Info on co s8



I have a sheep tag for s8. I have been up scouting several times now. I'm finding sheep some rams. Any help I could get additional to my scouting would be great. Info such as what type of ram to look for, areas to camp in, any info really.
Since you are asking about S8, I assume that is where your tag is. I have no other information on that unit, but here is an information link to previous rams harvested in Colorado:

A quick look at the last three years shows rams from 25" in lenght (short) to 35"(good) and from 4to8 years old but most rams have been young and short. Since they have cut the tags from 3 to 1, I can only assume that sheep numbers are down.
Base measurements run from 14 to one whopper last year with 17" bases. Most bases seem to be between 15-16". Which is decent for a Rocky, especially since most of the rams harvested are relatively young 4-8.
Given the picture you posted, and those statistics, I am guessing there are generally short horned sheep in that unit, but apparently still some good ones.
Last year's ram was a 17" stud but only 6 years old. Too bad he didn't live another year for you to take.
I wish you the best and I am excited for you. I hope you find the information you need.
Please post pictures and keep us updated.
I have studied the Dow horn length many times the last few months. I have tried everything I can to find the guy who shot that ram last year. The site shows 6 rings I don't know if that's rings or age. If its rings he could have been a little older. The ram I have pics of is a little small for the unit from my study, but he is the best I have found . I am going to keep looking tough thanks for your input I appreciate any I can get.
I don't live in Colorado and have no connections there, so I am no help, but maybe you could try contacting Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society, based in Denver, and see if they have any info on that unit. If nothing else, they might be able to direct you to hunters who have hunted S8. Perhaps you have already tried that.
I am disappointed MMers have not come forward offering to help.
The population is not declining in S8...they issued 3 tags again this year, just as they have since it was increased from 2 in 2010. The population estimate is 80 animals.

Have you plotted the past kill locations on a map and looked in those areas? Some of the sheep are in very, very rugged areas with difficult access. You might try posting your question on the RMBS forum. Did you attend the sheep hunter orientation at the end of June?

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