Interesting Task Force Article… Shaul attacked?


Long Time Member
So I just saw this article on the task force. I find it interesting that Shaul was so highlighted in this article and called out by a task force member. It seems that he has a right to opinion and a voice as does everyone. While I do not agree with his tactics, I also do not agree with a task force member going on the offensive against anyone commenting. That is not their job. They are to listen to all opinions, and create a path forward.
Best of all Shaul had a very straight forward calm and to the point. Made Livingston fuss and complaints seem silly…

“He offends everybody. He has no filter,” she said of Shaul. “I’d be curious to know just how many people actually think like him.”

I like her…
This comment seems troubling, especially coming from an elected official and not even an Outfitter or Landowner appointee.

“Flitner said the task force might also be looking at making proposals to change the allocation of landowner licenses.”

Always a hidden agenda for some.
When LOs get every tag in your hunt area and sell it to their buddies for big dollars $ you won’t like the change that was made.:cool::cool::cool:

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