I have gold tip arrows and the inserts have loosened up on several of them. Any ideas on best adhesion to use to make these buggers more solid in the arrow. Thanks guys
if you pull the insert out and take a q tip with rubbing alchol on it clean the inside of the arrow you will get a lot of carbon dust out of it,,, if you clean it this way you can use regular glue,,,cbryant
i have tried using epoxy but have found that it gets brittle. I use a super glue. Goat Tough is a real good glue but is expensive, you can also get some archers super glue at sportsmans archery or the warehouse
Goat Tuff, or Gold Tip, Tip Grip, Both designed for gluing in inserts. Does not use epoxy especially the fast curing kind you will have nothing but problems.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-05 AT 03:21PM (MST)[p]use your recommended glue. its made to heat up with a lighter or torch and you can reset it.
if it becomes loose its because you failed to heat your shaft prior to inserting the nock your adheisive was removed when you inserted it, if heated up slightly prior to insertion the expanded shaft allows insert to slip in carring the glue with it.
don't use fletching glue.