Is Henery's worth moving to Utah for?


Very Active Member
I have 17 points after the 2013 draw. Doing the math it will take me 18 years to draw the Henery's if all stays the same. If the same course as a resident I could draw in 5 years. I can retire at 55 in seven years and move down before the first of September which would give me 6 months by March 1st, in time to put in as a resident. What would you do?

31 years, She would be fine especially if we went southern where the weather is mild. Also I would have lots of time to spend on the ground.

Thats my plan to someday draw my beaver billy goat tag

Once we've invested that much money in points a mans got to do whatever it takes to get that tag!
>I'd think twice about becoming a
>It makes you dumber than a
>post. LOL

What kind of post we talkin bout LBH? A post on MM or a fence post? :)
My stay would be short, maybe not to much tard would rub off on me. I do have a few ancestors that called Utah home for a bit, before moving to Idaho. So might already be a Tard, who knows.

I'd do whats best all around. Never know what the Henry unit will be like in five to seven years. 400 bulls where very possible seven years ago and now I would not pass a great 350, not to mention a 370. Things do change!!! Best of luck in the quest and your retirement.
Yes I would. It might not be the Henrys then it might be another unit, But you will be in the game.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-13 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]My brother has a rental in Heber!!! But I like your plan and may beat you to it!!
You know why they call a "T-post" a T post don't you? The "T" stands for Tard! They are domb as a post!

M'Balz Es Hari
Well if you live in Idaho you won't get any dumber no matter where you move. But you might want to stay there so you fit in better ;)
As of right now we live in Oregon. Most of my life I lived in Idaho. Since Grandpa walked there from West Virginia in 1905, and my Mom's dad was half Indian out of the Salmon river country, I would have to claim Idaho. So dumb might be what I am. But I'm smart enough to know I will end up in a state with no state income tax. Wyoming, Nevada, Alaska or Washington. But six months in Utah might not be a bad stint.

I'm in the same exact boat with 17 pts. I'm only 41, but have thought about moving to UT too when I'm 65 in order draw Utah's best tag at the time. By then it could be the Paunsaugunt again. If I did that at 65 I'd have 41 pts!!!
Your points are your points and points are points! They are nonresident points only if you're a nonresident applicant. The moment you "qualify" as a resident, and claim no resident benefits in another State etc etc, your points become resident points.
I hear a couple guys must have done that with sheep points! My buddy was only 1 of 2, including applicants and points buyers, and now he's 1 of 4. Someone... or two, moved!
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