INFO ON RECAPTURE/cantkillathing?


Long Time Member
Well cantkillathing!

Just as I was reading what you Posted somebody pushed the Mother of All NUKE Buttons!

We need more Info cant?

You mentioned Petroglyphs?

Yes I have stomped around Recapture a bit!

I never rode a Wheeler past the Closed signs though!

Looking for more Info cant?

You say you know!

Please Post what's goin down?

If they (BLM!) are hiding something cant,we need to know?

I'm Listening to you cant,not the News Media!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
NeverBeenAnElkAssassinBecauseYouCan'tDrawaTagBecauseYouPissedOffEveryoneOnEarth, just because you're too much of a duffis to actually ride a proper bike, doesn't mean you should support the obamination in regulating us out of every corner of the earth.

What is it that you don't get about the fact that 30,000 pages of new federal regulation every month, hear that? regulation, made up out of thin air by bu?reau?crat(s) [byoor-uh-krat]
1. an official of a bureaucracy.
2. an official who works by fixed routine without exercising
intelligent judgment. the whims of their politically appointed desk jockeys is strangling us to death.

At some point people have to say enough is enough and this is just the start of it.

Where's your line in the sand? For some it was crossed a long time ago.
>NeverBeenAnElkAssassinBecauseYouCan'tDrawaTagBecauseYouPissedOffEveryoneOnEarth, just because you're too much
>of a duffis to actually
>ride a proper bike, doesn't
>mean you should support the
>obamination in regulating us out
>of every corner of the
>What is it that you don't
>get about the fact that
>30,000 pages of new federal
>regulation every month, hear that?
>regulation, made up out of
>thin air by bu?reau?crat(s)
> 1. an official
>of a bureaucracy.
> 2. an official
>who works by fixed routine
>without exercising
>intelligent judgment.
> the whims of their politically
>appointed desk jockeys is strangling
>us to death.
>At some point people have to
>say enough is enough and
>this is just the start
>of it.
>Where's your line in the sand?
> For some it was
>crossed a long time ago.

Just FYI c3!

I drawed the Line a Long time ago!

I didn't Vote for these Current & Past JACK-ASSES Running the Show like you others did!

cantkillathing claims He has Info about Recapture(Real Info,Not NEWS Media BS!)I've asked him Politely if He'd Post it up so others can be Informed on it!

Sounds like you're a little Sore there Pete on not being Able to Ride your GAWD-DAMNED Bike anywhere you'd like?

So c3?

Let's say Me & 200 others have had enough of LE Units & we decide We Ain't gonna recognize them as a Boundary anymore!

We've Got Elk Licenses(General Elk Licenses!)and we decide PISS ON EVERYBODY,We're Huntin the LE Unit & We don't GIVE A DAMN about anybody else!

We're going in Pete,WTF You gonna do about it?

When the Law Shows up(DWR,BLM,USFS!) I'm gonna tell them to get ####ED just like Bundy's did,just like the Law Breakers at Recapture did!

The Militia will show up & what'ya gonna do Pete?

If you think this new Obamanation BS is just the Start you're very Wrong Pete!

It's just more to come!

There is a Good side to what I see Pete!

Glad to see Americans that have had enough Standing up for what they think is Right & believe in!

A Question though Pete?

When Areas that have always been Closed to LAW BREAKIN BITCHES on Wheelers/Bikes Invade Pristine Areas that have always been Closed,are you for enforcing the Rules or do you think it's your GAWD given Right to Destroy the Area just because you think you can?

