Is Hillary still in it ?


Very Active Member
On FOX News Sunday, the question was asked;
If she looses more than she wins on Tuesday, is Hillary still in the race or does she bow out. Four out of five said she will still be in the race on Wednesday. What do you think ?
I think Obama would be well advised to seek some kind of protective custody until the election in November.:)

I see where Obama made the comment he would appoint supreme court justices like chief justice Earl Warren who he apparently admired. Chief Justice Earl Warren was a ex-gov. of Ca. and appointed to the bench by Eisenhower. During his time on the bench, he was noted to be very strong against legal segregation in the schools, and voted to de-segregate the schools. This is probably why Obama admires him. But on the otherhand, Warren was considered to be a very strong "liberal" in his time on the bench, and was also considered to be a "activist judiciary". This does worry me about who Obama may appoint to fill any vacant seats on the supreme court. The combination of liberal with activist judiciary is the kind of person who may see fit to change the meaning of the constitution to fit in with their ideas of what it means. That is the type of person that would be willing to sell our second ammendant down the tubes.
This type of judge worries me very much when it comes to interpeting our rights under the constitution. Warren also took part in many decisions that effected law enforcement and convicting criminals in court. Some of these decisions were good, some were not so good and balanced the scale towards the criminal.

RELH,well said. The pure definition of the word "LIBERAL" scares me when associated with the constitution. Let alone who the word has come to describe.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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