

Very Active Member
FRESNO, Calif. - An astonishing fact is buried in dirty-air data: Trees and plants in California's San Joaquin Valley produce far more hydrocarbons than vehicles do.

In the summer, crops, trees, lawns and the rest of nature release 360 tons daily of the key smog component.

That's four times the hydrocarbons than from cars and trucks.

Hydrocarbons combine with other gases in vehicle exhaust to form the San Joaquin Valley's ozone, considered one of the nation's worst air problems.

For now, nobody is advising people to chop down their trees to save the air.

But scientists do say people should plant trees such as the Modesto ash, oleander and Bradford pear, which don't emit a lot of hydrocarbons, and avoid the high-emitting trees - the sycamore, eucalpytus, weeping willow and cottonwood, they say.

It's Bush's fault!!!
How foolish to even mention ornamental trees when the valley is literally being carpeted with almond and pistachio trees........hundreds of thousands of acres. OH well

Living above the central valley I hear of the air pollution regularly.

Most of the smog is actually blown in from San Fran and sacramento and is trapped in the valley.

The valley is also one of the main growing areas for citrus, nuts, and vegtables in the country.
The San Joaquin Valley is truely the bread basket of the United States. I lived there in the early 70s for two years. Almonds, walnuts, peaches, melons. Two crops of corn per year! They use big belly dump trucks to transport tomatoes. Every sharp turn in the road leaves tomatoes all over the road. Miles and miles of grape vineyards. One summer there was a cannary strike about the time the apricots got ripe. This one orchard was giving away free apricots. My wife canned 'cots everyday for over a week. Huge apricots and all tree ripe. To this day I can't eat the little half ripe ones you get from the stores.

My uncle lived in Hilmar when I was in Jr. High. I went down and lived with my cousin one summer. He and I planted 10 acers of watermelons. Almost every day we were out there irrigating or hoeing weeds by hand. We set up a road side stand and sold watermelons for $.10 each or 12 for $1.00

Oops! What was this thread about? I forgot!:)


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