Information About the "RUMOR" Thread Deletion


Founder Since 1999
I just removed a thread titled "Rumor" that contained posts that accused Garth Carter of some wrong doing in regards to a sheep. There were several posts made that I have been told by Jenny Carter were false. The Carter's were obviously not happy to see any of this posted in these forums and asked that I remove the thread because of the false comments, and I have. I asked of them however to give me some sort of response that I could post explaining why the thread was removed when some of what was said was not false.

Jenny Carter provided this statement:
"About 6 months ago in early August the Fish & Game requested harvest photos of Garth?s 2008 Alberta ram and The Huntin? Fool supplied those photos. No further contact has been made. Garth and Scott Carter are not related in any way. To our knowledge Scott Carter has not been contacted since August. Bottom line is, nothing was done wrong. Any and all other inaccurate information posted will be treated as intentional slander."

In the future folks, please don't post rumors in these forums. It creates extra work for me and could do some serious damage to a persons business and/or personal life. If you have facts, then post up your name, show the facts, and put your butt on the line if you know what you are saying is fact.

In hindsight, I did see that thread titled "rumors" a couple days ago and should have deleted it then, but because no names were mentioned at that time, I didn't. I guess I have a curious mind sometimes too. I screwed up. In the future, expect any "RUMORS" to be blasted. Please post facts only.

Brian Latturner
Founder, first thanks for the site, especially in the offseason. Define facts please. When Rulon Jones illegally killed a moose a few years back he wasn't convicted of poaching, does that mean it is no discussable, or the word "poaching" can't be used? Not being a smartazz, i truly would like to know. I personally went after the Pigman today for big game baiting. Found out it isn't illegal(was threatened with a slander lawsuit for saying so) only "highly unethical"(DWR official), does this mean using the Pigmans name is now blasted because ethics aren't fact based? Again I like the site and do not want to cause problems for you, but at what point do you draw the line? There are a lot of legal outdoor activities that are unethical or at least shady are they now outlawed or only accusations by us against someone for illegality? Again thanks, love the site, and don't want to cause you any undo stress.
Two of the most commonly misused and misunderstood legal terms are libel and slander. Both terms involve defamation of a person's character, but they are different forms of defamation of character. Legally, there is an important distinction between the two terms, because libel damages are usually assumed, but in the case of slander, the plaintiff must usually prove special damages.

Understand the definition of defamation of character. Defamation of character is the communication of false information stated as a fact which brings harm to an individual or an entity, such as a business, group or government. For it to be defamation, the statement must be delivered in speech or in writing to at least one person other than the victim.

Learn when to use the term slander. Slander is used when the defamation of character is spoken. This can be person to person or a person speaking to many people.

Say the term libel when referring to the written defamation of someone's character. Libel is the defamation of an individual's or an entity's character which is published in a written medium, such as a newspaper. However, any written communication can be libelous as long as it's transmitted to a third party.

Use the libel term when the defamation of character comes from audible media. Now, most courts consider defamation of character made during a radio or television broadcast to also be libel, even though the defamation was spoken.

Know the absolute defense against libel and slander. There are a number of possible defenses against libel and slander, but the only one which is an absolute defense is truth. If the statement is true, it cannot be considered libel or slander.

kind of funny..........................
i seen a thread a while back that the truth was posted,no it wasn't a RUMOR,and it got toasted...........
did somebody threaten a law suit?
or why was the thread removed?

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

I hope this enforcement of "fact only" posts by Founder includes the scoring of deer / elk....

i.e. "Here's my 2009 general season bull, he's only a four point but scores 391 5/8ths"

Kidding of course guys, but this thread should get interesting....


By the way, in Jenny's response there's reference to a "Scott" Carter and him not being related to Garth. Who is Scott and why is he mentioned in her statement?
"About 6 months ago in early August the Fish & Game requested harvest photos of Garth?s 2008 Alberta ram and The Huntin? Fool supplied those photos. No further contact has been made."

I wonder why that request was made? Part of an investigation? Or maybe Fish & Game just wanted a photo for their office?

Not making any accusations, just asking.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
There's obviously an investigation going on concerning a sheep Garth shot...that is fact. Beyond that, I don't know anything. Jenny asked that I remove that other thread because she said there were some false statements in there. She specifically stated that the sheep was NOT taken in a park and it was NOT confiscated. Anyway, with that and the fact that I know where that thread was headed, I removed it and replaced it with this.

