interesting read


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-14 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]

And he shot off the highway. tis tis.

That is an interesting read. He should probably lose his job over this. G&F employees should be held to a higher standard.
Yep, knowing the rules and shooting from the highway is a big no no..... Im glad he will be fined instead of this being a hush hush and forget about it

I read the article again. This happened over a year ago. The shooting from the road is the bothersome part about this case. That is a major highway heading to the east entrance to YNP and not some secondary road in the country. I have hunted and hiked the North Fork for over 16 years. In all that time, I have only seen one black bear and I won't tell you how many grizzly bears. The area around Mormon Creek is a well known dumping ground for problem grizzly bears. I would be extremely cautious about shooting any bear in that area. If this happened over a year ago, why are we just hearing about it now?

just sayin... mh

I seen it in the paper today and kinda skimmed the story. That's odd they wait that long to post it.

I Hit the north fork very aggressive and I cant keep track how many griz I have seen and only a couple black bear or The amount times I have been charged. That's why I have a lot of faith in my .44mag. a guy cant trust bear spray. The darn things always blow up or the wind in that country swirls non-stop.

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