always an adventure!!!
Yeah Jim, I am noticed (sorry couldn't resist)...

I have heard of several. It does seem odd, but I am not complaining. I have mostly heard of elk tags being drawn with just a few points.

I wish you would of got that buff tag..
It's just you just kidding man, I feel your pain, I have 10 NR deer points and I failed to draw again this year.....good luck to you though, surely you'll draw a buff tag soon.
No man I FEEEEEEL your pain. I put in on a less popular unit to try and burn my 15 points on year I'll have 16 :)
I should have drawn...only thing I can figure is alot of people thought the same way I did :)
This system is top notch!



I had only 4 elk points and I didn't draw, what's up with that?Apparently, some of us didn't draw with less than max points. I know I've got a long road to go on this one. Maybe next year for both of us!!

Yep, suck doesn't it. 16 moose pts. for me now. Still like the idea that half the tags go to any applicant cause that means me and you still have "a chance" at another WIALT critter after you draw a buffy and I get to goose a moosey. At our age, we'd be done in Colorado or Ariz.

This way we still "got a chance" all be it, it's not much different than "Dumb and Dumber". I'd say "one out a million", but still............there is chance then, right?

And we are dumb and dumber because we'd be money ahead, way ahead, to just buy a hunt every year than keep trying to draw these damnedable preference tags in ten states. Some day we going make "the cover" Feleno 's "The Utard" titled "Dumb and Dumber, The True Story"

We'll be as famous as if we'd made the cover of RollingStone.

2lumpy - I love your logic. LOL I was waiting for a call from you when you drew your moose! Apparently the DWR didn't get a copy of your agenda in time. And what do you mean "at our age"?:D We're as good once as we ever were right?!

It's always an adventure!!!
Oh yea, and that not even true anymore, for some of us. lol! Do not believe the lie's they tell you about the "Golden Years". More like "The Age of Rust"

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-10 AT 11:44PM (MST)[p]Bull I had 2 elk points and was sure I had a Wasatch tag in my back pocket !!!! lol. Right now in Utah I am so far away from drawing anything yet. maybe you should head up to Peoa and blast one there just to relieve your frustrations.... Those ones don't run away. lol
Hey Jim I'm right there with you on the Elk. I don't know about you, but I more than ready for a "DO OVER" on wasatch archery!!
The luxury of a true Bonus Point state.

50% of tags to the top end point holders and a scramble for the other 50% for the rest of us.

I am thinking by cutting the buff tags so much----it had a big effect on the draw.

Atleast you and 2L...have stuck with your species and didn't jump all over the place and have like 5 points on a couple species ---out there in no-mans land.

Just some fuel for the fire, my father-in-law drew a hunters choice bison tag for the Nov. 20th hunt on the Henry Mtns. with 5 points. I was surprised to say the least. Now I just hope we can get him one.

Thought I had a decent shot at a bookcliffs archery deer tag with 6 points-no dice! My dad had 14 points and couldn't draw san juan archery elk-that one really shocked us!
You win some and you lose some! I've drawn in Nevada with 7, 9 and 12 points for Antelope, Elk and Deer. I have 11 in Utah and Arizona. I have 5 or 6 for Antelope in Oregon and have drawn it 2x along with my "once" sheep tag. I have 4 for deer in California. I have 5 for deer in Colorado. It's hard at times but rewarding at times. My hunts in Nevada were all first rate with no people but I won't likely enjoy that again for a few years. I guess we wouldn't know all this stuff if it weren't for the internet and MM's now would we. Maybe that's the problem we just didn't know before!
Took me 13 points to draw my Henry Mtns archery tag. I have never been one of the "Lucky ones" to draw with 4 or 5 points. As you can plainly see by me having 13!!!

Mathews Z7
CX Maxima Hunter 350
Sure Loc Single pin
Grim Reaper Broadheads
Utah is the worst Western state for applicants jumping from unit to unit. In the end, they mess each other up.

