Is 38 Type one it.


Very Active Member
I currently have one lees than Max Elk points. I want to hunt in 2016 so kind of looking for a Unit I know I can draw. Right now 38 Type 9 looks like it. I would like to rifle hunt since I have not hunted elk with a rifle for several years. I have been told that the rifle hunt in 38 is not as good and could be tuff. What are you all thoughts. Should I be considering another area?
The toughest thing about rifle hunting 38 is the amount of hunters in there. I had that tag in 2012 and just before day light on opening morning it looked like a Monday morning rush hour with all the trucks driving everywhere. 38 is one of the units or at least it used to be a unit that was either archery hunting or rifle hunting . No archery hunting then if you're not successful come back during rifle and hunt FYI. I think bow hunting would be great in there but it wasn't my kind of place for rifle elk hunting at all.....Beautiful place but way to crowded for me.
Jodog is correct.

Very crowded. So many roads in the unit you get high 4 wheeler traffic. But 90% of the hunters are last road hunters. I have seen several elk 500 yards off the road during archery and rifle and hunters will sit hoping the elk will come closer to the road. They were even to lazy to go after a 330 bull during rifle season.

The unit doesn't hold monster bulls. A rag bull to 320 class bull is average. Over 320 consider that a monster bull for the unit. don't get me wrong some people have taken a 360 class bull in the unit. Out of all the people I know that hunt the unit I can think of 2 bulls of that caliber taken. Last time I hunted the unit with a friend back in 2008 we were on 150 head of elk. lots of spikes and rag bulls in the herd. The herd bull was a 310 class bull. The smaller bulls came into the calls very well. My buddy never did tag out since he wanted a larger bull.

I have hunted the unit with some friends and it drives me nuts with the crowds but im use to horseback going in 17 miles away from people. I will say one thing at least the elk bugle back to ya during archery season to where the other units don't that hold high amounts of wolves.

So I don't speak highly of the unit since my hunting taste for elk differs than the bighorn mnt area. BUT I will say I enjoy seeing the nice muleys and monster moose. If ya like to fish the streams hold brookies but by then the fisherman make the fish smart by hunting season and I don't know what the fish season is.
I don't know that area, but crowded areas are generally best hunted at the tail end of the season. If you're going to hunt with the crowds, get on google earth and look at how you are going to make the crowds work for you. Where will the crowds funnel the elk to? Where are the hell holes no one will want to hunt? Don't overlook pockets close to the roads. There are those who adhere to the roads and a few hundred yards next to, and there are those who go back 5 to 20 miles. Look for possible dead areas (as far as hunters are concerned) in between. I've had several times I've kicked elk out of beds (yes, I was careless and should've shot one in its bed) where I could stand and see traffic go by below the beds (I've seen this with a few pretty nice bucks as well). If you go the tail end of the season, you still want to look at the maps/terrain and strategize, unless you get to scout ahead.
I would echo what the previous replies have told you about the area. If you have one less than max points there are far better areas to hunt with less pressure and bigger Bulls. I can even think of several general areas with far better trophy potential and less hunters- just have to fight the Bears for the elk.
Well you have all echoed what I have heard before and that is if I decide 38 that it would be a type 9 tag. By the way I have been lucky enough to kill a couple good bulls so inches are not important on this hunt.
>Well you have all echoed what
>I have heard before and
>that is if I decide
>38 that it would be
>a type 9 tag.
>By the way I have
>been lucky enough to kill
>a couple good bulls so
>inches are not important on
>this hunt.

The type 9 tag is a ARCHERY ONLY TAG, YOU CAN NOT USE A RIFLE WITH THIS TAG. The type 1 tag is a rifle tag.
>The type 9 tag is a
>THIS TAG. The type 1
>tag is a rifle tag.

Godeep is correct. so if you go for the tag you have to decide a between type 9 or type 1
>>Well you have all echoed what
>>I have heard before and
>>that is if I decide
>>38 that it would be
>>a type 9 tag.
>>By the way I have
>>been lucky enough to kill
>>a couple good bulls so
>>inches are not important on
>>this hunt.
>The type 9 tag is a
>THIS TAG. The type 1
>tag is a rifle tag.

I am very much aware of this.
I don't know about this year because after the hunt I had in 38 I quit keeping up with the unit but as far as I remember opening morning for elk was also opening morning for deer..... Even more people !!
I'm gonna echo as well. Too many people, deer and elk do open the same day. Unfortunately the bighorns are turning into a crap shoot for any kind of hunting.
There will be hunting pressure in 38 but there are also a lot of elk, just a matter of getting away from the crowds.

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