In through the Outhouse


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Man admits crawling into outhouse pit...AGAIN

PORTLAND, Maine ? A Maine man caught peering up at a girl from below an outhouse toilet seat four years ago stands accused of crawling into another pit toilet on White Mountain National Forest property in New Hampshire. A federal affidavit indicates a 49-year-old man confessed to repeating his previous act on Memorial Day.
Federal agents sought the man out after a 9-year-old boy saw him climbing out of a toilet at the Hastings Campground. Two witnesses saw him walk away from the outhouse.

Forest Service special agent William Fors wrote that the man initially said he climbed into the waste-filled pit to retrieve a T-shirt. Four years ago, he said he was retrieving his wedding ring.

Fors wrote the man eventually confessed climbing into outhouse pits on more than two occasions.
That is scary :eek:
I have saw what the women look like up there, NOT pretty!

"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-09 AT 09:07AM (MST)[p]I went into an outhouse once, and there was a guy standing there throwing money into the hole.

A bit incredulous, I asked him why he was tossing good money into the stinky pit.

He told me he had been sitting there in a normal sort of way when he noticed a quarter fall out of his pants pocket into the hole.

Obviously, that begged the question from me of, "So why are you throwing MORE money in there?"

He seriously replied, "You don't think I'm going to climb down into that s__thole for a measley quarter, do you?"


How To Hunt Coues Deer
This can't even come close to that, but it is a true story! This took place about 15 years ago or so in a place called, if I remember right, the Kahalee? club in New Meadows Idaho. Me and a few partners had been bow hunting elk and went to town to shower, do wash, play a little pool and slam a few cold ones. This place was great. We had known about it for a couple of years and always made sure we stopped there a couple of times each year while hunting. On Fridays and Saturdays they had an all you can eat buffet. Ribs, chicken, pasta, etc. Dang it was good! OK, OK back to the story! One of us went to the pisser and noticed there was some change in the urinal. Someone made a comment about it thinking it was funny. Later one of us noticed the money was gone. So every time one of us had to piss we would toss in some change. Then we would wait until someone else went in. After they came out one of us would go in and see if the money was gone. We made bets on which one of the patrons was the pisser pirate. When one of my partners came out with a big smile we all started busting a gut! Dude was busted! WTF, it was cheap intertainment!
There was a similar pooparatzee case in denver a few years ago.

Dude got busted by a lady that saw the red light on his camcorder.
Good Gawd Almighty! Just when I thought I had heard it all. Why can't these perverts just go to Vegas,rent a video or something?????

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