Where you gonna Draw the Line on that Pete?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Look up

As I explained before it got nuked. If you believe all we have to do is try legally to get this opened up your off the rocker. The courts are ran by liberals, the media is ran by liberals, the internet ran by liberals.
San juan county has been fighting for years to keep the greedy hands of politicians, and the environmental groups from taking it all.
I have been to several meeting over the years and have seen the grand proposal of what the enviro's and BLM, and forest service want done to san juan county. They want everything outside the city limits of monticello, and Blanding, to be wilderness or to be national monuments. It is scary and they are accomplishing it piece by piece.
When all the agencies and public meet years ago and they seen the proposal it was outrageous. But a compromise was given and we dedicated dark canyon as wilderness, kicked out the cattlemen, and what ever else was needed to make it wilderness.
Years later they are not happy with what they got and started using other tactics to shut down areas, with the help of great old broads, and all enviro's. Like they did to Bundys with the desert tortoise, we have the spotted owl, some hawk, and now the gunnison sage grouse. Not only will this new idea of gunnison sage grouse will effect BLM property, it is going to effect private land owners ability to farm, they are trying to take the private ground as well. Yes, we had the U.S. wildlife come down and have a meeting, armed with swat, and all their gear to read a statement and leave, didn't even give public comment.
Anyhow I can keep going on about this for days, but you are mis informed if you think we are destroying burial sited, archeology sites, etc... this is the tactic they will continue to use as long as people will eat it up for sympathy and get the grand agenda of taking all of san juan county.
And Bess you are helping with your lack of knowledge of this area and what goes on by spouting your ignorant comments. There is lots more issues that can be discussed, but if you are concerned about san juan county then atleast come educate your self about what has been going on, what is going on, we have been trying the legal way for years and we keep loosing to new tactics.
But next time you have an issue in your back yard Ill besure to let you know how to fix the problems even though I know nothing about it.
LAST EDITED ON May-13-14 AT 01:12PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-13-14 AT 11:31?AM (MST)

Here's the latest I have seen.I hope they fine the hell out of them!! Taking the law in your own hands is not the answer. I don't agree with the BLM ether. They shut down all the canyons around Tooele where I live a few years back. I didn't like it at first but now the hunting is better and I don't see ATV's or a lot of people when I hike up in the hills no more. You can still hike up Recapture Canyon right? Well get off your ATV'S and get some exercise!
I'm sure they knew they would get some type of citation. They told the BLM ahead of time what the plan was.

Maybe they are taking a page out of the environmental wacko play book. Get yourself a citation or arrested. Then go to court with a high dollar, high powered attorney (paid for by one of the national environmental organizations) and plead not guilty and demand a jury trial. Wave your right to a speedy trial and stretch it out as long as possible, costing the government hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. Eventually there will be a back room deal made and the riders get off with little or nothing. If they do go to trial it will cost more money yet, and a jury may find them not guilty. All along getting free press and national attention. Win, win baby!

>Look up
>As I explained before it got
>nuked. If you believe
>all we have to do
>is try legally to get
>this opened up your off
>the rocker. The courts
>are ran by liberals, the
>media is ran by liberals,
>the internet ran by liberals.
>San juan county has been fighting
>for years to keep the
>greedy hands of politicians, and
>the environmental groups from taking
>it all.
>I have been to several meeting
>over the years and have
>seen the grand proposal of
>what the enviro's and BLM,
>and forest service want done
>to san juan county.
>They want everything outside the
>city limits of monticello, and
>Blanding, to be wilderness or
>to be national monuments.
>It is scary and they
>are accomplishing it piece by
>When all the agencies and public
>meet years ago and they
>seen the proposal it was
>outrageous. But a compromise
>was given and we dedicated
>dark canyon as wilderness, kicked
>out the cattlemen, and what
>ever else was needed to
>make it wilderness.
>Years later they are not happy
>with what they got and
>started using other tactics to
>shut down areas, with the
>help of great old broads,
>and all enviro's. Like
>they did to Bundys with
>the desert tortoise, we have
>the spotted owl, some hawk,
>and now the gunnison sage
>grouse. Not only will
>this new idea of gunnison
>sage grouse will effect BLM
>property, it is going to
>effect private land owners ability
>to farm, they are trying
>to take the private ground
>as well. Yes, we
>had the U.S. wildlife come
>down and have a meeting,
>armed with swat, and all
>their gear to read a
>statement and leave, didn't even
>give public comment.
>Anyhow I can keep going on
>about this for days, but
>you are mis informed if
>you think we are destroying
>burial sited, archeology sites, etc...
>this is the tactic they
>will continue to use as
>long as people will eat
>it up for sympathy and
>get the grand agenda of
>taking all of san juan
>And Bess you are helping with
>your lack of knowledge of
>this area and what goes
>on by spouting your ignorant
>comments. There is lots
>more issues that can be
>discussed, but if you are
>concerned about san juan county
>then atleast come educate your
>self about what has been
>going on, what is going
>on, we have been trying
>the legal way for years
>and we keep loosing to
>new tactics.
>But next time you have an
>issue in your back yard
>Ill besure to let you
>know how to fix the
>problems even though I know
>nothing about it.

