Iraqi crude oil flowing through Turkey

RE: Iraqi crude oil flowing through Turkey

I'll give you credit you can see the bright side, 5 years to get some oil going again and to you that's a marvel. a functional government would impress me more but take what you can get I suppose.
RE: Iraqi crude oil flowing through Turkey

I'll give you credit dude. You can see the negative of any positive event.

Not too long ago there was a small country that took on a world super power. It took them and a coalition of the willing 8 years to defeat the super power then they took 4 more years to form their own constitution.

Bet you'd hate to live in that backwards a$$'d country.
RE: Iraqi crude oil flowing through Turkey

Well we now know Iraq has met only 3 of the 18 benchmarks set for them, don't let reality get in the way of your fun.

Today the accountabilty office told Hagel Iraq was disfuntional, considering everything else a few barrels of oil aren't going to keep this show going. the writing is on the wall, if you choose not to read it it's not my fault.
RE: Iraqi crude oil flowing through Turkey

Comeon Dude you know that the dems set the benchmarks. If you set the bar high enough no country come meet benchmarks. This is from a lifelong dem(blue dog type) boy do I hate to admit that! I feel like Zell Miller who said it's my house but strangers moved into my basement without my permission.
I think I might start my own political party. I'll call it fedup with all the above, especially the dems.
By the way I'm out the door to Colo for the muzzy hunt so if you respond make it a good one and I'll read it in a week or so.


PS send me some Iraqi Oil!
RE: Iraqi crude oil flowing through Turkey

Actually the benchmarks were somewhat of a bipartrisan effort, just because Bush doesn't like them doesn't mean many republicans don't. even if they were set by dems doesn't being elected count for anything anymore? we have to go Bush's route to the bitter end just because he's a republican? I'm affraid that's not the way it works.

Good luck on your hunt.

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