Obviously, somewhere, there is a lawman who feels like there was some wrong doing that took place. Who knows? Maybe the investigation has been dropped? Maybe not? I wish Jenny Carter would have told the whole story as to why the F&G might have even been interested in the sheep, but she didn't. What's above is what she shared.

However, the bottomline is, I would feel horrible if Garth (or any of YOU) somehow had his (or YOUR) reputation ruined because I allowed many variations of rumors to spread on this site, then found that he (or YOU) did absolutely nothing wrong. I just think that if any of us are going to post something about some person or business, that could really hurt them, we better know the facts for CERTAIN, and be willing to put our own reputations on the line.

Garth is well respected in the hunting world, has never been charged with anything that I know of, and I think we owe it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Rumors are just bad news because they grow and grow and get worse and worse.

Brian Latturner
Good explanation and good call, Founder.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-10 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p]Despite my smartass comment above I agree with you Founder, good call on your part and I'm sure any sportsman in this situation would appreciate the action you took. It will be interesting to hear what comes of this when additional facts come to light. It does seem suspicious that Jenny was so tight lipped on details but perhaps that's for good reason. We'll see....

Who is Scott Carter if he's not related to Garth and/or why is his name mentioned?

Founder, first we all thank you for the elevation of all of us. If all of us keyboard clowns can ruin a reputation, that is sad. We are all in here entertaining ourselfs using clever little nicknames and anonymity(see can't even spell let alone ruin reputations). Second, you kinda didn't answer my question, is a post blasted because their isn't truth, or because uses name(not guilty until proven so) or both or just because you say so(you entitled, it is your site). I used Rulon Jones as an example because I am not familiar with the sheep case. If I have a post calling him a poacher does it get blasted because you don't like me, he wasn't convicted, he threatened you with lawsuit, or some other reason, or not at all? Thanks
if we are limited to facts , MM is gonna get real slow....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

It was a good call due to the fact there was only "RUMOR" and not any facts so far to show any wrong doing by the hunter involved.

As a ex-cop, yes I would say that someone in the game dept. had reason to look into the taking of the animal. What we do not know is his source of information. It could be reliable and again it could turn out to be very unreliable information from another disgrunted hunter. It does sound as if the game dept is taking a soft approach in order to determine if there is facts to support any charges or if the information is totally unfounded.

If the sheep was not seized as reported by the hunter's wife, that tells me that the game dept is unsure if their information is reliable, and do not have sufficent evidence to seize the animal.

At this point we should just sit back and let the investigation take its course. Less chance of getting caught with foot in mouth.

Sorry for opening up the can of worms Founder. I wanted to know if anyone had any info on the case, or if there even is a case. I think everyone is curious to find out what happened, especially those of us that subscribe to Huntin Fool. Like I said in my original post, I hate to see anyone get ruined by false rumors or accusations, which is why I didn't use any names.
Again, sorry to stir up trouble.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
It is a bit interesting though that Jenny throws Scott Carter under the bus in one sentence (whoever he is) and then in the very next discusses slander.

Oh well, doesn't really matter in the grand scheme. Either way has anyone heard if GC had any success on his British Columbia Sheep hunt?

Guns kill people? That's like saying a spoon made Rosie O'Donnell fat
so I should not believe everything on MM is true...?
you guys try to confuse!
damage may already have happend to a point!

How come most every one of these guys that yap BS always have their Profile Hidden?

Garth has never done me wrong in converstion about something hunting related or non hunting related.

Good decision Brian!

>How come most every one of
>these guys that yap BS
>always have their Profile Hidden?

Are you referring to me?

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
heard it from a friend whooooooooo,heard it from a friend whooooo,heard it from a friend whooooooooooo............
and i don't believe iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit,not for a minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuute............

rumors are for the assholes in this world that need to worry just a little bit more about what they are doing instead of everybody else........................

and no buck,this has nothing to do with you

post up the truth,rather it be bad or good lets hear it!

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

It's really simple folks. Founder owns this site and if he requests that we don't post rumors, DON'T POST RUMORS!!.
I missed the original post, was something unethical accusation made? Was someone else already shooting at the ram when he shot it, Was he right next to the guy?

I do agree with only judging people on facts, but if he wants to clear the record why not get on here himself and posts up facts?
a3dhunter - Because on the internet you're always guilty and lying about the facts. He could post a video of the complete hunt showing no wrong doing and someone would try to say he littered when he put his pack on the ground. It's a lose lose situation to argue on any forums.
He has a web site and a well read magazine....if rumors are swirling why not write a quick run down of what happened and why they would be looking into it. He owes us nothing, we should not speculate, but these days it seems like people keep their reputation intact better if they face things head on, even false rumors.
>He has a web site and
>a well read magazine....if rumors
>are swirling why not write
>a quick run down of
>what happened and why they
>would be looking into it.

