



Ahmadinejad has accepted Maliki's invitation to come to Iraq. now isn't that sweet? those two are like peas in a pod these days. Saddam the Sunni fought an 8 year war with Iran , so we put a Shiite government in Iraq to buddy up with Iran.

I agree we need Iran to help us stabilize Iraq so we can get out, but is giving Iran new allies really what we set out to do? who's side are we on? or is our goal of peace in the middle east to make the whole region pro Iran? I guess then instead of fighting amoungst them selves they could direct all thir hate towards us, this just keeps getting better.

Com'on spin doctors tell us how a pro Iran government in Iraq will make us safer and it's still worth the cost.
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

You are amazing, dude. You really pounded that square peg in a round hole. I'll bet your really fun with puzzles. Everything can be stretched, skewed, pounded and formed to fit nice and neat into your little box of beliefs.
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

Wow you showed me.

Your debate skills are as sharply honed as your political insight. lay it on us, we need the real story as you see it.

I'm waiting.
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

Your spin always amaze me. Just because the Iraq president invites the Iran president for a visit does not necessary mean that they will be bosom buddies.
How many times have different presidents of our country have invited presidents of nations that we were not on very friendly terms with?
You have yelled about how Bush should have used more diplomacy in dealing with Iraq,instead of invading, now here is the Iraq president using diplomacy. Hopefully to stop Iran's interference with Iraq's struggle, and you get on your high horse and speak out the other side of your mouth. When are you going to stop spinning in circles.

RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

If I thought you were the kind of person that could be pursuaded, we would talk. But your problem is you start at your opinion then manipulate the facts to support it.

You liberals are endlessly whining about the lack of 'diplomacy' with Iraq's neighbors but now that it is happening, it's somehow a sell-out to meet with the Iranian leader.

Proves my point. The end result in your mind is that everything in Iraq is a failure caused by GWB. First because there was no diplomacy and now because there is diplomacy.
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

Now com'on these guys are both Shiite and they do have past meetings where it's said they like each other. their religion binds them far beyond any borders or lines in the sand, haven't you learned anything about these people yet? I'm not spinning this I did think Iran would be a calming force in Iraq working with the Iraqi government. that was before the Sunni walked out, now it could lead to further violence. if the Sunni have no representation they'll be walked on by their Iraqi government and resent Iranian Shiites being freindly with Maliki. your lack of understanding how and why the different Muslim sects fight as they do is why we're in this mess, wake up. there is no positive under the current conditions to Iran and Iraq becoming freinds.

We armed Sunni Saddam to fight Iran, and then take him out so the new Shiite government can get together with Iran. smooth move there that worked well. you're the one spinning this, even Bush knows this is bad.

Rather than the bla bla bla about how bad I am tell us how this is no big deal and it's all fine, can you do that?
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

It is Bush's fault, where have you been? Saddam hated Iran.

Diplomacy is a great thing, I'm not saying bomb anyone. I'm saying giving Iran the chance to gain a foothold in Iraq is not a positive development. the mess Cheney talked about in'94 is EXCACTLY what we have going on today, it was bad in '94 and it's bad today. we'll see where this goes but make no mistake about it, the Shiite government of Iraq and Iran are or will be working together no matter what FOX tells you. if we've learned anything in the middle east it's that the sects extend beyond borders. we just knocked Saddam out and rang the dinner bell for Iran. the time for Iran's help was when the Sunni had representation not afterwards, if we can't get them back to the table and in the government there is no hope at all. Iran being Shiite will only make that more difficult.
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

Here is how I see it. You have got to look at the bigger picture here Dude. Personnally I dont give a rats a_ _ who Iraq/Malaki talks to if it puts and end to the violence/helps stabilise Iraq. Malaki can talk to the Devil him self Osama for all I care. If we get Iraq stabilised that means a win and we can get out. Then 1 year down the road when it turns to sh_t. The UN can deal with it. I mean the UN is after all according to the left the be all end all right?
We stay in Afganastan and the Hindu Kush searching for Osama, keep an eye on Iraq and Iran, keep our efforts up to destroy Iran from within.
The main problem is Islam and we are going to have to have another Crusade to beat back their play for world domination, and that is a fact. Either that or we lay down and let them take over.
RE: Iraq+Iran=Love

It's been to peaceful around here, what's the right wing spin on the latest news?

OK, now al Maliki says nobody has the right to impose time limits on his government, he also adds Iraq can make freinds elsewhere, wonder who he means? so he's saying keep sending troops and money and I'll let you know when you're done. add to this the intellegence report out that says there's much doubt his government will make the gains we've asked them to. most of us know the report Petraeus is going to make ( the whitehouse wants Rice to make it rather than Petraeus, wonder why? ) is going to show big problems. your little buddy al Maliki seems a little ungrateful and cocky to me, what do you want to bet congress decides they have the right to impose what ever limits they wish.

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