Inside the World's First Billion-Dollar Home


Long Time Member
I wonder what their house payment is.'s-First-Billion-Dollar-Home
an entire skyscraper that smells like curry and goat grease....holy crap.

Now this is just simply stupid.

I don't care how much money you have, why would you build a 100k sq ft house in India?

Do you suppose they have gravity fed toilets that just dump out onto the street?

Do you think they use 10 rooms or so for their own staff of computer support people?

Do you think they have a view overlooking the you could watch the dead bodies float by and catch their essence on the breeze that wafts thru the bedroom and dining room windows?

Can't you see Bill Gates building one of these on a Shumash Indian Reservation in Washington.

The Sultan of Brunai built a real big one also....they call it "Camel Lot". What would you call a 500' tall goat barn?
It looks like a 5.0 earthquake would level it.

I would rather have a 600 sq.ft. cabin on a billion dollar ranch.

LMAO! JB....

>an entire skyscraper that smells like
>curry and goat grease....holy crap.


"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
LAST EDITED ON May-06-08 AT 11:56AM (MST)[p]That thing looks like a giant turd, made out of tin cans and Styrofoam. Oil money? Nah. They don't make enough profits in the oil business to waste money like that. x( ;-)

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