I remember in the first part of 2010 I didn't even know what a Proxy was,wasn't long though & I was running a Triple Proxy stacked on top of a Quadruple Proxy just so I could post on MM!:D

I remember PC reporting CUPSY to Founder for appropriate use of Language!:D

I remember AyA getting banned & 20 MM'ers lost their ability to post on MM when AyA went down!

I remember being with many MM Friends in the Fall of 2010 on Hunts/Trips!

I remember QTPie out shooting stinkbug in 2010!

I remember scattering Rutnbucks Bino's & Camera on the SJ!

I remember Rutnbuck betting me I couldn't call a 40" Bull in out the Truck Window!:D

Won't forget about Lil Beav making it back home in 2010!

I also remember Rutnbucks 2-1/2 hour Hamburger in Monticello!:D

I remember meeting Preddy,PleaseDear & Da Warden for the first time in 2010!

Good Times!

The list goes on & on!

Let's hear some of yours!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
I remember one hell of a long flight.......


Wildlife population control specialist
Dont forget about justr hitting a cow.

cocatchaser showing that racism is still alive.

and of course Utah trying to ruin deer hunting

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Hell Bessy! It's already the 4th of January. I can't remember what I did New Years Eve. 2010 was a complete blur.

The few things I do remember:

I remember sending Kacie off to college. The saddest day in this Dad's life so far.

I remember watching Meagan take her first big game animal without the assistance of her old man. That was pretty neat.

I remember chalking up 22 years with the Mrs and wondering how the hell she keeps putting up with me.

It's always an adventure!!!
I remember some cat named bobcatbess.... had like a billion posts.... I remember throwing Cloride on the sword in protest... not that it matters.... May 21 2011 Jesus is going to set the record straight!

I remember writing a billion and a half papers for school...I remember spending all summer waking up to look at velvet through glass for hours and hours...I remember shooting my bow lots...I remember my all time favorite strippers purty face, can't remember her name though...I remember GO KOBE GO winning his 5th ring...I remember GO KOBE GO knocking the Jazz out of the playoffs, AGAIN...I remember KB-DOUCHE wanting to drive down to Salt Lake to beat me up...I remember a moose chasing my ass all over the place...and that's all I remember right now!!

I remember several Cute Chicks having Quality Big Game Permits in 2010!

I remember the Teacher(CUPSY!) giving many Grammar lessons in 2010!

I remember showing Jr several Bull Elk opening morning & He wouldn't shoot a damn one of them!

I remember that alot of people in 2010 are finally tired of Utah's Piss poor Deer management!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-11 AT 06:29AM (MST)[p]I kinda remember........

The M&M 3AM club


Hunt Adventure Challenge is for Utards only (6 outa 7)


F'dudes 'Magazine Covers'

Kobe sucks but won another ring

Meeting the M&M Ledgend up at Red Canyon Lodge.....Ron Jeremy...ha

Some Roy guy is a Ph.d type now

I also remember some very special people who had a profound impact on me across the world, hence the reason for one hell of a long flight!

I remember having friends and family struggle thru cancer, I remember learning how much my pa cared bout me. I remember a few things a few very important things.....

Can I just say thanks bess?? this is a special post at least for me any who...



Wildlife population control specialist
I remember Zigga shot a bull elk.......I think.

I remember the SF Giants winning the World Series.

I remember getting lost in SLC again.

I remember BBop called my Toyota motor a pisscutter. Wait! That was 2011. I have a whole year to stew.}>


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

1911 states: I remember JB letting an 800 pound marlin get off the line.

I was not out there that day but was told that is was half that size, sure got bigger in the last 10 months....LOL

LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-11 AT 03:50AM (MST)[p]I remeber sending my oldest off to college. Sucked to have him missing on the hunts. But excited to see him reach his goal of playing ball in college.

Watching my middle one enjoy his first season of hunting.
Ruff Grouse
Blue Grouse
Mule Deer
Not bad for a 12 yr old!

Watching my 42 yr old cousin shoot his first antlered animal.(Mule deer)

Watching my youngest and only daughter start to show intrest in hunting with me and the boys! Mostly when I took the dogs!

Being sad and pissed and scared the entire scouting season and hunts at the low number of deer I was seeing.

Shooting the best buck I have killed in the last 10 years.

Finally seeing more sportsmen voicing concern and ideas to fix our struggling deer herds.

+1 to eel. SF GIANS win the WS!

Learning to apperciate bobcats angle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step 1 is always the hardest!
...I remember meeting Kilo for the first time. I remember thinking that the drill Sgt. on Full Metal Jacket did not seem to have a potty mouth anymore by contrast. }> }> }> }> }>
Meeting Bess, and Punk:)

Having Cooper Trooper ( 45's mini man )

45's moose hunt (2011's project will be finding room for it)

Not smacking 45 too much for things done in Kona. j/k

Having no regrets for things I did or didn't do.

Having a conversation where I laughed my butt off. ;-)

Here's to 2011 being AMAZING!!!
Ya,meeting the Cop & Lil Red!

I remember a few Tricks Me(I just helped with ideas,lol!) & Lil Red pulled on 1911,LMAO!

I remember Hoping CUPSY would enter & win that Hunt Adventure Challenge so He could Hunt Deer with Founder!:D

I remember CUPSY giving a few Grammar lessons!

I remember never_catches Pumpkin Picture that cost him a few days in the Slammer!

I remember Preddy & Friends experiencing JACKASSES on Wheelers in a closed area first hand!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
OH Yes the Tricks ( 2011's tricks will be priceless )

and I got to learn a few words from the Lackeys lol
Becoming a MM member. Going tuna fishing out 35 + miles for the firsr time. What a blast. Last losing a great hunting partner Virgil Bronson after a long fought battle. Rip buddy. Always remembered and never forgotten.
L8ter Ryan
I remember REDDOG coming back from the Colorado Deer Hunt only to tell us one of Obamas relates shot his Buck!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Arrowing my first and biggest buck to date on opening day of the general bow hunt. Went 176

I took part in 5 diff elk hunts this past year.

The ole lady killed a great bull on Dutton Late.
I remember the comment Rutnbuck made to the Waitress at the SteakHouse,LMAO!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
I remember thinking it would be cool to tag along with Founder on one of his summer scouting trips...then the real truth came out about his a rug's secret love shack up the canyon.

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