

Long Time Member
I'm not sure how many of MMers have heard of another of those idiotic tragic shootings. At 2;00 this afternoon a punk gunmen in Omaha Westroads mall shot 14 people killing 9 with a rifle. The irony of the situation is that I had been in Omaha with a group of 8 high schoool girls as a sponsor for the state championship in mock trial. I live 250 miles west of Omaha in a very rural area. After the competition at about 12:30, I figured the girls would want to go shopping Westroads is the logical mall to stop at on the way west. No malls where we live and christmas is coming. Two girls being from a rural area wanted to go to a Martin Luther King memorial and Malcolm X bithplace, I agreed as I hate shopping malls but explained their would be no shopping as time wouldn't allow with a 5 hour trip home. The two talked the others into it, we went into the part of Omaha that would be considered the ghetto saw both things and headed home. While we were doing this a nut was shooting 14 people at the Von Maur store one of their favorites. Irony I'm in the "bad part of Omaha" and being their saves me from being in the wealthy part where the shooting occurs. Maybe divine intervention maybe just dumb luck who knows. Cell phones rang for the next 5 hours on the ride home checking on students safety.
What's the world coming to, the only good part of this story is the shooter is dead. glad you're all fine.
Thanks guys still has me a little spooked when you work with the same kids from 2nd grade till seniors they become somewhat like your own. I don't consider myself highly religious but even guys like me say a prayer of thanks on a situation like that.
"Maybe divine intervention maybe just dumb luck who knows. Cell phones rang for the next 5 hours on the ride home checking on students safety."

Maybe they just had a good teacher with them. I don't supppose it matters which part of town bad things happen but I bet you have some mighty greatful parents. A horrible learning experience for those kids but one they will remember for the rest of their lives. Glad you & your students are safe.

Appears you were in the right place at the right time today buddy. Glad to see you're okay, this is one time where education really was the better path.
>"Maybe divine intervention maybe just dumb
>luck who knows. Cell phones
>rang for the next 5
>hours on the ride home
>checking on students safety."
>Maybe they just had a good
>teacher with them. I don't
>supppose it matters which part
>of town bad things happen
>but I bet you have
>some mighty greatful parents. A
>horrible learning experience for those
>kids but one they will
>remember for the rest of
>their lives. Glad you &
>your students are safe.

Well said RUS Dito
That sent a chill up my spine. Glad you and the girls are OK.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
its funny how sometimes zigging instead of zagging makes all the differance in the world, glad you all made it out ok

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