

Very Active Member
For years I have been trying to find good places to hunt. No one was willing to help me scout. Now I have been halfway lucky the last few years and all of the sudden my wifes family (who have never shown any interest in hunting) are inviting themselves to come with me. I don't want to bring bad karma to myself, but at the same time I don't want to take them hunting.

I told my nephew I would take him. Then his dad decided to invite himself and a couple others.

Can I turn them down without making an @ss of myself?

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
LAST EDITED ON May-29-11 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]Absolutely! Just inform them that you prefer hunting alone, your spots were hard to find, and not big enough for more than yourself to be hunted properly. If you got along without them for this long, leave well enough alone and don't ruin what you really enjoy trying to please them. PS: It looks like they are the ones already making asses of themselves by inviting themselves along, so I don't think you're going to lose much by saying no!!!
I thought I heard justr CUSSING early this morning!

Gonna be Orange everywhere in your Favorite Spots by next year!

You Marry in to it or what?:D

Here's what Ya do,and if You don't justr's gonna come un-coupled!

Take them to one of your not so favorite spots & tell them you're giving and leaving them at the best Hunting Spot you know of & then go Hunt Your Best Spot where you don't want 10,000 TARDS showing up next year!

I'm tellin Ya,You want it Ruined,let the Relates in!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
No, Justr knows all my spots and is welcome anytime. Hell bessy your more than welcome to join us. Its the inlaws that have no idea how hard it is to find good spots. They think I am just going to show them a wall hanger with no effort on their part. And they want to bring friends.

I don't think I can let that happen

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I would tell them I invited you, not all your friends sorry I'm not taking them. Take them hunting 1 day and go explore a deep nasty rotten hole and they won't go again.. I know you know of a few.. Or just tell them no and move on.

Justr, good call. I will take them to gods country

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I know justr knows them!!!

I also know He doesn't want the Relates in there!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I get ya now. I am not. The smartest out there, but I do know enough not to take someone to the good places

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Lol! Gods country sounds like a great spot to take them! Unless they get lucky and kill something then your plan backfires! Don't call me, I won't come help lol!

Just remember, If you take one this year, at some point he will take someone else, and on and on.. I'm somewhat of a slow learner I guess, and I've screwed up quite a few spots over the years. I took one friend/neighbor to a special spot to bow hunt deer. Come rifle hunt he had, and I'm not kidding, about 30 people in there for a family reunion. Of course then it became their spot year after year. I just stopped going there. It's a tough call. If I want to hunt your "spot", just tell them all you already have plans for opening days, and you can take one or two of them "somewhere" else later in the hunt. That way you are not turning them down and making family waves, but they will most likely not want to go later, anyway. Good luck with a touchy situation.
Take them to an area you don't hunt. If they kill an animal great and if they don't they probably won't invite themselves again. Just don't show them your best spot because the next year they will bring their friends and your area will be ruined
Tell um what you think or you will pay for it later. And the sooner you tell um the better.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Hopefully for you they have not found yet, otherwise you would be a real


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I think the folks that invite themselves are .......well, not decent folk. I'm a big believer that, if you make it early enough, cold enough and physically demanding enough, they will never come.

You can also DEMAND that all hunters help carry in water, food & supplies sometime prior to the hunt.....back to early enough, hard enough etc.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Beware!!! 3 years ago my buddy shot a monster buck on the muzzy hunt. The next year, a mutual friend of ours invited himself to tag along with him and he reluctantly agreed. Well the moocher went up and got oriented nice and good. Then last year, he went up with all his other buddies and shot a few nice bucks.

There's some things in life that are completely sacred and need to be treated as such.

By the way, the guy, (who is like the camel in the tent) wanted me to take him fishing on some of my favorite stretches of river. Needless to say, after hearing how he treated our mutual friend, I'll tell him to bite me.

