Is Charlie Sheen Next?


Long Time Member
Many famous stars have died an untimely death. It seems that Charlie Sheen with his binges and arrogance is on his way. Unfortunately, if he keeps on the way he has, I say he won't be with us much longer. It really is too bad as he has the world in front of him...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Did you see him on GMA? I don't care what the blood test showed he is whacked out. His arrogance is ridiculous. He obviously thinks he's invincible. Unfortunately for him by the time he acknowledges that he's not it will be too late.
Just another spoiled Hollywood brat, with way too much money and no clue how to spend it and get the best giggles and grins!

I basically like his work, but he is definately a self destructive person. Too bad, but you would think that people who make bizillions of dollars learning lines, could learn from the mistakes of their "circle" of friends and relatives.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I'd still watch the show if it was called "1 1/2 Men"

Now the jerk wants a pay raise from $1.8 mil a show to $3.0 mil a show.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan have similar destructive personalities and unfortunately their lives are destined to end far to early. It's just a matter of time.

I liked him and his bro in Men at Work.

You all are a bunch of hypocrites...secretly you all envy him for getting the opportunity to snort cocaine off hookers backs and you know it:)
>You all are a bunch of
>hypocrites...secretly you all envy him
>for getting the opportunity to
>snort cocaine off hookers backs
>and you know it:)

Well... yeah.
I missed his interview this morning, would have liked to hear it.....2 1/2 men is one of the funniest shows out their, add in that he has paid his hookers in the past with a check shows he has a great sense of humor...or just don't give a sh#t...
"I liked him and his bro in Men at Work."


Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
In a rambling interview, Sheen calls himself a warlock for his ability to cure his demons. He states curing himself with the power of mind over matter. Now, if he could only cure mental illness.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 06:08AM (MST)[p]look at Downey Jr......Thought he was going to OD on some junk and now ....well he seems to have put it together so far!
I like Charlie he'll be fine....seen Chevy Chase, Clint Eastwood, Al Davis latly?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 08:44AM (MST)[p]Well, they might have a ton of money, lots of women and get in the paper everyday.....but they have too many incidents with the law, so now they cannot HUNT, or own a gun!

That is why they get on the "anti" everything ticket.


I just watched more of his interview. Charlie should just STFU!

One thing though, he can apply for the role of Mohimar Khadifi, if they ever make a movie.....he has a lot in common, personality wise.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

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