Inspirational / Motivational Stories...


LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]Well the conversation here has definitely taken a turn for the worse. Getting kind of nasty guys! I say lets change it up a bit.

I know there are quite a few of us struggling right now and could use a little more of a pick me up than bathroom humor. (Don't get me wrong - the bathroom humor has its place and everyone can use a chuckle now and then, but it's getting a little rancid!)

So - lets use this thread to post up an inspirational or motivational story.

I'll start - and please don't think I am trying to preach or push a religious agenda with this one, because I am not - I just like this story and it motivates me. It has a good message and man have I needed it lately! So forget the "Mormon" part if that is not your thing and just listen to the "Message" part - I assure you it's universal!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 11:42AM (MST)[p]Yeah Nick - they did - HE is that father. He was on his way to Harvard to go to school and get his Ph.D. - which he did get and later became President of BYU. And yes - it works for me!

Keep them coming! Let's lift ourselves out of the toilet today boys! LOL

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I don't know if this is inspirational or not, but maybe cause for reflection?

I was too young to remember, but my mom often tells the story of when she started going to church. She had recently became a born again christian. She never missed church, often dragging my sister and I along. My sister was 6 and I was 4.

One dark Sunday night she got us ready and put us in the car, a 1956 Chevy station wagon with automatic transmission. We lived out in the country and when she got to a stop sign at the highway, she looked both ways, and not seeing any cars comming started to pull out. When she did the car stalled. At that exact moment a speeding car with no lights on came flying by just a few feet from her front bumper. She said that after the car went by, her car started right up again. It was the first ond only time that car ever stalled.

It is now 58 years later. I'll soon be 62 and my mom is 84. She just got her drivers license renewed a couple weeks ago, and every Sunday she drives to church. Every Sunday! (a different car though:))

For what it's worth......

LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 07:30PM (MST)[p]Looks like to me the guy was walking back & forth between Santa Clara and Ivins on old highway 91. What the heck did Kanarraville have to do with this???

Moral of the story I guess: Don't buy a peice of shat Ford unless you want some guy making up parables about you.

Lighten up Roy. If they are going to make a movie about it they ought to get the geography a little closer.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 08:43PM (MST)[p]Light as a feather Rus!! Just wanted to be lifted up a little!

Yeah - that does look like the wrong place, but does that change the meaning of the story?? I guess its more scenic that Kanarraviille.

Anyway - great posts so far! Keep 'em coming!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Sincere apologizies Roy. I know exactly where you are comming from. Congratulations on your faith. Just don't expect everyone to eat the green jello. You are a good man, I can tell. This forum probably isn't the best place to debate religon. Whether or not you put the Mormon disclaimer in there, many of us have seen the movie and are not inspired.

>Sincere apologizies Roy. I know exactly
>where you are comming from.
>Congratulations on your faith.

>don't expect everyone to eat
>the green jello.

What if we put some carrots in it?? MMMMM Yummmmmy!LOL

You are
>a good man, I can
>tell. This forum probably isn't
>the best place to debate

Wasn't my intent - so please let's don't.

Whether or not you
>put the Mormon disclaimer in
>there, many of us have
>seen the movie and are
>not inspired.

No big deal. I guess I can just relate to the story of the father trying to do the best he can for his little family with not much to go on. It is relevant to me right now I guess and if it doesn't help all - it might help some!

You know I love you anyway!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
This is a true story no bs...

A few years ago after divorcing I was at Southern X here in Salt Lake. I was sitting by the stage drunk outta my mind when up walked the sexiest Lithuanian chick I had ever seen...she said to me, with a thick Lithuanian accent, "hello my name is Mia, I don't want kids, I don't want disease, I want everything else from you..." Well I felt pretty frickin motivated as well as inspired after her little speach so I took her home :)

Roy, I thank you for going to the trouble in putting the video in the Campfire forum. I enjoyed viewing it and appreciate you for putting it there. Cowtag
Roy just let me echo cowtags statement and tell you I think you are way too good for this place and remind you about casting your pearls before these swine.
I really like the story about the car that stalled and missed the speeding car with no lights.

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