Thanks for the Reply cant!

No,I don't know much about what's goin on down your way,that's why I'm askin you cant!(Info first hand!)

The Sage Grouse deal up here has been going on for many,many years!

You know I'm a little Sore when it comes to illegal Wheeler use cant!

I don't Blame people for Standing up to the BLM!

But if the BLM are gonna make Laws then they need to Enforce them & not to just a certain Chosen few!

You better get me a Bull tied up before they close the whole area off cant!:D

You're the only one that I've BS'ed with that's offered any info,thanks!

C3 can Spout his BS but it's all old news!

I didn't vote for the JOKER runnin the show,not the first time & damn sure not the Second time!

I'll check the out & Thanks!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
OK cant!

Been watchin Phil Lyman Interviews!

Seems like a Good Guy!

Did He Ride a Wheeler down the Closed Trail?

He's the Only Guy besides me on Earth that doesn't own a Wheeler!:D:D:D

I'm all for making a Stand against our BLM/GOVERNMENT/FEDERAL AGENCIES when needed!


If you're gonna Break the Law you might as well Ride the Whole Trail out!

It's kinda like only Breakin the Law a little bit,Right?

I don't know,but I'd almost place money on Phil being on a Horse that day of the ATV Trail ride?

People are getting SICK of the Government & I sure the Hell don't Blame them!

Problem is you just can't get them to Band together & get things done!

I can see a real problem cant!

BLM won't let you ride over busted up Pottery!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
>OK cant!
>Been watchin Phil Lyman Interviews!
>Seems like a Good Guy!
>Did He Ride a Wheeler down
>the Closed Trail?
>He's the Only Guy besides me
>on Earth that doesn't own
>a Wheeler!:D:D:D
>I'm all for making a Stand
>If you're gonna Break the Law
>you might as well Ride
>the Whole Trail out!
>It's kinda like only Breakin the
>Law a little bit,Right?
>I don't know,but I'd almost place
>money on Phil being on
>a Horse that day of
>the ATV Trail ride?
>People are getting SICK of the
>Government & I sure the
>Hell don't Blame them!
>Problem is you just can't get
>them to Band together &
>get things done!
>I can see a real problem
>BLM won't let you ride over
>busted up Pottery!:D
>[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red
>Hot Barrel & My Dead
>Cold Hands I Shall go
>down Fighting for American Pride
>& Rights!
>I Know I'm Out Numbered by
>Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll
>Throw Their Hands in the
>air & I know I
>can't Lick the U.S. Military
>by Myself when they Turn
>on us but I'll make
>you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a
>Situation where I Hope to
>Hell All Americans become True
>Americans once again & Stand
>up for their Rights!
Was all that busted up pottery from all the elk and deer stepping on it?
elkassassin, I do see your point about illegal riders on public land. I've always been against people making their own roads and screwing up the habitat and harassing the wildlife and screwing up the hunt. I'll always back you up on that.

If BLM cited people for that, you got my 100% support.

I guess the road up Recapture has been there since the late 1800's. If people stayed on the road there probably wouldn't be an issue with closing it? It's the jackwagons who leave the road and ride where ever the quad will go that probably started the whole closure. So the riders brought it on themselves.

If these guys get the main road opened again I hope to hell they don't screw it up by being retards and causing more damage. If they do, then they lose my support.

Hey Eel!

It's not Retards!


Always gotta be a few that Screws it up for everybody else!

Another Question for cant?

The BLM wrote a letter stating the Trail was Flat ass Closed & Citations would be issued if the Laws were Broke!

Were Citations Wrote?