I think its called prejudicing the jury or something like that.
I agree with the Founder?s decision to remove the post. Jenny has issued a statement on Garth's behalf. The statement should be enough to ease the enquiring mind. To say they should respond to the accusations through their website or magazine would open them up to presumptive guilt, and unnecessary damage to their reputation. The fact of the matter is because this is about such a well known figure in the hunting community, a small event can get blown way out of proportion. An investigation can be prompted by ?here say? and nothing more. The Fish and Game has automatically developed reasonable suspicion as soon as a ?tip? comes in. Probable cause is developed through the reasonable suspicion from the ?tip? and the F&G are legally obligated to investigate. Let's just leave it as is and not create any detrimental damage through ?here say? and ?rumors? that can not be fixed. Please have a little bit of respect for people?s privacy.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-10 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]I am a psychologist by trade, and my training has taught me that it is human nature to become jealous of those who, for what ever reason, find themselves in a position that the rest of us wish we were in. GC seems to be in that position, along with many other well known people in the hunting business. Because we all wish we were doing what they do for a living, (myself included)jealousy very often leads to fault finding. That leads to false accusation, then rumor, then slander...... And it happens over and over again on these forums by people with single digit IQs.

I applaud you Founder. The truth will be known and until then we need to LET IT GO!!!
My IQ just hit double digits(sylvan learning centers) and unfortunately reputations are sometimes earned. Perhaps you hear something about someone once or twice it gets dismissed, but when you hear about someones character or actions over and over its generally because that someone has that character flaw or poor actions. These guides(ususally the ones in the crosshairs) forget that they are now public personas and they are always being watched, not just on the mountain but in church, at banquets, at their kids ball games. Mossback outfitting(a more famous outfitter being used as an example here) isn't just some random company name. It is Doyle Moss's company, his name is on it, he sales himself as a master hunter and guide, he and his image are now part of mossbacks marketing. He has made himself famous and recognizable, and that recognition doesn't end on the mtn., right or wrong people are watching, and while no one is perfect, if he does something stupid, wrong, or illegal, pointing that out isn't jealousy. If a public person doesn't like being a public person, go back to private life, but you can't put your name and face everywhere then complain when that name or face is noticed for either good or bad.
NVBighorn: You are allowed say anything you want while you are being investigated. Most lawyers will tell their clients not to say anything incase they say something incriminating, but they can say anything they want. Especially if they are totally in the right and have nothing to worry about.

I know Jenny put out a statement on Garth's behalf. But it didn't say much......

I'll keep buying their magazine either way, I don't believe they would knowingly do anything illegal. I just can't imagine not saying more if I was being investigated for anything.
I have no idea if Garth is being investigated for illegal actions or not. I would think he didn't do anything wrong knowing him personally and knowing what he has to lose.

But LOTS of people have secret lives.

Doyle Moss gets accused of stuff every year, so do a lot of people. Yet it rarely ever seems to have any truth to it at all.

I am Glad Brian put an end to this and hopefully the knuckleheads that start these rumors get banned from the site.

With that being said, Garth, not Jenny or anyone else should be making the statement to clear things up.

I sure don't think most of us would want our wives or daughters doing our battles for us....... But thats just my opinion.

Tony Abbott
>I am a psychologist by trade,
>and my training has taught
>me that it is human
>nature to become jealous of
>those who find themselves in a
>position that the rest of
>us wish we were in...

Well since your a psychologist then you must be right then. Pretty bold statement there LBH.

Hossblur said it well, "and while no one is perfect, if he does something stupid, wrong, or illegal, pointing that out isn't jealousy."

I would admit I may be jealous of the amount of time he gets to spend in the field, but in no way do I wish I did what he does for a living. Just don't care for his services, that's all.

Also, Buck never posted this whole 'rumor' thing to spread or start anything. He was simply asking if there was any truth to what he had heard.
While the decision to remove the "thread" was a good one and while "jealousy" may be an accurate description of some of our feelings you are incorrect about the IQ level comment. Your arrogance is by far the most disturbing part of the entire thread for me!

I think this post has now become more speculative than the original, that was that is funny!
OK, I'm locking this thread.

Hopefully somewhere down the line we will hear the story as to why the F&G would want photos of Garth's ram. What can I say, I'm interested to hear more about it.

Garth was in Mexico when I talked with Jenny, so maybe when he returns he'll share some info.????

Brian Latturner

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