If I were you, ide take them to some of my past haunts, ones that were good to you in the past but you have since moved on to the better areas you found through your time in the field. Or ide scout out a few places with sign of deer, and take them there. Once anybody hunts a certain area long enough they will figure out what the deer do and where they are at for themselves. Its hunting, thats the name of the game. You gotta search for whatever it is your after. DO NOT lead them to your "go to" area. Its your family, point them in a good general direction, but avoid your spot like the plague!
I was gonna invite myself to one of Bbop's hunts once. I did not want to impose so I came to a moral compromise and put a DEA tracker on his pisscuttin' rig. Now I don't bother hunting there because I sell his maps and can afford to buy landowner tags. :)

Now back to a serious answer to the question. Hunter's are a dying breed and have more and more legal and voter opposition every year. I don't think it would be a terrible idea to take the high road and help them out with perhaps one of your less favorite spots.

Everyone of us started somewhere. Some were more fortunate than others and got an early start hunting with dad, uncle, ect. Even under the best of circumstances, not even private property is going to keep someone from discovering your spots. It is a double edged sword no doubt.
I pretty fact almost always hunt alone, i've had guys try to invite themselves and i usually just tell them that i like to hunt alone...which i do. That way i don't have to worry about what they might want to do, listen to them all day, i can put up with myself but there are very few that i even think about taking with me besides my sons.

You can either take them to somewhere that you don't hunt anymore, take them to the nastiest hell hole you know of and tell them "thats where were going boys..up there, cmon, get your packs and lets go"!! they probably won't want to go ever again and it will only cost you 1 day of hiking. Or just flat out tell them that your only taking who you want because thats the way you want it. They will either accept it (probably not), or they will be mad for a get to do what you want and thats not take them.
Lol 1911!!!

GAWD what I'd of gave for one of them JOKERS you sold the Maps to,to show up & help out on an 8 hour Drag!:D

Alot of work,We call it Fun,Hopefully I'll be draggin another PISSCUTTER out of the Back Woods again soon!

GAWD what a Guy will do for a PISSCUTTER!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I don't know whats wrong with the high road either.

You don't have to put them on your best spots, but take them.

Probably win some points with the wifey too, especialy if she knows the backstory and that you chose to help.

Hell of an example to the young one you are trying to mentor too.

I'd just explain the situation to him straight up. I took a good friend to my antelope area years ago. The next year he and some of his buds all showed up. 5 of them. When I pointed out I was somewhat unhappy (extremely pissed off), he was smart enough to recognize what he did. If your relatives are any kind of hunters at all, they'll understand. mtmuley
NEVER take them to a Remotely good spot take them to a Hellhole.
I once took a couple of guys to a good place in the dark(1 1/2 hr walk in) as it got light they told me if I would took them in during the daylight they never would came, it was too steep and scary for them they wanted to leave with in a hour and never asked to go back and it's still a good hunting spot.

So I would take them on a LOOOONG walk in the dark and sit overlooking some huge canyon and tell them that is where we find the big ones let head down into hells canyon and see if anything is there,if they are already tired they just might quit right then.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If you feel strongly that you are being imposed upon and truly have no desire to take them out, then it would be best from the start to be forthright with them and tell them so, explaining to them your reasons. In most instances, people will understand and appreciate your honesty. To otherwise go about to intentionally mislead them into having a miserable time is wrong IMO. I know it would trouble me.

I feel you. This is messed up.

You only get so many elk tags. Are you willing to risk one, or more? Nothing builds resentment like someone f*ing up your best hunting spot. If they imposed, they likely don't know what they are asking.

Then again, you gotta live with your wife for the rest of the year.

Here's my excuse - I can't take you to spots that were showed to me in confidence. Sometimes a little white lie saves a lot of hardship.

Good luck
What i would do is start looking at maps finding some new areas you would like to scout. I would invite them to go out everytime with me. If there serious they will go with you and have a hell of time hopefully finding good animals. If not when it come time to go hunting ask them how they would feel if you done the same to them. Make sure they know whats going on and give them a chance. After all they are family. Who knows down the road you guys be hunting buddies and maybe youll want to share them spots after a few years.
Take them along, make them comfortable and point them in any direction except the honey hole. Be straight up and tell them how things are. Obviously they don't understand that if you have to ask to be invited to the "spot" it was never a consideration to begin with.