Or are Citations only wrote to certain people?

Looks like an easy winnable Prejudice Law Suit to me!

And 264!

I'm afraid some of that Pottery was busted up by Elk & Deer!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Busted up Pottery?

If you guys only knew what BLM did with pots for years. They them selves use to take all the pots and things made of pottery and destroy them, they destroyed more than any of us would imagine.

Its like the Bundy thing with the desert turtle. BLM killed hundreds of them just because. Same thing with artifacts, they have destroyed thousands of artifacts, there still is a few BLM employee's that will tell you this, because they themselves were the ones smashing pottery with hammers.

What happened to BLM managing the grounds for multi use, to becoming armed rangers to making sure it is limited use?

Answer this, how did this trail after 100 years all of sudden become so detrimental to the canyon?

I did not ride the trail that day because I fear that this will give President Obama the fuel he needs to sign over Cedar Mesa to a national monument.

I dont know who is informing the Navajo Nation about Cedar Mesa, but they believe they are going to own the area. Some greedy politician has them believing once this becomes a national monument then you can have the access to do their ceremonial and ritual stuff.? But there is already area's on cedar mesa that they cant gather wood, or cutt wood, because its wilderness already, but they have been wrongly misinformed that this will help them out. They wont realize they will have to stick to trails, and they wont be able to take a damn thing off the mesa.

Anyhow this is becoming a bigger mess than anyone ever wanted, and it will take some people that dare to stand up and fight against it, and I am glad that some people were brave enough to take that stand. Because I know more is coming and i don't like it.
>elkassassin, I do see your point
>about illegal riders on public
>land. I've always been against
>people making their own roads
>and screwing up the habitat
>and harassing the wildlife and
>screwing up the hunt. I'll
>always back you up on
>If BLM cited people for that,
>you got my 100% support.
>I guess the road up Recapture
>has been there since the
>late 1800's. If people stayed
>on the road there probably
>wouldn't be an issue with
>closing it? It's the jackwagons
>who leave the road and
>ride where ever the quad
>will go that probably started
>the whole closure. So the
>riders brought it on themselves.
>If these guys get the main
>road opened again I hope
>to hell they don't screw
>it up by being retards
>and causing more damage. If
>they do, then they lose
>my support.
+1. It's too bad some ruin it for other's
>No citations yet? To those I
>know have not recieved a
>thing, and hope they dont.

I think in 2007 woulda been the time for everybody to stand up to the BLM cant?

But then again!

You just can't get people to stand up until it's too late!

Did Phil Lyman ride a Wheeler down the Closed Trail?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
So cant?

You told me you did NOT participate in the Closed Trail Ride?
((((((((Which I respect you for not joining in on the Law Breaking!))))))

Were you there on foot?

And what's up with them only riding down the Trail a Mile or two?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

LAST EDITED ON May-14-14 AT 10:34PM (MST)[p]If your going to put that letter on here you should put Phil Lymans letter on here. Becausethis was not a truthful letter.

I participated at the rally at the park and then sat at recapture damn to watch it happen.

I personally don't own any ATV...
Give me just a minute cant!

For some reason it won't let me copy Phils Response!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
29, 2014 Lance Porter, BLM Canyon Country District Manager 82 East Dogwood Moab, UT 84532 RE: Your letter of April 28, 2014 outlining BLM?s position regarding citizen protest of the closure of Recapture Canyon adjacent to Blanding, Utah. Also my written acknowledgment that BLM identifying ?sites? in Recapture Canyon does not constitute BLM?s permission to ride on this public trail. Dear Mr. Porter, On September 13, 2007 Recapture Canyon was closed to OHV use under authority of the Code of Federal Regulations 43 (CFR) 8341.2 by Acting Field Manager, Sherwin N. Sandberg. The closure order states that this ?is not intended to be a permanent order and it does not change the designation in the 1991 San Juan Resource Management Plan (RMP) that the lands including the recapture canyon area are ?open? to cross-country motorized use.? In your letter to me dated April 28, 2014 you make a few statements that beg for correction: 1.

