Interesting Poll Numbers


Long Time Member
The Gallop polls show Obama leading McCain by only 2% points and it has been a near dead heat since February.

Link to Interactive Graph

The most recent 3 day poll


No bounce of Obama during his overseas trip. While I still beleive he will win in Nov., it is interesting that it is not a landslide like the liberals and the media are protraying.

Obama will win unless he was to pass away before the election, then Clinton would win. I know this because the Oracle said so.

If McCain does not screw up, I think you will begin to see a shift change in those polls. Obama shot up very fast while debating clinton. Along with the fact that some voters were not wanting another Clinton in office.
Now his newness of "Change" is beginning to wear thin and he has not done anything to improve on that statement. Another thing that can hurt him severly is the economic issue of the high gas prices. The voters are swinging towards the GOP and their plans of more off shore wells and refining plants. Obama has made it clear he does not want to do that. Even if he saw the wind shifting, it will be hard for him to flip flop on the oil wells and refineries because he would be going head on with his democrat party and end up in a fight with Perlosi, Feinstein on this issue. If McCain plays the issue right, he will cut into Obama's popularity big time. This visit to the mid east by Obama has not helped him that much,too little, too late and most is aware that it was for show only.
Bush making the statement about opening up more well drilling, which was smybolic only as Congress has to approve it, and then the oil prices dropping down instantly, will convince alot of voters that Obama and the Dems are on the wrong track. They will turn away from Obama as being nothing more then the emptly liberal promise they have heard before. The voters want "Change" from the high gas prices, and so far the Dems have not shown they will be willing to give them the relief they want.

Today's Gallup shows Obama ahead by 6, and the new FAUX News poll shows him ahead by 3.

Gramps has a tough road ahead of him, if McCain makes a great VP choice and Obama makes a real stupid one is probably McCain's best hope.
That is still too close to call with the + or - error of most polls. I still think it will be economics that effect the average voter's pocketbook will be the big deciding factor in this race. Obama has a tough road to hold with the oil crisis and our dependence on foreign oil. McCain has a path that can allow him to show the voters he will lower the price of oil. Obama is faced with doing a turn around that would put him in direct conflict with his own party, or continuing to try and convice the voters that making new wells available and and new refineries will not reduce the oil prices. I do not think the voters will accept this. One thing the voters have seen is the way the dems have tried to convince everyone that the oil companies was too blame and lost that battle and now they are blaming it on oil speculators. They also are trying to convince the voters that releasing the oil reserves, held for war time use, is the answer, not drilling and building new refineries. All Mccain has to do is remind the voters, "what are we going to do once the reserves are depleted, go back to dependence on middle east oil at even higher prices". Sometimes the average voter is some what naive, but I do not think they are that damn dumb, at lease I hope they are not. I look for this issue to change alot of working voters minds on who they are going to believe and vote for as the time runs down to the election.

USA/Today Gallop polls of "Likely Voters" showd McCain with a 4% lead. A narrowly behind Obama among "Registered Voters" by 3% but both of those numbers are trending upward.

Been doing alot of reading about polling and it is about the most imprecise science as there is no true apples to apples comparison. Using any poll to make a political statement is just like using Statistics, you can make them say whatever you want.

The democrat is almost always ahead this time of year, look at 2004, 2000, 1988 for example. dude is picking his butt before he has finished his 'business', let alone wiped .


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
If I recall correctly, 'Willy Horton' had a 30+ point lead in early August. Tell me dude, how did that election turn out? I believe people are already getting tired of Obama and his honeymoon is winding down. If this is the best 'bounce' he can get with a full campaign from the media he is in BIG trouble come November. If McCain goes for the throat of Obama he will blow this election away. Obama is the most shallow presidential candidate in my lifetime.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
"Obama is the most shallow presidential candidate in my lifetime."

Another huge understatement

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
That's the spirit boys, Obama is ahead by 8% in today's gallup, but McCain is going to blow him away.

I think I can....I think I can....
Odd how dude only cites the polls that he agrees with/likes isn't it, then he chides others for being narrow minded, classic dude.

NeMont, the electoral map I saw tonight looked different than yours, it showed McCain with the edge with a few states too close to call. Sorry dude, you were WRONG about Billiary and you WILL be wrong about Obama. When it comes down to punching the ticket, many 'fence sitters', or as you prefer to call them 'moderates' will vote for McCain for his stance on fighting terrorists and dealing with Iran/N Korea.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
My map is from Zogby.

What is interesting in that map is the states that are in play.
Montana, Nevada, North and South Carolina, North and South Dakota. Interesting.

With the "inexperience" of B.O. you would think he would be getting blown away by Mr. McCain.... You can thank Mr. G dubya
for that... His "performance" over 8 yrs. has caused most people to open their eyes and look at things a little closer.... This will be a close race for a while... too close to call right now. The debates should make it a little more interesting though.
It is too close to call but if you were placing a bet there's no question you should put your money on Obama. Pro like always is wrong, Obama leads in ALL polls, you can't pick and choose from that.

The debates will be very important, as will VP choices. nobody likes McCain, but many people are not comfortable with Obama, if Obama gets the right VP that eases peoples fears Obama has it won. if he doesn't it might be a horse race until the finish. I'm thinking I will make a few bets just so I can care who wins,they're both sorry.

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