In Memory of.......


In addition to remembering the brave men and women who's ultimate sacrifice allow us to live free in the greatest country on earth.I pledge a moment of silence in remembrance of the days where woodsmanship and knowledge were prized and technology was viewed as a crutch for the less competent. Where the experience was valued more than inches. Where family and friends shared a campfire and lifelong bonds were formed. I miss the good old days........ Terry
Well SticksBoy!

Nice Post for the most part!

It's NOT all about inches!

It's mostly about Opportunists wanting to destroy what took years to establish!

I'm gonna say it one more time!

Not every TARD in the State or out of State can Pounce the LE Units like they want to without destroying the Units and I don't care if you take the Age objectives down to 1.5!

There are more TARD Opportunists than there are Quality animals!

Do I need to Splain it further?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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