You write that you appreciate the many conversations you have had with me over the last couple of months regarding the proposed ride. We spoke about the ride once, at my request, following our March 20, Canyon Country Partnership Meeting. You stopped by my office briefly the first week of April and mentioned that you had completed a ROW application for Rocky Mountain Power but we did not discuss this ride. 2.

You also refer to my efforts to organize an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) ride along portions of Recapture Canyon. It has never been my intention to ?organize? an ATV ride. I wrote an opinion piece that was published in the Deseret News on April 11, in which I announced an excursion into Recapture. I wrote ?This time we are inviting all who would like to join us to come and see for yourself. I think you will agree that the real damage is the debris in the trails, the barricades blocking access, and the warning signs placed at every turn.? I had met previously with Juan Palma on March 27, 2014 to see if the BLM

was able to give even a small token of sincerity in relation to this process which began 7 years earlier. He said, ?give me a week.? I told him then, that if he would just have local BLM mark the proposed reroute I would attempt to call off the excursion. I asked him and you to make this a positive event by allowing our group of ?citizen-volunteers? to help reroute the trail. Our offer was earnest and made with goodwill, but more than two weeks passed with no returns to my emails and phone calls. The article was published. A week later the Salt Lake Tribune picked it up and did a more heated story which led to the buildup of interest from people across the country. The story here is not Recapture Canyon, but BLM?s refusal to be amenable to the citizens of this area. There is a long pattern of hostility from the BLM against the residents of my Commission district. The May 10 event itself came about at a town hall meeting I held on February 27. Our action is not aggressive or mean, it is purely defensive and intended to demonstrate that, despite heavy-handed federal action against us and our community, we still look to the BLM to respect the law and to follow their own rules and regulations which protect local interests and appropriately recognize State and County jurisdictional authority. Within a few days of the town hall meeting I called Don Hoffheins, the Monticello Field Manager, to inform him of the plans. I told him that we did not want to surprise the BLM. He was appreciative. Our action is an invitation to BLM to communicate with those who are most harmed by the closure, yet still the only communication we receive from you is in the form of threats. 3.

You mention in your letter that ?In addition, any damage to resources protected by the Archaeological Resources Protection Act will subject violators to further civil and criminal penalties.? Yet, for 7 years the BLM has failed to take any action to mitigate or to prevent further damages. I asked Don Hoffheins in my initial call if BLM would be willing to take measures to protect ?sites? that were of concern. I said that the last thing we want to do is willfully damage any archaeology and that we were very willing to do what we could to avoid those places all together or to mitigate what the BLM might consider ?damage.? Even to this day we have been unable to get any cooperation from the BLM in this respect. We would never damage something that we could just as easily protect, yet BLM remains uncooperative. BLM is certainly complicit in respect to damages to sites that only they know about and which they are unwilling to identify in advance of this event. 4.

You speak of the significant progress that you are making, yet we have heard that claim since 2007. I was shocked three years ago when filed manager. Tom Heinline, after promising a programmatic agreement, announced that it would be delayed by six months. When we met six months later, he announced that he had never meant to imply that the agreement would be ready but only a draft agreement for comments. So another year went by, and what was supposed to be in place in August of 2011 was not actually