Keep in mind this goes both ways, I've given up some decent deer, elk and waterfowl spots. I know if I ever needed help it's pretty much one phone call away. I'll guarantee next year when I have that Wasatch Stinky Tag in hand plenty of phones will be ringing.

I can honestly say I have only had the favor not returned one time.
Lesson learned with this individual. Won't happen with him again.

I must admit, I am a little more than taken back by some of the responses around here. Karma is a funny thing and has a way of coming around full circle like a boomerang.

Taking someone on a Bataan Death March through a hell hole for the intended purpose of ruining them for hunting is hardly sportsman behavior and passes way beyond the border of being a first class jerk. Anyone who honestly feels that way should grow a pair if they are ever in this situation and just say no. Nobody in their right mind would want to be around someone with that mentality anyway.
I think you better be honest with them all. Tell the nephew he is still invited, the invitation was for him only.

Then take just him to some place that is ok and you won't care if he ends up taking his dad and everyone else to it. Swear the kid to secrecy about your "ok" spot. If he proves he can keep a secret then keep taking him.

Tell the rest to kiss off.
I see all the posts and you all have good ideas. Here's my 2 cents.

Too many people don't know how to keep there mouths shut when someone helps the out. I have a bit of first-hand experience with this so if and when someone helps me, the areas are still theirs and are held secret! It's a matter of respect!

As for family, that's a tough one. As I it see you only have 2 choices. Either respectfully decline to take them or take them but have the "talk" before the hunt so when you return you don't find them invading you honey-hole next year.

With that said, lots of people are willing to help when good tags are drawn and any help with areas given or received should be private. Period.

Interesting change of events.

After I had finally convinced myself that good karma would be worth taking them. I was not willing to take them to my best spots, but I would make a sacrifice none the less. They put in for the wrong area. On top of that its an area I know nothing about.
No one, on my wifes side of the family, is aware of the mental battle I was having with myself. I always try to do the right thing, but unfortunatly its not always easy. Maybe this will be my lucky year after all. I just hope I didnt use all my luck avoiding family quarrels. I sure as hell didnt use it up in the draws this year.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
You dodged a bullet on that one. Dealing with family is always a "mental battle", as you put it.
Brace yourself for next year! LOL
Looks like things turned out okay for you.

I have this happen to me a lot with people asking to come along, or inviting themselves to hunt with me. Typically I choose a spot that is a big hike, that I haven't had much success with and I take them there. Usually they either don't want to go all the way to where I want to go, or never go back in there again because they say it's too hard. The truth is that most people who fantasize about hunting aren't willing to put in the work to be consistently successful at it.

Haha, fortunately karma doesnt exist, its very much mythical, so you are in good shape with what ever desicion you make. Just dont piss em off because they will report to wifey.
Took a "buddy" of mine three years ago to my elk holes. The next year, he self invited his dad and he got lost and found by search and rescue after ruining the whole hunt. Last year, his dad (same one that got lost keep in mind) drew the late tag for the unit (Manti) with 0 points. Had to go help them the last weekend because they were having no luck. After he flock shooted two bulls I found(luckily one ran over the ridge and a tag punched on him by another hunter) afterwords laughing how he has a treadmill in the basement and never used it because he wanted one by the road. The guy is morbidly obese. On the stop for lunch on the way home, my buddys dad told his other son to start coming elk hunting. Had to put an end to it and politely told him I was DIY this year just me and my family.
if you dont have the courae to say no than dont take them to your good spots because alot of people dont know the courtesy of not hunting in someones spot that they were shown. they may become regulars and even tell people of the areas. fastest way to ruin your honey hole!
theox is correct.

On limited entry tag it isn't as big of an issue but on the others it's a big problem.

What am I saying? THEY'RE ALL LE TAGS NOW!


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