
I been riding for ten or so years now and it was not until two weeks ago i bought a helmet because my road trip was going to be in some states that it was the law to wear one. They really aint bad and if its gonna save your life like in this case well im sure this guy wishes he could go back
Not wearing a helmet to me is like doing the deed with a hooker without a rain coat. Your head will become screwed up.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Helmets saved my life several times at the dunes when I was in high school...

You guys riding need to wear em!![/IMG] ~Z~
Seen too many accidents on the pavement where the individual didn't wear a helmet. Here is a thought, if you or someone falls off the back of a bike, your loved ones get to wipe your butt and feed you until you learn how to walk and talk again. You become a over sized 2 year old. You better hope you have somebody in the family who like you.
I NEVER ride on the street anymore because of 3 very close calls with death. I probably would have been killed in two of them if I didn't have a helmet on. But I think we should have the option of choosing to wear a helmet or not. Just like I have the option to choose to ride on the streets or not. So I don't ride on the street, and right now, I don't even have a dirt bike any more (but that's probably temporary). I think the Libertarians have it right -- let us decide and let us live (or die) with the consequences.
-- Bob
Only problem with your choice idea Bob is the taxpayer ends up taking over their care for years if they don't die. Takes a lot of bucks to take care of a vegetable in a nursing home. For a long time I didn't wear a helmet either, none of us did. Real stupid part of youth I guess.

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