completed until, as you say, last Fall, 2013. Shelly Smith, the District Manager, made assurances as well which were far from realized. The fact of the matter is that San Juan County has acted in good faith from the beginning of the process. We even agreed, against our better judgment, to drop 7 miles of trail from our ROW application. The 7 miles on the south end toward Perkins road was considered to be where ?all? the controversy lay, and by dropping that portion the County was assured by BLM and key consulting parties that our ROW application for the north end could be done in a matter of weeks. Four years later the BLM is stalled, and those same consulting parties now say ?granting the ROW is rewarding illegal trail construction,? while, at the same time, they pressure BLM to make the closure permanent. Another matter that was dealt with extensively throughout the consulting parties meetings was the question of habitat for the Willow Fly Catcher. It was discussed at length and the BLM concluded that there was no justification for considering the Willow Fly Catcher. Now, the BLM pretends to have no choice but to work around ?habitat? on the north end of the trail. There has been no discussion in a meeting of the cooperating parties where this conclusion was validated. In County coordination meetings the notion has been challenged and no evidence has been provided. The field manager himself seems confused by this new mandate. You say that ?this proposed ride will very likely hinder and possibly delay our ability to complete this process.? Can you honestly, eight years after the County?s application, make that statement with a straight face? Is this caveat expected to incentive to the County to take an even more passive role than we are already taking? Still you have given no timeline for completion of the ?process? and your past record of delay speaks for itself. In our January 27, 2014 coordination meeting you said that outside parties could force BLM to devote all their resources to litigation thus delaying the Recapture process, or any other project of importance to the County, indefinitely. I said at that time that, while this condition may be acceptable to the BLM it was not acceptable to us, and that we would have to pursue other options which you would probably not like. It is shameful for BLM to put the County in this dilemma. You speak of the laws which will be violated by a ride down a dirt trail that has existed in one form or another for at least 100 years, yet you willfully violate the same FLPMA law by failing to conform your plans to the County?s master plan, and by ignoring the culture and customs of the largest community of people in the County, who live within a mile of this canyon. As an elected Commissioner in San Juan County, I claim the authority and I accept the responsibility that comes with this office. Citizens are entitled to the ?rule


law? not ?rule


law.? Rule


law serves as a check against the abuse of power, especially by governments. Our ride is based upon this premise. BLM hangs its hat solely on the rule


law, which is a mere tool for government to suppress in a legalistic fashion. Your letter is indicative of that. I do not

consider my protest, or the protest of those who choose to participate on May 10, to be in violation of the law but in support of it. Finally, you asked me to give you a written acknowledgement that BLM identifying ?sites? will not be construed in any way to be BLM?s consent for the proposed ride to take place.

I hereby acknowledge that to be the case

. Had BLM been even slightly willing to work with the elected officials of the County at any point during this process, they would have identified the sites two years ago when we hiked Recapture canyon for that precise purpose. Your request now for written acknowledgement can only be construed as another in a very long line of delay tactics. Laird Naylor had agreed to hike into the Canyon with me yesterday, April 28, but your new condition for written assurance from me put that on hold as well. I am scheduled to spend the day, on May 6, with him to document the current condition of those sites which BLM believes could be damaged by our ride. If that appointment is delayed or cancelled I will consider that to be BLM?s assurance that there are no sites on the trail that the BLM considers to be in jeopardy of damage. As you, I remain hopeful for a resolution to this issue. Humbly,

Phil Lyman, San Juan County Commissioner cc: Via Email - Commissioners Bruce Adams and Kenneth Maryboy, Juan Palma, Senators Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch, Congressmen Jason Chaffetz and Rob Bishop PS ? Shortly after receiving your hand-delivered letter which you described as from you to me, I was contacted by a reporter from Environmental and Energy Publications who had received your letter about the same time I did. I recognize that your communications and mine are public record, but I did not realize that Greenwire was at the top of your mailing list.
>AT 10:34?PM (MST)

>If your going to put that
>letter on here you should
>put Phil Lymans letter on
>here. Becausethis was not a
>truthful letter.
>I participated at the rally at
>the park and then sat
>at recapture damn to watch
>it happen.
>I personally don't own any ATV... ((((What?)))

I thought everybody but me had 3 of them?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Was the Ride Vigilante Justice?

I thought I was the only one around here to be blamed for something like that?

Here's my biggest Bittch with a Road being CLOSED by the BLM/USFS:

They Stand a 3" wide FLIMSY Fiberglass Sign up & make a couple/few 10"-16" Dirt Berms & Think they've Closed the Road forever!

The Law abiding people/Sportsmen abide to it!

1,000's of other Law Breakers tear the 'CHICKRN' little Signs down!

They fly over them Dirt Berms in their big Bad Ass ATV's like they Ain't even there!

Then the BLM/USFS puts no effort at all to Enforce their own Rules!

And Who Loses in the End?

Same people who always Lose!

The people that don't necessarily agree with the Rules but choose to Obey the Rules,THAT'S Who!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

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