Inheritance - Priceless To You


Very Active Member
How about this for an inheritance! I know, monetarily not worth much, but gramp's old Studebaker trailer holds a lot of good memories for me. Even without the memories, I think its pretty dang cool looking.

What have you inherited that is priceless to you, yet worth little from a dollar standpoint?

Cool trailer! Just the fact that it says Studebaker on the back makes it cool!

For me, it is also a couple of things from Grandpa. When he passed (15 years ago....), my mom sent me a package. She said it contained a couple of things from his house that she thought I might like. She was right. ;-) Among a few other things, there was an old cane fly rod with a OLD fly reel. Also, she gave me the field journal he kept as a young man in the 1920s. He was a geologist for the USGS, and had some cool notes & scribblings regarding some of his exploration & mapping in northern Idaho. Cool stuff!


My grandpa just passed this April. He was stationed apon the battle ship Uss Mississippi during world war 2. He kept a piece of one of two Japanese zero's that hit the superstructer where he was stationed. He had been moved off his duty an hour before and avoided certian death. He was listed missing in action and presumed dead for a couple of days because is reasignment was never logged!

The piece looks about like a soda can.

Pride and bravery has no price. I miss him a lot. I hope a can be a fraction of the man he was.
Though i got to spend many hundreds of quality hours with each of my Grandparents, they all have been gone now near thirty years.

One one side, i have my grandpa's deer rifle and his split cane flyrod. On the other side, i was given his Case pocket knife and his sterling belt buckle. I'm kinda one of those guys that like old stuff and have been hanging on to quite a bit of "semi-precious junk" in hopes that i might supplement my senior years income if need be. My Grandparents stuff though, will never have a price on it as long as i'm alive.

A tiny little hammer that was given to me by my grandpa it it was given to him by his dad. Means nothing to anyone but maybe me or another loved one in the family but it is invaluable to me. Locked in my safe right now until my kids get older and I find the perfect place for it.
My great-grandfathers split cane fly rod and fishing box. Also the old cook stove from his cabin.
I got my Grandpa's 3 inch mother of pearl pocket knife. Coolest little knife maybe as long as your pinky when opened. Only possession I ever received of his. I did not have the opportunity to ever meet him but what I do know is he was a sheriff in a small Iowa town back in the early 1900's -1940's and aquired quite the gun collection. He handed them down to one of his nephews and he has never even allowed me to see one of them. Kind of sour about his selfishness not to even share a glimps of my Grandfather's collection.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Cane fly rods seem to be the trend. Before my grandpa died he gave me his old cane fly rod. I don't dare use for fear I will break it. I keep it locked in my gun safe. Someday I will pass it on to my son. I think it is worth about $300 but there is no way I will ever sell it.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-11 AT 12:37PM (MST)[p]Among a few other things, I inherited the shotgun hanging on the bear rug in my trophy room. It's a 10 ga. Parker Bros. with 36-in. barrels that my grandfather used to hunt waterfowl.

It's not in great shape, but it does carry some sentimental value. It has an 1875 patent date. I once did a trace on it (ser. #18884) on the Parker Bros. website and found it was made in 1880.



How To Hunt Coues Deer
Hunting and Fishing memories with my GrandFather...that is priceless...materialist crap just starts living family member feuds...thats why I won't have a wooden nickel to my name when I die and my surviving family members can pay for my ashes to be scattered thru the Wyoming Range..
My dad's rifle and his baseball glove. (Got a rifle from a wonderful's is still better.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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