Look at the stats from the Game dept. and place your bet. That's all you can do.
No not just you. Last year I drew archery antelope with 6 pts.
6 years for archery antelope is crap. This year my father in law and bro in law drew rifle book cliffs deer with 4 pts!!
My buddy applied for pauns archery with 9 pts no go.
So like it has been said it's mostly just a crap shoot.

Bucks and bulls may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!
I will add a little fuel to the fire. I drew Wasatch archery last year with 0 points. And then this year my brother drew Wasatch archery with 1 point.

However, it did take us 7 years to draw an archery antelope tag.
I feel your pain. I have not drawn an elk tag anywhere since 2002. Before that I seemed to be able to draw one every year somewhere in the 8 western states. Of course the odds are terrible now compared to then. We can thank the CARTERS (you are the hunting fool if you support their system of raising the odds so you can't draw), Cabelas hunt service for changing the odds from an average of 1 to 3 into an average of 1 in 500. I can't even draw a resident Nev deer tag 1 in five years now when it used to be almost every year. I feel for my two sons they have 14 Utah elk points and can't draw. They have drawn Nevada before 2002 but that is next to impossible now after a 10 year wait. I still get to hunt deer in Utah every year thanks to a lifetime license. Without landowner tags, CWMU tags and Consevation tags I would not be hunting at all.
You should ask Chad about that trend :)

I guess I could chime in as well having drawn a Moose tag back in 2000 with 0 points ;-)
Ha Ha - the draw gods have been mighty kind to our family lately, but there were some very dry years early on as well. I guess it has just been our time (the special dance before submitting our apps also helps :) )
I've had some luck over the years drawing tags. LOL
After applying 28 years in a row I drew a Ut desert sheep tag in 2000 (max pts). After 29 consecutive years of application I Finally had my FIRST Ut limited elk tag in 2001 (max pts)!

With those #'s I should have another good Ut tag soon! LOL
2039 here I come! I'll need to rent a horse since I'll be 86 years old!

Thanks God for the bonus point system or I would have NEVER drawn a permit!

Love Zeke
Dax, in all sincerety, if you need some help on the Henries please let me know. I don't need a realy good reason to come down but I would love to come down and help you spot and pack.


It's always an adventure!!!
This has always happened, it's just now the WWW lets us all know.....

I drew an elk tag this year with 9 points, but I did the research and found a unit where I knew I would be in the bonus pool if there wasn't too much point creep. We did the same for my buddy and he should have been a lock by 2 points for his tag with 14 points, but didn't draw due to "unit jumping" like was mentioned above.

Then my buddy's daughter draws Book Cliffs rifle on her first big game application...

It's a crapshoot, but you have to love the chance of drawing one of those random tags....


I must say, I feel pretty badly about drawing my 3rd LE elk tag in 6 years (1 was an Expo tag). Honestly I do. I would love to give it to my Dad or any one of you who would enjoy a good Bowhunt. The trouble is I can't! The system we have is ultimately flawed. OR on the other side of the fence it is awesome! Depends on the year!?

I have had a rough streak early on in my hunting "career". Once I applied for an archery antelope hunt where there were only 1 more applicants than tags. Guess who did not draw? ME!! I have many more sob stories! Now, I will take the tags as long as they keep charging me for them!

I feel extremely fortunate to be able to hunt and enjoy the Elk and Deer herds we have. The deer may be down but they are not out.

I hope the future draws are more friendly to each of you waiting on tags. Your time will come and hopefully very soon.

As for you Jim, Let me fill out your application next year. Karma owes you more than 1 permit. Keep the faith!
I'd be interested to see the amount of tags given out this year by utah. I'm wondering if they increased the numbers of LE tags given out by a bit from last year. If that's the case theres gonna be a lot of pissed off hunters roamin the hills because knowing utah, when they do something like this is always ends up worse than expected.

happens alot thats what makes the draws kinda fun imo never know when your number will come up. i drew moose with 1 pt in 08 and archery elk with 5 in 09 not a thing in 2010 tho. pts are all cleared out think i have a long wait
I know of a very reliable source That someone drew manti premium with no points Im telling ya 8 points or more on elk for sure and premium deer.

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